

//Hannah Kim
//Section A

var eyeHeight = 40;
var eyeWidth = 42;
var pupil = 5;
var mouthHeight = 10;
var mouthWidth= 20;
var tentacleHeight= 10

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
background(210, 134, 136);
var bodyColor = color(188, 81, 81);
var darkestColor= color(62, 25, 26);
var tentacleColor= color(81, 40, 40);
var white= color(254, 218, 233);
var black= color(16, 0, 1);

//body curve
curveVertex(270, 600);
curveVertex(259, 300);
curveVertex(240, 136);
curveVertex(263, 71);
curveVertex(352, 54);
curveVertex(397, 98);
curveVertex(398, 142);
curveVertex(378, 262);
curveVertex(374, 700);

//left tentacles
ellipse(158, 348, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(161, 330, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(171, 314, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(187, 308, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(197, 286, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(209, 273, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(228, 273, 10, tentacleHeight);

//right tentacles
ellipse(407, 276, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(429, 281, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(435, 276, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(447, 298, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(465, 312, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(477, 338, 10, tentacleHeight);
ellipse(479, 363, 10, tentacleHeight);

//front 2 legs
curveVertex(259, 300);
curveVertex(259, 300);
curveVertex(279, 415);
curveVertex(274, 400);
curveVertex(275, 381);
curveVertex(272, 358);
curveVertex(246, 315);
curveVertex(244, 281);
curveVertex(317, 239);
curveVertex(389, 265);
curveVertex(391, 319);
curveVertex(373, 345);
curveVertex(365, 377);
curveVertex(363, 405);
curveVertex(357, 419);
curveVertex(348, 362);
curveVertex(365, 311);
curveVertex(318, 277);
curveVertex(276, 296);
curveVertex(280, 325);
curveVertex(288, 370);
curveVertex(283, 410);
curveVertex(280, 418);
curveVertex(276, 417);

//left leg
curveVertex(400, 234);
curveVertex(265, 232);
curveVertex(204, 232);
curveVertex(180, 256);
curveVertex(166, 288);
curveVertex(152, 299);
curveVertex(142, 329);
curveVertex(156, 380);
curveVertex(157, 378);
curveVertex(160, 333);
curveVertex(175, 314);
curveVertex(198, 287);
curveVertex(222, 270);
curveVertex(262, 273);
curveVertex(400, 275);

//right leg
curveVertex(300, 240);
curveVertex(372, 245);
curveVertex(435, 230);
curveVertex(458, 244);
curveVertex(462, 274);
curveVertex(473, 290);
curveVertex(497, 322);
curveVertex(482, 383);
curveVertex(480, 379);
curveVertex(470, 316);
curveVertex(441, 289);
curveVertex(405, 275);
curveVertex(381, 270);
curveVertex(350, 275);

//left eye white
ellipse(295, 195, eyeWidth, eyeHeight);

//left eye pupil
ellipse(295, 195, pupil, pupil);

//right eye white
ellipse(348, 194, eyeWidth, eyeHeight);

//right eye pupil
ellipse(348, 194, pupil, pupil);

ellipse(320, 230, mouthWidth, mouthHeight);

//left brow
strokeWeight (3);
line(270, 170, 286, 165);

//right brow
strokeWeight (3);
line(351, 163, 365, 169);

function mousePressed() {
    eyeHeight = random(30, 55);
    eyeWidth = random(20, 60);
    pupil = random(2, 10);
    eyeSize = random(10, 30);
    mouthHeight = random(4, 30);
    tentacleHeight = random(10, 20);

This project was pretty fun for me. Since it was my first time working with the curve function, it got frustrating at times, but I am pretty happy with how the curves and the changing shapes on the octopus turned out.

Hannah Kim- Looking Outwards- 02

The project I chose is called “Boil Up” by Robert Hodgin, 2013. The project is a group dynamics simulation work that aims to replicate the behaviors of frenzied fish in plankton rich waters. Hodgin managed to simulate these behaviors, such as flocking, predator and obstacle avoidance, and pursuit, using code in complex 3D models. Hodgin claims that the task was particularly difficult because he had to figure out how to organize the fish and keep them corralled, without feeling like he was imposing unnatural restrictions on their behavior. I can really see Hodgin’s realistic artistic sensibilities coming out in his algorithms, seeing that he went from working with mathematical shapes, to pushing realistic and complex 3D models. I really admire this about his work, and how he was able to manipulate code to simulate such a complex and specific action/behavior. Seeing the result is surreal, and I really feel as if I am in the middle of this crazy fish feeding session, watching the animals swim around me.

Here is a link to the video:

Shark cam from flight404 on Vimeo.

hannahk2- Project-01


//Hannah Kim
//Section A

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    background(0, 38, 74);

function draw() {
	//triangle top
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	triangle(205, 176, 268, 237, 416, 322);

	//head curve
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	triangle(224, 186, 259, 255, 293, 217);

	//head triangle
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	triangle(212, 243, 161, 306, 239, 308);

	//hair top curve
	bezier(203, 180, 294, 177, 390, 231, 438, 300);

	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	ellipse(293, 308, 276, 176);

	//top quad cover
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	quad(233, 196, 250, 297, 410, 378, 350, 222);

	//hair mid section quad
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	quad(158, 293, 128, 426, 466, 463, 413, 322);

	//bottom hair curve
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	bezier(130, 403, 77, 457, 168, 467, 363, 447);

	fill(214, 219, 223);
	ellipse(291, 375, 242, 185);

	fill(214, 219, 223);
	triangle(291, 271, 214, 343, 366, 331);

	//right eye
	fill(238, 249, 236);
	stroke(0, 38, 74);
	ellipse(426, 377, 166, 150);

	//left eye
	fill(238, 249, 236);
	stroke(0, 38, 74);
	ellipse(200, 366, 166, 150);

	//right pupil
	fill(0, 0, 0);
	stroke(0, 38, 74);
	ellipse(434, 379, 91, 92);

	//left pupil
	fill(0, 0, 0);
	stroke(0, 38, 74);
	ellipse(200, 379, 91, 92);

	//top lip
	fill(147, 221, 220)
	ellipse(330, 415, 64, 18);

	//bottom lip
	fill(45, 198, 214)
	ellipse(330, 435, 64, 16);


This project was very hard for me as it was one of my first times coding. I am kind of embarrassed with my results, and had a very difficult time forming some shapes such as curves and whatnot, but once I learn how to use the different shape functions better, I think i will be able to make more successful drawings.

Hannahk2 – Looking Outwards – 01

The project that I chose is a light installation project by the Seoul based duo artists, Kimchi and Chips. The project creates volumetric drawings in the air, using hundreds of coordinated video projections. In this sculptural work, light projections are made to merge in a field of fog to form animated, physical shapes. 8 video projectors are split into 630 sub-projectors using a combination of concave mirrors– designed using artificial nature algorithms, and each mirror is computationally generated to create a group that comes together to form the single shape in the air. What inspires me about this project is the fact that these artists are basically materializing objects from light, something that is not exactly tangible. The result is surreal and visceral, due to the addition of sound and the set up of the installation. I also respect the exactness of the calculations required to make the projections work: to merge the light beams together, the path of each of the 16 million pixel beams had to individually be measured. The project could have been more effective maybe if they were able to create more complex shapes and movements, but it is extremely impressive already in the way that it is playing with the boundary between material and non-materials, and existence and absence. This project was part of a series of 3 works which materialize 3 dimensional sculptures through different uses of light. Other works in the series include showing depth with many illuminated nylon strings.

Here is the link: http://www.creativeapplications.net/vvvv/the-light-barrier-third-edition-drawings-volumes-in-the-air-with-light/

the team attaching tape to the mirror structure

farming windows

the view of the mirror structure

a view of the light projections