

//Ashley Chan
//Section C
// Project-09-Portrait

var portrait;

var particles = []; 

function preload () {
    var portraitURL = "";
    portrait = loadImage(portraitURL);


function setup() {
   createCanvas(230, 300);

    //draw a cloud of particles that will draw face
    for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {

        //drawing a bunch of new particles and having them start at random origins
        particles[i] = new Particle(random(width), random(height));




function draw() {
    //image(portrait, 0, 0);

       //draw a bunch of pixels
       for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {

//define the pixel particles
function Particle(x, y) {

    //controls positions
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    //controls sizes of ellipses
    this.r = random(1, 10);

    //new pixel particles drawn in random directions within 5 pixel radius
    this.update = function() {
        this.x += random(-5, 5);
        this.y += random(-5, 5);

    //physical appearence of pixel particles and associated constraints = function() {
        //setting parameters to draw using color of pixels in image
        var ix = constrain(floor(this.x), 0, width-1);
        var iy = constrain(floor(this.y), 0, height-1);
        var col = portrait.get(ix, iy);

        //getting the pixel particle to draw using color of pixels in image
        fill(col[0], col[1], col[2]);
        rect(this.x, this.y, this.r, this.r);

        //sets default forces to pixel particles to mimic brush strokes 
        //rather than random pointalism
        var pxv = random(-1, 1); //velocity of x
        var pyv = random(-1, 1); //velocity of y
        var drag = 1; //force that pushes in opposite direction of velocity

        //applies forces
        this.x += pxv;
        this.y += pyv;

         pxv -= pxv * pxv * drag;
         pyv -= pyv * pyv * drag;

        //if pixel particles exceeds canvas height, reset to origin
        if (this.y > height) {

            this.x = 0;
            this.y = 0;


For this project I was really inspired by Dan Shiffman’s Painting with Pixels video where you can recapture videos by using a painterly effect to replicate the image. To make it my own creation, I applied what we learned in lecture about forces to manipulate the pixels to “paint” with specific directions, sizes and motions.

Here are some process shots:

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