jdperez Project 12 – Project Proposal

For my final project, I’d like to propose a generative landscape at a more detailed and complex scale than our prior project. Specifically, there are a number of aspects that I’d like to implement into this animation.

One, I plan on using L-systems to generate some of the shapes implemented into the terrain. Perhaps most obviously plants, but also on a more abstract level, L-systems could be used to generate interesting backgrounds/horizons.

Two, I want this project to be distinct from our prior project in the sense that the program will generate a singular landscape that the “player” can roam around in. I like the idea of creating a space that is constant, since then there can be much more attention to detail by the audience. Also, with a scrolling generated landscape, there is no stillness…  and I think stillness is a quality I enjoy in artwork, and look to implement in my own.

Three (though this is more of an optional aspect), I am considering making my landscape a sort of collage, or mixed media landscape. I mean this in the sense that I would create physical objects that I then take pictures of to implement into the animation. This idea was largely inspired by Samorost 3: an artistic video game, actually largely renown for its soundtrack.

A screenshot from Samorost 3, showing the main character interacting with some kind of anteater
A stylized turtle sitting on the edge of a comet that is actually a root system of some sort of massive tree.

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