//Fon Euchukanonchai
//15-104 Section A
var plates = [];
var plates2 = [];
var plates3 = [];
var sushi = [];
var sushi2 = [];
var sushi3 = [];
var salmon;
var roe;
var egg;
var seaweed;
//preload all images of sushi and gradients
function preload(){
var bgLink = ""
var bar1Link = ""
var bar2Link = ""
var bar3Link = ""
var salmonLink = ""
var roeLink = ""
var eggLink = ""
var seaweedLink = ""
salmon = loadImage(salmonLink)
roe = loadImage(roeLink)
egg = loadImage(eggLink)
seaweed = loadImage(seaweedLink)
bg = loadImage(bgLink)
bar1 = loadImage(bar1Link)
bar2 = loadImage(bar2Link)
bar3 = loadImage(bar3Link)
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 360)
//make new plates for first belt
function makenewPlates(){
//even-ish chance of getting different types of sushi
if(random(0,2)<0.0025 & random(0,2)> 0.000){
plates.push(new makePlates(width,60, -6, 3.5));
sushi.push(new makeSushi(width-30, 40, -6, 3.5, salmon))
} else if(random(0,2)<0.005 & random(0,2)> 0.0025) {
plates.push(new makePlates(width,60, -6, 3.5));
sushi.push(new makeSushi(width-30, 40, -6, 3.5, egg))
} else if(random(0,2)<0.0075 & random(0,2)> 0.005) {
plates.push(new makePlates(width,60, -6, 3.5));
sushi.push(new makeSushi(width-30, 40, -6, 3.5, roe))
} else if(random(0,2)<0.01 & random(0,2)> 0.075) {
plates.push(new makePlates(width,60, -6, 3.5));
sushi.push(new makeSushi(width-30, 40, -6, 3.5, seaweed))
//make new plates for second belt
function makenewPlates2(){
if(random(0,2)<0.0025 & random(0,2)> 0.000){
plates2.push(new makePlates(93,0, 5, 3));
sushi2.push(new makeSushi(63, -25, 5, 3, salmon))
} else if(random(0,2)<0.005 & random(0,2)> 0.0025) {
plates2.push(new makePlates(93,0, 5, 3));
sushi2.push(new makeSushi(63, -25, 5, 3, egg))
} else if(random(0,2)<0.0075 & random(0,2)> 0.005) {
plates2.push(new makePlates(93,0, 5, 3));
sushi2.push(new makeSushi(63, -25, 5, 3, roe))
} else if(random(0,2)<0.01 & random(0,2)> 0.075) {
plates2.push(new makePlates(93,0, 5, 3));
sushi2.push(new makeSushi(63, -25, 5, 3, seaweed))
//make new plates for third belt
function makenewPlates3(){
if(random(0,2)<0.0025 & random(0,2)> 0.000){
plates3.push(new makePlates(0, 170, 6, -3.5));
sushi3.push(new makeSushi(-30, 150, 6, -3.5, salmon))
} else if(random(0,2)<0.005 & random(0,2)> 0.0025) {
plates3.push(new makePlates(0, 170, 6, -3.5));
sushi3.push(new makeSushi(-30, 150, 6, -3.5, egg))
} else if(random(0,2)<0.0075 & random(0,2)> 0.005) {
plates3.push(new makePlates(0, 170, 6, -3.5));
sushi3.push(new makeSushi(-30, 150, 6, -3.5, roe))
} else if(random(0,2)<0.01 & random(0,2)> 0.075) {
plates3.push(new makePlates(0, 170, 6, -3.5));
sushi3.push(new makeSushi(-30, 150, 6, -3.5, seaweed))
function draw(){
// sushi travels slowly
//background image
image(bg, 0,0)
//call to push plates into array
//conveyor belt 1
image(bar1, 0,0)
//move and display sushi and plates in first set of array
for (var i = 0; i < plates.length; i++){
//conveyor belt 2
image(bar2, 0,0)
//move and display sushi and plates in second set of array
for (var i = 0; i < plates2.length; i++){
//conveyor belt 3
image(bar3, 0,0)
//move and display sushi and plates in third set of array
for (var i = 0; i < plates3.length; i++){
// constructing the plates and their behavior
function makePlates(makeX, makeY, speedX, speedY){
this.x = makeX
this.y = makeY
this.Xspeed = speedX
this.Yspeed = speedY
this.color = color(255,0,0)
this.move = function() {
this.x += this.Xspeed
this.y += this.Yspeed
this.display = function(){
fill(170, 170, 170);
ellipse(this.x-5, this.y+12, 102, 57)
fill(199, 222, 202)
ellipse(this.x, this.y+2, 113,66)
fill(240, 249, 250)
ellipse(this.x, this.y, 113, 66)
ellipse(this.x, this.y, 95, 56)
fill(240, 249, 250)
ellipse(this.x, this.y+3, 89, 51)
// constructing the different sushis and their behavior
function makeSushi(makeX, makeY, speedX, speedY, top){
this.x = makeX
this.y = makeY = top
this.Xspeed = speedX
this.Yspeed = speedY
this.color = color(255,0,0)
this.move = function() {
this.x += this.Xspeed
this.y += this.Yspeed
this.display = function(){
image(,this.x, this.y)
initial sketches
I didn’t really want a traditional landscape, so I thought about representing either faces or food. The phrase “stuff passing by” really reminded me of a sushi conveyor belt, so I decided to use that as my landscape. Having one felt like the conveyor belt was more an object, therefore I made three in order to make the piece a bit more spatial and landscape-y. I started by drawing the bars and sushi itself with code, but it wasn’t too efficient and I couldn’t get to the level of detail I wanted. I ended up drawing it somewhere else and animating it with p5. The result is some abstract land with some sushi flying around on colorful carousels.