keuchuka – final project

The video shows how the program should work – words said include “wind” “phone” “black” “yellow” “sock” “shoe” “roof” “ceiling” “cold” “warm” “wind” “water”.

I was trying to create some kind of fuzzy text or spoken word visualizer/analyzer, in a compositional landscape, using the p5.Speech library.
The width of the grayscale boxes is according to the letter of the word.
The morse code is a translation of the letters.
The text is a fuzzy recognition of the words, stretches according to the amplitude.
The ellipses are a representation of amplitude.
The voice recognition does not work too well, but overall I’m satisfied with the effect.

The project requires a local server to run due to the microphone components.
1. Download and extract FINAL PROJECT
2. Install node js
3. type npm install -g http-server into node terminal and enter
4. cd the extracted folder and enter
5. type http-server -c-1 and enter
6. node terminal will give you links
7. enter the link into a browser
8. file should run!

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