Project-10 Thomas Wrabetz

The landscape is space with planets that have varying orbiting moons.

//Thomas Wrabetz
//Section C

planetArray = [];
planetFrames = 0;
planetFrequency = 110;

function stepPlanet()
    this.x += this.xspeed;
    this.y += this.yspeed;
    return ((this.x < width + this.radius * 2) & (this.y < height + this.radius * 2) && (this.y > 0));

function drawPlanet()
    translate( this.x, this.y );
    rotate( this.tilt );
    for( var i = 0; i < this.moonArray.length; i++ )
        val = (this.moonArray[i].orbitFrames * this.moonArray[i].orbitSpeed) % TWO_PI;
        if( val < PI / 2 || val > 3 * PI / 2 )
            this.moonArray[i].draw( this );
    fill( this.planetColor );
    ellipse( 0, 0, this.radius, this.radius );
    fill( this.ringColor );
    ellipse( 0, 0, this.radius * this.ringWidth, this.radius * this.ringWidth / 10 );
    fill( this.planetColor );
    ellipse( 0, 0, this.radius * (this.ringWidth - 1) / 2 + this.radius, this.radius * (this.ringWidth - 1) / 20 );
    fill( 0 );
    arc( this.radius / 2, 0, this.radius * (this.ringWidth - 1) / 2, this.radius * (this.ringWidth - 1) / 20, -HALF_PI, HALF_PI);
    arc( -this.radius / 2, 0, this.radius * (this.ringWidth - 1) / 2, this.radius * (this.ringWidth - 1) / 20, HALF_PI, PI+HALF_PI);
    fill( this.planetColor );
    arc( 0, 0, this.radius, this.radius, PI, TWO_PI );
    for( var j = 0; j < this.moonArray.length; j++ )
        val = (this.moonArray[j].orbitFrames * this.moonArray[j].orbitSpeed) % TWO_PI;
        if( val > PI / 2 & val < 3 * PI / 2 )
            this.moonArray[j].draw( this );

function makePlanet()
    planet = { radius: random( 50, 125 ), x: 0, y: 0, 
               planetColor: color( random(256), random(256), random(256) ), ringColor: color( random(256), random(256), random(256), ), ringWidth: random( 1.15, 2 ), 
               tilt: random( 360 ), xspeed: random( 0.75, 2 ), yspeed: random( -0.5, 0.5 ), moonArray: [], draw: drawPlanet, step: stepPlanet };
    numMoons = random( -2, 4.5 );
    for( var i = 0; i < numMoons; i++ )
        planet.moonArray.push( makeMoon() );
    planet.y = random( planet.radius, width - planet.radius );
    planet.x = - planet.radius * 2;
    return planet;

function drawMoon( planet )
    moonDist = planet.radius * this.orbitDistance * sin( this.orbitFrames * this.orbitSpeed );
    moonPerp = planet.radius * this.orbitDistance * cos( this.orbitFrames * this.orbitSpeed ) * this.orbitAxis2;
    sizeModifier = 1 - cos( this.orbitFrames * this.orbitSpeed )/4;
    moonX = moonDist * cos( this.orbitAxis ) - moonPerp * sin( this.orbitAxis );
    moonY = moonDist * sin( this.orbitAxis ) + moonPerp * cos( this.orbitAxis );
    fill( this.moonColor );
    ellipse( moonX, moonY, this.radius * sizeModifier, this.radius * sizeModifier );

function makeMoon()
    moon = { radius: random( 10, 20 ), orbitSpeed: random( 0.025, 0.05 ), orbitDistance: random( 1, 2 ), orbitAxis: random(0,TWO_PI), orbitAxis2: random(0,1), orbitFrames: 0,
             moonColor: random( 125, 255 ), draw: drawMoon };
    return moon;

function setup()
    createCanvas( 480, 480 );

function draw()
    background( 0 );
    if( planetFrames <= 0 )
        planetArray.push( makePlanet() );
        planetFrames = random( 90, 130 );
    for( var i = 0; i < planetArray.length; i++ )
        if( !planetArray[i].step() )
            planetArray.splice( i, 1 );
            i -= 1;

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