juyeonk – project02 – face


var eyeSize = 20;
var upperfaceWidth = 180;
var lowerfaceWidth = 160;
var faceHeight = 240;
var eyelength = 25;
var eyewidth = 25
var earheight = 50;
var noseheight = 70;
var nostrilsize = 15;
var hornheight = 90;
var faceR = 0;
var faceG = 0;
var faceB = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
    background(96, 158, 81);
    var lefteyeposition = width/2 - upperfaceWidth*0.25;
    var righteyeposition = width/2 + upperfaceWidth*0.25;
    var eyeposition = height/2 - faceHeight*0.25;
    //face of the horse
    fill(109 + faceR, 83 + faceG, 43 + faceB);
    quad(width/2 - upperfaceWidth/2, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 + upperfaceWidth /2, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 + lowerfaceWidth/4, height/2 + faceHeight/2, width/2 - lowerfaceWidth/4, height/2 + faceHeight/2);
    //left ear
    fill(109 + faceR, 83 + faceG, 43 + faceB);
    triangle(width/2 - upperfaceWidth/2, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 - upperfaceWidth/2 + 0.25 * upperfaceWidth, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 - upperfaceWidth/2 + 0.125 * upperfaceWidth, earheight);
    //left inner ear
    triangle(width/2 - upperfaceWidth/2 + 5, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 - upperfaceWidth/2 + 0.25 * upperfaceWidth - 5, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 - upperfaceWidth/2 + 0.125 * upperfaceWidth, earheight * 1.25);
    //right ear
    fill(109 + faceR, 83 + faceG, 43 + faceB);
    triangle(width/2 + upperfaceWidth/2, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 + upperfaceWidth/2 - 0.25 * upperfaceWidth, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 + upperfaceWidth/2 - 0.125 * upperfaceWidth, 50);
    //right inner ear
    triangle(width/2 + upperfaceWidth/2 - 5, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 + upperfaceWidth/2 - 0.25 * upperfaceWidth + 5, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 + upperfaceWidth/2 - 0.125 * upperfaceWidth, earheight * 1.25);
    //left eye
    ellipse(lefteyeposition, eyeposition, eyewidth, eyelength);
    //right eye
    ellipse(righteyeposition, eyeposition, eyewidth, eyelength);
    fill(56, 45, 27);
    ellipse(width/2, height/2 + faceHeight/2, lowerfaceWidth * 0.7, noseheight);
    //left nostril
    ellipse(width/2 - 0.1 * lowerfaceWidth, height/2 + faceHeight/2, nostrilsize, nostrilsize * 1.3);
    //right nostril
    ellipse(width/2 + 0.1 * lowerfaceWidth, height/2 + faceHeight/2, nostrilsize, nostrilsize * 1.3);
    //unicorn's horn
    triangle(width/2, height/2 - faceHeight/2 - hornheight, width/2 - 0.1 * upperfaceWidth, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 + 0.1 * upperfaceWidth, height/2 - faceHeight/2);


function mousePressed() {
    hornheight = random(0, 100);
    upperfaceWidth = random(180, 220);
    lowerfaceWidth = random(140, 240);
    faceHeight = random(220, 260);
    nostrilsize = random(15, 20);
    eyewidth = random(20, 50);
    eyelength = random(20, 30);
    faceR = random(0, 40);
    faceG = random(0, 40);
    faceB = random(0, 40);

I tried to program it so that the species of the horse would change when you click on it.
At first I tried to input three types of horses: a regular one, a unicorn, and a pegasus to make the horn pop up if the horse is a unicorn and make the wings pop up if the horse is a pegasus. But I had some trouble incorporating conditionals with the mouthpressed function, so I had to be satisfied with the changes in color of the horse’s skin and the and the sizes of its features. I made the range for the value of the hornheight 0-100 so that the horse would sometimes look like it doesn’t have a horn, but I hope I could make that happen by using conditionals.

juyeonk-Looking Outwards-02

Creator: Julius Popp
Title: Bit.Flow
Year of Creation: 2008
Link to the project: https://collabcubed.com/2012/01/09/julius-popp-bit-fall-bit-code-bit-flow/

Julius Popp’s Bit.Flow is an installation where a machine pumps a small amount of liquids into a 45-m long, intertwined tube with specific time intervals. At first, the manner in which these liquids are pumped seem disorderly and chaotic, but at some point, these small pumps of liquid at different parts of the tube line up in an orderly fashion to form a certain letter. The letter then quickly disintegrates back into a chaos until another letter pops up among the seemingly random movements of the liquids.

There are multiple variations to this project: it could be hung from the wall as well as laid on the floor. Different colors of the liquid and shapes of the tube could be used.

The part that intrigued me the most was how computer generated programs were used to not only to pump the liquid at a very precise time intervals that enabled the letters to pop up at a certain time and place but also to reenact the random motions that seem to be able to exist only in the non-digital realm. In general, I enjoyed the little discoveries of order among the chaotic movements of the liquids. It seemed magical that these letters were popping out of nowhere without any patterns or warnings.

My guess is that an algorithm is set up to control the time at which the machine pumps out the liquids. These time intervals probably vary from a project to project according to the shape and the length of the tube.

Along with his other well-known project, Bit.Fall, Bit.Flow is supposed to represent how quickly the things that are important to us change, and how fast the things that were important to us become meaningless. According to Popp, these works symbolize the personhood that “changes permanently” as well as the cultures that is “changing the whole time”.

Image result for julius popp bit flow



juyeonk-Looking Outwards-01

Creator: Paige Smith

Title: Urban Geodes

Year of Creation: 2012~

Link to the project: http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2017/09/crystalline-artworks-by-paige-smith/

Urban Geode by Paige Smith is a set of projects created by filling in the gaps and cracks of the urban structures with paper-folded geodes. These projects not only turn the ugly faults on the buildings in to a piece of artwork, but also bring nature into the urban landscape by introducing the organic form of the geodes’ natural growth. The geodes appear in various colors including bright purple, pink and yellow, and are intended to give these holes more liveliness than the monotonous speckle that is usually used to repair them. The main purpose of the project, according to Smith, is to signify the beauty of the urban landscape and to discover beauty in the mundane. These installations could be found in San Francisco, Madrid, Philadelphia, Dubai, Mali, Istanbul, but most notably in Los Angeles.

I found it interesting that this project used perhaps the most ‘unartistic’ setting to create the artwork. Cracks and rifts along the buildings and sidewalks are something that we hardly recognize as beautiful; if anything, they represent the destruction of the hard work by architects and urban planners. But by filling them in with beautiful crystalline structure, Paige showed the extent to which media outside of the convention could be used to convey that seemingly frivolous and ugly features could be turned into a work of art.







function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 720);

    var dir = 1;
    var speed = 0.4;
    var diam = 50;


function draw() {
    background(140, 196, 249,);
    //sun and the clouds

    scale(0.91, 0.91);
    fill(254, 194, 15);
    noStroke ();
    ellipse(158.31,130.26, diam, diam);

    diam += dir * speed;
    if (diam > 147) {
        dir = -dir;
        diam = 147;
    } else if (diam < 120) {
        dir = -dir;
        diam = 120;

    fill (255, 200);
    triangle (56.98, 171.1, 43.35, 222.62, 126.3, 187.65);
    fill(39, 170, 225);
    triangle(77, 163, 48, 203, 158, 169);
    fill(255, 180);
    triangle(132.6, 221, 92, 177, 204, 154); 
    fill (255, 200);
    triangle (56.98, 171.1, 43.35, 222.62, 126.3, 187.65);
    fill(122, 199, 226);
    triangle(121, 184, 177, 226, 231, 188);
    fill(255, 220);
    triangle(200, 145.5, 151, 221, 278, 183);
    fill(30, 67, 132, 140);
    triangle(147, 180, 262, 230, 203, 163);
    triangle(391.96, 316.21, 413.86, 308.32, 440.01, 321.4);
    fill(180, 130, 140);
    triangle(331.78, 295.69, 335.27, 303.7, 348.63, 302.17);
    triangle(331.78, 295.69, 343.28, 290.7, 348.63, 302.17);
    triangle(348.63, 302.17, 343.28, 290.7, 360.7, 305.93);
    triangle(355.2, 294.47, 343.28, 290.7, 360.7, 305.93);
    fill(190, 140, 140);
    triangle(390.92, 333.33, 335.59, 363.51, 400, 389.94);
    triangle(400, 389.94, 361.67, 398.56, 351.03, 384.26)
    fill(78, 49, 30);
    triangle(335.59, 363.51, 335.59, 384.26, 361.67, 398.56);
    triangle(335.59, 363.51, 400, 389.94, 351.03, 384.26);
    triangle(420.29, 192.24, 442.13, 269.25, 407.64, 216.38);
    fill(38, 33, 29);
    triangle(420.29, 192.24, 442.13, 269.25, 522.29, 312.93);
    fill(20, 20, 17);
    triangle(420.29, 192.24, 482.36, 211.78, 522.29, 312.93);
    triangle(482.36, 211.78, 522.29, 312.93, 537.53, 269.25);
    fill(53, 33, 26);
    triangle(537.53, 269.25, 522.29, 312.93, 619.14, 541.67);
    fill(77, 37, 23);
    triangle(522.29, 312.93, 515.69, 433.62, 619.14, 541.67);
    fill(93, 47, 25);
    triangle(442.13, 269.25, 522.29, 312.93, 515.69, 433.62);
    fill(42, 18, 13);
    triangle(515.69, 433.62, 507.32, 482.99, 580.06, 500.85);
    fill(93, 47, 25);
    triangle(515.69, 433.62, 496.15, 473.85, 492.49, 570.4);
    fill(68, 40, 27);
    triangle(469.3, 329.96, 515.69, 433.62, 496.15, 473.85);
    fill(29, 16, 13);
    triangle(469.3, 329.96, 496.15, 473.85, 453.62, 457.76);
    fill(47, 21, 18);
    triangle(469.3, 329.96, 457.16, 360.83, 453.62, 457.76);
    fill(102, 66, 48);
    triangle(442.13, 269.25, 434.99, 290.62, 469.3, 329.96);
    fill(73, 50, 40);
    triangle(434.99, 290.62, 469.3, 329.96, 457.16, 360.83);
    fill(94, 62, 48);
    triangle(442.13, 269.25, 434.99, 290.62, 469.3, 329.96);
    fill(121, 75, 60);
    triangle(434.99, 302.17, 457.16, 360.83, 434.99, 290.62);
    triangle(457.16, 360.83, 453.62, 457.76, 453.62, 398.56);
    triangle(434.99, 290.62, 457.16, 360.83, 434.99, 290.62);
    triangle(434.99, 302.17, 442.13, 329.96, 457.16, 360.83);
    fill(20, 20, 17);
    triangle(407.64, 216.38, 352.47, 211.78, 361.67, 230.75);
    fill(38, 33, 29);
    triangle(352.47, 211.78, 361.67, 230.75, 331.78, 295.69);
    fill(50, 24, 14);
    triangle(311.09, 338.22, 327.3, 514.91, 300.26, 581.47);
    triangle(364.07, 440.22, 339.05, 443.49, 380.06, 502.01);
    fill(53, 33, 26);
    triangle(407.64, 216.38, 442.13, 269.25, 434.99, 290.62);
    triangle(339.05, 443.49, 380.06, 502.01, 367.41, 524.43);
    fill(76, 51, 41);
    triangle(320.29, 389.94, 331.78, 593.39, 367.41, 524.43);
    triangle(311.09, 338.22, 320.29, 389.94, 327.3, 514.01);
    fill(102, 61, 40);
    triangle(311.09, 338.22, 327.3, 514.01, 300.26, 581.47);
    fill(53, 33, 26);
    triangle(327.3, 514.01, 331.78, 593.39, 278.91, 634.77);
    fill(76, 51, 41);
    triangle(331.78, 593.39, 283.51, 649.71, 278.91, 634.77);
    fill(102, 61, 40);
    triangle(250.17, 641.67, 278.91, 634.77, 283.51, 649.71);
    triangle(581.17, 662.36, 613.39, 689.94, 613.39, 745.11);
    fill(53, 33, 26);
    triangle(581.17, 662.36, 598.45, 757.76, 561.67, 788.79);
    fill(49, 55, 70);
    triangle(407.64, 216.38, 361.67, 230.75, 345.2, 266.53);
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(407.64, 216.38, 345.2, 266.53, 372.3, 266.53);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(407.64, 216.38, 390.03, 292.44, 372.3, 266.53);
    fill(220, 165, 134);
    triangle(407.64, 216.38, 390.03, 292.44, 434.99, 290.62);
    triangle(335.59, 433.62, 339.05, 443.49, 414.54, 433.62);
    fill(49, 55, 70);
    triangle(331.78, 295.69, 311.09, 338.22, 320.29, 351.44);
    triangle(311.09, 338.22, 320.29, 351.44, 320.29, 389.94);
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(331.78, 295.69, 346.72, 329.96, 320.29, 351.44);
    fill(220, 165, 134);
    triangle(337.4, 308.58, 364.07, 312.93, 346.72, 329.96);
    fill(49, 55, 70);
    triangle(341.16, 275, 343.28, 290.7, 331.78, 295.69);
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(335.59, 405.46, 361.67, 398.56, 361.67, 433.62);
    fill(89, 52, 40);
    triangle(414.54, 433.62, 398.11, 515.26, 380.83, 448.98);
    fill(49, 55, 70);
    triangle(320.29, 351.44, 335.59, 363.51, 320.29, 389.94);
    fill(49, 55, 70);
    triangle(364.07, 440.22, 380.83, 448.98, 398.11, 515.26);
    triangle(364.07, 440.22, 398.11, 515.26, 380.06, 502.01);
    fill(53, 33, 26);
    triangle(364.07, 440.22, 380.83, 448.98, 414.54, 433.62);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(361.67, 398.56, 361.67, 433.62, 390.03, 433.62);
    fill(50, 50, 50);
    triangle(335.59, 405.46, 335.59, 433.62, 361.67, 433.62);
    fill(49, 55, 70);
    triangle(335.59, 363.51, 335.59, 433.62, 320.29, 389.94);
    fill(39, 20, 20);
    triangle(320.29, 351.44, 335.59, 363.51, 346.72, 329.96);
    fill(220, 165, 134);
    triangle(442.13, 329.96, 434.99, 370.69, 404.6, 374.76) ;
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(434.99, 370.69, 404.6, 374.76,394.03, 416.09);
    triangle(442.13, 329.96, 457.16, 360.83, 453.62, 398.56);
    triangle(442.13, 329.96, 453.62, 398.56, 434.99, 370.69);
    fill(187, 131, 98);
    triangle(434.99, 370.69, 453.62, 398.56, 394.03, 416.09);
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(394.03, 416.09, 414.54, 433.62, 453.62, 398.56);
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(394.03, 416.09, 414.54, 433.62, 390.03, 433.62);
    fill(220, 165, 134);
    triangle(361.67, 398.56, 400, 389.94, 390.03, 433.62);
    fill(110, 62, 40);
    triangle(400, 389.94, 404.6, 374.76, 385.6, 343.1);
    triangle(390.03, 292.44, 434.99, 290.62, 434.99, 302.17);
    triangle(364.07, 282.3, 355.2, 271.18, 341.16, 275);
    //eyebrows done
    fill(102, 61, 40);
    triangle(345.2, 266.53, 372.3, 266.53, 341.16, 275);
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(355.2, 271.18, 372.3, 266.53, 364.07, 282.3);
    fill(110, 62, 40);
    triangle(335.59, 384.26, 335.59, 405.46, 361.67, 398.56);
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(372.3, 266.53, 390.03, 292.44, 372.3, 308.58);
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(390.03, 292.44, 388.24, 312.93, 413.86, 308.32);
    fill(187, 131, 98);
    triangle(390.03, 292.44, 434.99, 302.17, 413.86, 308.32);
    fill(251, 204, 171);
    triangle(434.99, 302.17, 440.01, 321.4, 413.86, 308.32);
    fill(251, 204, 171);
    triangle(442.13, 329.96, 407.64, 338.67, 404.6, 374.76);
    triangle(372.3, 308.58, 385.6, 343.1, 355.2, 334.23);
    triangle(385.6, 343.1, 360.37, 343.1, 389.15, 354.66);
    triangle(360.37, 343.1, 362.41, 352.36, 389.15, 354.66);
    fill(220, 165, 134);
    triangle(453.62, 457.76, 398.11, 515.26, 496.15, 473.85);
    fill(187, 131, 98);
    triangle(414.54, 433.62, 453.62, 457.76, 398.11, 515.26);
    fill(89, 52, 40);
    triangle(453.62, 398.56, 453.62, 457.76, 414.54, 433.62);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(398.11, 515.26, 369.49, 573.14, 496.15, 473.85);
    triangle(380.06, 502.01, 398.11, 515.26, 331.78, 593.39);
    fill(53, 42, 48);
    triangle(398.11, 515.26, 331.78, 593.39, 369.49, 573.14);
    fill(187, 131, 98);
    triangle(495.08, 502.01, 492.49, 570.4, 432.82, 627.72);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(492.49, 570.4, 509.94, 600.46, 432.82, 627.72);
    fill(220, 165, 134);
    triangle(432.82, 627.72, 509.94, 600.46, 509.94, 690.98);
    fill(187, 131, 98);
    triangle(507.32, 482.99, 492.49, 570.4, 509.94, 600.46);
    fill(45, 40, 38);
    triangle(509.94, 600.46, 509.94, 690.98, 582.67, 666.2);
    fill(119, 80, 70);
    triangle(507.32, 482.99, 509.94, 600.46, 661.32, 690.98);
    fill(66, 47, 44);
    triangle(509.94, 600.46, 640.23, 718.23, 661.32, 690.98);
    fill(187, 131, 98);
    triangle(507.32, 482.99, 661.32, 634.77, 661.32, 690.98);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(507.32, 482.99, 580.06, 500.85, 661.32, 634.77);
    fill(187, 131, 98);
    triangle(580.06, 500.85, 619.14, 541.67, 661.32, 634.77);
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(619.14, 541.67, 661.32, 586.84, 661.32, 634.77);
    fill(187, 131, 98);
    triangle(640.23, 718.23, 661.32, 690.98, 661.32, 800);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(640.23, 718.23, 661.32, 800, 606.55, 800);
    //face details
    fill(160, 100, 84);
    triangle(341.16, 275, 364.07, 282.3, 343.28, 290.7);
    fill(187, 131, 98);
    triangle(364.07, 282.3, 369.28, 298.93, 343.28, 290.7);
    fill(66, 47, 44);
    triangle(364.07, 282.3, 372.3, 295.69, 372.3, 308.58);
    fill(119, 80, 70);
    triangle(372.3, 266.53, 372.3, 295.69, 364.07, 282.3);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(387.31, 323.56, 385.6, 343.1, 442.13, 329.96);
    fill(220, 165, 134);
    triangle(385.6, 343.1, 407.64, 338.67, 404.6, 374.76);
    fill(255, 214, 191);
    triangle(390.03, 292.44, 372.3, 308.58, 385.6, 343.1);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(355.2, 294.47, 369.28, 298.93, 364.07, 312.93);
    fill(240, 185, 164);
    triangle(355.2, 334.23, 350.73, 343.1, 385.6, 343.1);
    fill(49, 55, 70);
    triangle(346.72, 329.96, 350.73, 343.1, 341.16, 346.73);
    triangle(346.72, 329.96, 355.2, 334.23, 350.73, 343.1);
    triangle(346.72, 329.96, 355.2, 334.23, 364.07, 312.93);
    fill(119, 80, 70);
    triangle(369.28, 298.93, 372.3, 308.58, 364.07, 312.93);
    fill(49, 55, 70);
    triangle(364.07, 312.93, 372.3, 308.58, 355.2, 334.23);
    fill(119, 80, 70);
    triangle(337.4, 308.58, 364.07, 312.93, 335.27, 303.7);
    triangle(350.48, 308.58, 360.7, 305.93, 364.07, 312.93);
    triangle(335.27, 303.7, 350.48, 308.58, 360.7, 305.93);
    triangle(348.63, 302.17, 335.27, 303.7, 360.7, 305.93);
    triangle(388.24, 312.93, 391.96, 316.21, 413.86, 308.32);
    triangle(388.24, 312.93, 402.29, 325.31, 387.31, 323.56);
    triangle(391.96, 316.21, 418.48, 327.2, 402.29, 325.31);
    triangle(440.01, 321.4, 442.13, 329.96, 418.48, 327.2);
    fill(240, 185, 164);
    triangle(391.96, 316.21, 418.48, 327.2, 440.01, 321.4);
    //nose and mouth details
    fill(49, 55, 70);
    triangle(341.16, 346.73, 363.75, 358.47, 350.73, 343.1);
    fill(189, 130, 100);
    triangle(350.73, 343.1, 360.37, 343.1, 363.75, 358.47);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(374.76, 353.42, 378.1, 358.47, 389.15, 354.66);
    triangle(362.41, 352.36, 374.76, 353.42, 363.75, 358.47);
    triangle(378.1, 358.47, 374.76, 353.42, 363.75, 358.47);
    fill(40, 30, 30);
    triangle(341.16, 346.73, 335.59, 363.51, 363.75, 358.47);
    fill(189, 130, 100);
    triangle(335.59, 363.51, 349.67, 367.65, 350.96, 360.76);
    fill(198, 144, 118);
    triangle(350.96, 360.76, 349.67, 367.65, 363.75, 358.47);
    triangle(349.67, 367.65, 363.75, 358.47, 358.29, 372.24);
    triangle(363.75, 358.47, 358.29, 372.24, 367.41, 370.69);
    triangle(363.75, 358.47, 367.41, 370.69, 378.1, 358.47);
    fill(220, 184, 168);
    triangle(378.1, 358.47, 367.41, 370.69, 390.92, 376.9);
    fill(230, 210, 198);
    triangle(378.1, 358.47, 400, 389.94, 389.15, 354.66);
    //inner clothes
    fill(21, 24, 29);
    triangle(283.51, 649.71, 266.84, 707.52, 319.19, 800) ;
    fill(40, 41, 39);
    triangle(283.51, 649.71, 319.19, 800, 356.28, 627.72);
    fill(10, 10, 10);
    triangle(283.51, 649.71, 356.28, 627.72, 331.78, 593.39);
    fill(70, 65, 59);
    triangle(356.28, 627.72, 319.19, 800, 391.96, 745.11);
    fill(40, 41, 30);
    triangle(331.78, 593.39, 356.28, 627.72, 496.15, 473.85);
    fill(70, 65, 59);
    triangle(356.28, 627.72, 432.82, 627.72, 496.15, 473.85);
    fill(40, 41, 30);
    triangle(495.08, 502.01, 496.15, 473.85, 432.82, 627.72);
    triangle(391.96, 745.11, 319.19, 800, 495.08, 800);
    fill(76, 67, 60);
    triangle(391.96, 745.11, 495.08, 800, 509.94, 690.98);
    fill(30, 31, 29);
    triangle(509.94, 690.98, 582.67, 666.2, 495.08, 800);
    fill(10, 10, 10);
    triangle(582.67, 666.2, 567.441, 800, 495.08, 800);
    fill(89, 85, 80);
    triangle(432.82, 627.72, 356.28, 627.72, 391.96, 745.11);
    fill(71, 68, 64);
    triangle(391.96, 745.11, 509.94, 690.98, 432.82, 627.72);
    triangle(400.11, 308.58, 391.96, 316.21, 413.86, 308.32);

For this project, I attempted to create a cubist-style self portrait. I wanted to make it look as realistic as possible, but I realized that with the little set of skills that I have at the moment, the only way to do so was to create small areas of different colors using triangles, which I thought would be more appropriate than rectangles or quadrilaterals in depicting small details and color differences among the features.

It was not so hard to write the program since the code consisted mostly of triangles, but it was rather difficult to assign each of them the right color and the appropriate size.

I also made the sun to change its size as a little experiment of what I learned in the lecture today.