myoungsh looking outwards 3

I came to CMU with a background in product design and I did most of my work by hand in a metal and wood shop never really being able to make the leap to bigger CNC or printer type tools. I found a  Project, while it is an interesting application of CNC tools and a beautiful project what interested me most about it was the guy’s thoughts on how he was using the tools. He talked about how his use of the CNC tools allowed the project to be shared, meaning him posting the plans (files) he created and used for the project. I thought that was an interesting side to CNC machining because I am not so sure I 9would be willing to replace working with regular power tools or even could with now automated technology. I understand robotics work great for mass production and have personally used 3D printing as a great prototyping tool but neither have replaced hand craftsmanship in metal or wood for custom projects as far as I can tell.



var topX = 320; //original triangle
var topY = 190;
var leftX = 260;
var leftY = 290 ;
var rightX = 380;
var rightY = 290;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    triangle(topX, topY, leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY); //draw original triangle
    if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, topX, topY) > 25 || //return original triangle after transformations
    dist(mouseX, mouseY, rightX, rightY) > 25 || 
    dist(mouseX, mouseY, leftX, leftY) > 25) {
      topX = 320;
      topY = 190;
      leftX = 260;
      leftY = 290 ;
      rightX = 380;
      rightY = 290
    if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, rightX, rightY) <= 25) { //build 1st itteration of large triangle
      rightX = 200;
      rightY = 190;
      fill(0, 256, 256);
      triangle(320, 190, 260, 290, 380, 290);
      fill(256, 256, 0);
      triangle(440, 190, 320, 190, 380, 290);
      fill(256, 0, 256);
      triangle(260, 290, 380, 290, 320, 390);
    if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, topX, topY) <= 25) { //build 2nd itteration of large triangle
      topX = 320;
      topY = 390;
      fill(256, 0, 256);
      triangle(320, 190, 260, 290, 380, 290);
      fill(0 ,256, 256);
      triangle(440, 190, 320, 190, 380, 290);
      fill(256, 256, 0);
      triangle(200, 190, 320, 190, 260, 290);
    if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, leftX, leftY) <= 25) { //build 3rd itteration of large triangle
      leftX = 440;
      leftY = 190;
      fill(256, 256, 0);
      triangle(320, 190, 260, 290, 380, 290);
      fill(256, 0, 256);
      triangle(200, 190, 320, 190, 260, 290);
      fill(0, 256, 256);
      triangle(260, 290, 380, 290, 320, 390);
    if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, 320, 240) <= 25) { 
      triangle(320, 190, 260, 290, 380, 290);
      triangle(200, 190, 320, 190, 260, 290);
      triangle(260, 290, 380, 290, 320, 390);
      triangle(320, 190, 380, 290, 440, 190);

For this project I kept it simple, after using them in the pong exercise I got very comfortable using if statement and they were the easy part of this project. Hardest part was finding coordinates, I assume I could have used some sort of relationships in place of numbers to save time in writing the code.

myoungsh looking outwards 2

After being wowed by some of the coding CW&T did in their counter project I searched thru their sight to see if I could find anything to talk about for this week and I did.


The Grass app. An app that attempts to recreate a small patch of grass right on your phone screen that in their words you can “pet, coddle, pat, touch, and caress” the grass to help you “think calm soothing thoughts”.

They don’t talk about the specific coding of the app but I believe they use some sort of algorithm to believably reproduce their grass graphic across the screen and have it react to your aforementioned interactions. From reviews and from my own use of the app I thunk the id an awesome job, even though the graphic is simple the interaction is done so well it does make it very relaxing to play with.



function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

var standing = 10;

var armLength = 50;

var faceWidth = 175;
var faceHeight = 125;
var faceX = 330;
var faceY = 250;
var corner1 = 10;
var corner2 = 20;
var corner3 = 30;
var corner4 = 40;

var eyeSize = 20;
var eyeLX = 450;
var eyeRX = 400;

var mouthX = 425;
var mouthY = 355;
var mouthWidth = 50;
var mouthHeight = 35;

var lips = 10;

var thingX = 200;
var thingY = 100;
var thingWidth = 20;
var thingHeight = 15;

//face color
var colorFg = 210;
var colorFb = 210;

//eye+mouth color
var colorE = 100;

//lips color
var colorLg = 70;
var colorLb = 70;

//thing color
var colorTHr = 210;
var colorTHg = 210;
var colorTHb = 240;

//background color
var colorBr = 225
var colorBg = 250

function draw() {
    background(colorBr, colorBg, 256);
    rect(425+standing, 350, 5, 200);
    rect(405+standing, 350, 5, 200);
    rect(230+armLength, 325, 350-(armLength*1.5), 5)
    fill(245, colorFg, colorFb)
    rect(faceX, faceY, faceWidth, faceHeight, 
    corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4);
    //left eye
    ellipse(eyeLX, 320, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    //right eye
    ellipse(eyeRX, 320, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    stroke(256, colorLg, colorLb)
    ellipse(mouthX, mouthY, mouthWidth, mouthHeight);
    eyeSize = random(10, 30);
    fill(colorTHr, colorTHg, colorTHb)
    rect(thingX, thingY, thingWidth, thingHeight, 
    corner1/2, corner2/2, corner3/2, corner4/2);    
    thingX = random(100, 300)
    thingY = random(75, 125)
    thingWidth = random(10, 35)
    thingHeight = random(10, 35)
function mousePressed() {
    standing = random(0, 25)
    armLength = random(0, 100)
    faceWidth = random(150, 180);
    faceHeight = random(130, 150);
    faceX = random(320, 350);
    faceY = random(240, 270);
    corner1 = random(0, 50)
    corner2 = random(0, 50)
    corner3 = random(0, 50)
    corner4 = random(0, 50)

    eyeLX = random(380, 420);
    eyeRX = random(430, 470);
    mouthX = random(420, 430);
    mouthY = random(350, 360);
    mouthWidth = random(40, 60);
    mouthHeight = random(30,40);

    lips = random(5, 10);

    //face color
    colorFg = random(180, 220);
    colorFb = random(75, 150);
    //eye color
    colorE = random(50, 200);
    //lips color
    colorLg = random(75, 125);
    colorLb = random(75, 125);
    //thing color
    colorTHr = random(200, 220);
    colorTHg = random(200, 220);
    colorTHb = random(230, 250);
    //background color
    colorBr = random(215, 256);
    colorBg = random(245, 256);




I worked with a simple circle face and started my process suing only eclipses and rectangles initially as that was all I was able to execute day 1. Slowly I added features using more complex commands I learned in an attempt to add to the realism emotion and some aesthetic qualities of the illustration.


function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
    background(195, 210, 245);
    fill(240, 200, 160)
    rect(225, 300, 150, 300); //neck

    fill(170, 70, 50)
    ellipse(300, 250, 360, 400); //top hair

    fill(195, 210, 245)
    rect(0, 0, 200, 600); //haircut

    fill(0, 0, 0)
    ellipse(300, 550, 400, 100); //shoulders

    fill(0, 0 ,0)
    rect(100, 550, 400, 50) //torso
    fill(240, 200, 160)
    ellipse(300, 500, 150, 25); //crew neck

    fill(170, 70, 50)
    arc(300, 300, 350, 400, PI, 0, OPEN); //hair+beard
    fill(170, 70, 50)
    arc(300, 300, 350, 350, 0, PI, OPEN); //hair+beard

    fill(240, 200, 160)
    ellipse(300, 300, 330, 300); //face

    fill(0, 170, 190)
    arc(225, 300, 20, 20, 0, PI, OPEN); //left eye

    fill(0, 170, 190)
    arc(375, 300, 20, 20, 0, PI, OPEN); //right eye

    fill(0, 150, 170)
    arc(225, 300, 10, 10, 0, PI, OPEN); //left eye inner

    fill(0, 150, 170)
    arc(375, 300, 10, 10, 0, PI, OPEN); //right eye inner
    fill(230, 190, 150)
    arc(225, 320, 50, 25, 0, PI, OPEN); //left eyebag shadow
    fill(240, 200, 160)
    arc(225, 320, 40, 15, 0, PI, OPEN); //left eyebag 
    fill(230, 190, 150)
    arc(375, 320, 50, 25, 0, PI, OPEN); //right eyebag shadow
    fill(240, 200, 160)
    arc(375, 320, 40, 15, 0, PI, OPEN); //right eyebag 

    fill(210, 130, 130)
    arc(300, 415, 80, 30, 0, PI, OPEN); // lower lip

    fill(200, 120, 120)
    arc(300, 415, 45, 15, 0, PI, OPEN); //lower lip inner 
    fill(200, 160, 120)
    arc(300, 365, 50, 25, 0, PI, OPEN); //nose shaddow

    fill(240, 200, 160)
    arc(300, 365, 40, 15, 0 , PI, OPEN); //nose 

    fill(220, 180, 140)
    rect(305, 300, 5, 50); //nose side shadow
    fill(220, 180, 140)
    ellipse(mouseX+25, mouseY+15, 10, 10); //freckle
    fill(220, 180, 140)
    ellipse(mouseX-20, mouseY, 10, 10); //freckle
    fill(220, 180, 140)
    ellipse(mouseX+20, mouseY-5, 10, 10); //freckle
    fill(220, 180, 140)
    ellipse(mouseX-10, mouseY+5, 10, 10); //freckle
    fill(220, 180, 140)
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY-15, 10, 10); //freckle

myoungsh looking outwards 1

I fell in love with a company this summer called CW&T they caught my attention with a pen they designed that totally blew my mind with its precision machining and how visually stunning it was. After seeing this first product I looked at their other stuff and found a project they did with some coding as well as engineering involved. Simply it is a counter, a button and a display that records all the button presses up to 999,999 and then it stops. Each individual element of the construction is rated to last the perfect amount of time, as well as the code having a self destruct function set to run after 999,999 presses.

Nothing Lasts Forever