mmirho – Looking outwards – Section A

“Fractal Effervescence,” by David April, is a project that has impressed me greatly. The image, which I will add here, is a computer generated fractal, an image or figure that is constructed of many parts, and each part is exactly the same as the entire figure. In a sense, if you look closely at any piece of the figure in the image, you will find its the same image, just smaller.

The program used to generate this kind of art is based on recursion, which I hope to learn more about within this course. Recursion is a type of programming that makes the entire function into a loop, in a way, allowing the function to call itself to process the information given.

I’m unsure of the date of this art, though I do know it was created by David April, and the title is “Fractal Effervescence”. The artist is very interested in the concept of fractals and works to find new forms.

mmirho – Project 2 – Section A

I kept the structure of the face very similar to the original template because I thought it allowed me to experiment the most with the code and variation without worrying too much about the physical appeal

I was able to create a large amount of variation as a result, although the face is quite simple.

I’m really sorry, but would it be alright would it be alright if you let my incompetence slide this time. I followed the embedding instructions to the tee, and even compared it with my old post (Which I put below for reference) but my program still won’t show up. I would love it if you could take the time to paste my code into your own text editor, I assure you it works fine, the only thing that got hung up was my embedding.

I would love to schedule some office hours on this topic because it’s clear I’m missing something. Thanks! I hope I won’t get points off. I would appreciate a comment on my post or an email if you want to talk about it.

Max’s Face

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
    mouth2 = PI - 0.2;
var leftEyeSize = 20;
var rightEyeSize = 20;
var faceWidth = 100;
var faceHeight = 150;
var noseHeight = 15;
var noseLength = 10;
var mouthHeight = 15;
var mouthLength = 10;
var mouthType = 5;
var pupilH = 1;
var pupilV = 1;
var mouth1 = 0.2;
var mouth2 = 3; // fix above to PI - 0.2;
var mouthFlat = 2*mouthHeight;
var moveUp = 0;
var moveNoseUp = 0;
function draw() {
    fill(230, 200, 255);
    ellipse(width/2, height/2, faceWidth, faceHeight);
    var heightOrientation = height/2 + faceHeight/10;
    arc(width/2, heightOrientation + faceHeight/3.5 - moveUp, 2*mouthLength, mouthFlat, mouth1, mouth2);
    fill(230, 200, 255);
    arc(width/2 + noseLength, heightOrientation - moveNoseUp, 2*noseLength, 2*noseHeight, HALF_PI, PI);
    line(width/2, heightOrientation + noseHeight - moveNoseUp, width/2 + noseLength, heightOrientation + noseHeight - moveNoseUp);
    var eyeLeftOri = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRightOri = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;
    ellipse(eyeLeftOri, height/2, leftEyeSize, leftEyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRightOri, height/2, rightEyeSize, rightEyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeLeftOri + pupilH, height/2 + pupilV, leftEyeSize/3, leftEyeSize/3);
    ellipse(eyeRightOri + pupilH, height/2 + pupilV, rightEyeSize/3, rightEyeSize/3);
function mousePressed() {
    eyeLeftOri = width/2 - faceWidth*1/random(3,6);
    eyeRightOri = width/2 + faceWidth*1/random(3,6);
    pupilH = random(-5, 5);
    pupilV = random(-5, 5);
    faceWidth = random(75, 150);
    faceHeight = random(100, 200);
    leftEyeSize = random(20, 30);
    noseHeight = random(8, 25);
    noseLength = random(5,10);
    mouthHeight = random(10, 15);
    mouthLength = random(10, 20);

    randomEye = random(1,40);
    if(randomEye < 5) {
        rightEyeSize = random(20,30);
    else {
        rightEyeSize = leftEyeSize;

    mouthType = random(0,100);
    if(mouthType < 40) {
        mouth1 = 0.2;
        mouth2 = (PI-0.2);
        mouthFlat = 2*mouthHeight;
        moveUp = 20;
    else if (mouthType > 60) {
        mouth1 = (PI+0.2);
        mouth2 = -0.2;
        mouthFlat = 2*mouthHeight;
        moveUp = 0;
        moveNoseUp = 15;
    else {
        mouth1 = 0.2;
        mouth2 = PI-0.2;
        mouthFlat = 1;
        moveUp = 0;


function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    background(250, 250, 250);

function draw() {

    fill(255, 224, 189); //skin color

    ellipse(width/2, (height/2), 140, 160);

    //Cut off the top of head
    rect(width/2, (height/2)-150, 140, 160); 


    line(250, 310, 220, 300);

    triangle(250, 255, 265, 285, 250, 285);
    fill(255, 224, 189);
    triangle(247, 253, 262, 283, 247, 283);

    fill(255, 226, 60);
    triangle(237, 195, 197, 195, 240, 155);
    triangle(257, 195, 217, 195, 260, 155);
    triangle(277, 195, 237, 195, 280, 155);
    triangle(297, 195, 257, 195, 300, 155);

    ellipse((width/2)+30, (height/2)-10, 25, 15);
    ellipse((width/2)-30, (height/2)-10, 25, 15);

    ellipse((width/2)+32, (height/2)-10, 12, 14);
    ellipse((width/2)-28, (height/2)-10, 12, 14);

    ellipse((width/2)+32, (height/2)-10, 5, 5);
    ellipse((width/2)-28, (height/2)-10, 5, 5);


mmirho – Looking Outwards 1

A computational art project that inspires me is the Crown Fountain in Millennium Park, Chicago. The art piece is, of course, very well known. I visited Chicago for a few days, and I quickly became fascinated with it, even after only seeing it from a distance.

The construction alone took 17 million dollars in donations, around three years in construction. It was planned by the Krueck and Sexton Architecture firm.

I’m unaware of the technology they used to create the imagery on the art piece and whether or not it was custom for the project, but almost all of the LEDs and glass plates had to be custom made as a result of the sheer size.

Here’s a link to a video of the monument.

Here’s a link to a full description of the monument, on the City of Chicago’s website.

I’m unaware of the artist’s inspiration, but I would assume it had to do less with prior art installations and more with the diverse community within the city of Chicago.

mmirho – Project01 – Face

I struggled a bit, and tried to be original in my formation of the face, though not very detailed. I ended up focusing too much on minor details, and had to rework how I structured the head.

I think I could have done better, but I did my best to be simple in how I structured the art.


function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    background(250, 250, 250);

function draw() {

    fill(255, 224, 189); //skin color

    ellipse(width/2, (height/2), 140, 160);

    //Cut off the top of head
    rect(width/2, (height/2)-150, 140, 160); 


    line(250, 310, 220, 300);

    triangle(250, 255, 265, 285, 250, 285);
    fill(255, 224, 189);
    triangle(247, 253, 262, 283, 247, 283);

    fill(255, 226, 60);
    triangle(237, 195, 197, 195, 240, 155);
    triangle(257, 195, 217, 195, 260, 155);
    triangle(277, 195, 237, 195, 280, 155);
    triangle(297, 195, 257, 195, 300, 155);

    ellipse((width/2)+30, (height/2)-10, 25, 15);
    ellipse((width/2)-30, (height/2)-10, 25, 15);

    ellipse((width/2)+32, (height/2)-10, 12, 14);
    ellipse((width/2)-28, (height/2)-10, 12, 14);

    ellipse((width/2)+32, (height/2)-10, 5, 5);
    ellipse((width/2)-28, (height/2)-10, 5, 5);
