

  var eyeSize = 10;
  var faceWidth = 350;
  var faceHeight = 370;
  var red = 255;
  var green = 255;
  var blue = 255;

  function setup() {
      createCanvas(640, 480);

  function draw() {
      background(red, green, blue);
      //watermelon skin
      arc(320, 240, faceWidth,  faceHeight, 0, PI, CHORD);
      //watermelon fruit inside
      arc(320, 240, faceWidth-20, faceHeight-30, 0, PI, CHORD);
      //watermelon smiley mouth
      arc(320, 270, eyeSize, eyeSize, 0, PI, CHORD);
      var eyeLX = 640 / 2 - 20;
      var eyeRX = 640 / 2 + 20;
      ellipse(eyeLX, 320-50, eyeSize, eyeSize);
      ellipse(eyeRX, 320-50, eyeSize, eyeSize);

  function mousePressed() {
      faceWidth = random(100, 400);
      faceHeight = random(100, 350);
      eyeLX = random(250, 300);
      eyeRX = random(340, 370);
      eyeSize = random (10, 25);
      red = random (0, 255);
      green = random (0, 255);
      blue = random(0, 255);

I really hoped to be able to change the color of the background while trying to make my slice of watermelon character. I made the character with arcs and ellipses.

Sarah Kim- Looking Outwards 2

One of the projects that I found very intriguing was Beautiful Chaos which was an artwork created by an app made for leap motion control. The app, which existed previously before the artist’s decision to create this artwork, became a medium for the artist to explore in and create a beautiful work of nebulous lights. I chose this specific artwork because my main source of interest in artistic mediums were lights and color combination. Because I believe that enticement in art mainly comes from its visual presentation, I liked to study aesthetics through the use of many different color combos and understand the use of mood through the usage of lightings especially with neon and natural light. Because the majority of my interest in art comes from its aesthetic beauty more than the content, I tend to choose works that visually entice me which I find mysterious and interesting.

Beautiful Chaos


nahyunk1-Project – 01 – Face


function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 300);
    background(29, 5, 5);
    fill(255, 230, 187);
    ellipse(150, 130, 250, 265);
    fill(219, 112, 147);
    rect(100, 263, 101, 60);
    fill(255, 230, 187);
    rect(125, 260, 50, 100);
    triangle(150, 260, 0, 300, 300, 300);
    fill(29, 5, 5);
    triangle(300, 0, 150, 0, 300, 150);
    triangle(0, 0, 150, 0, 0, 150);
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    ellipse(100, 120, 50, 30);
    ellipse(200, 120, 50, 30);
    ellipse(100, 120, 30, 30);
    ellipse(200, 120, 30, 30);
    fill(29, 5, 5);
    rect(70, 90, 60, 10);
    rect(170, 90, 60, 10);
    fill("255, 221, 201");
    triangle(150, 120, 130, 170, 150, 170);
    fill(119, 68, 38);
    ellipse(100, 120, 25, 25);
    ellipse(200, 120, 25, 25);
    ellipse(100, 120, 20, 20);
    ellipse(200, 120, 20, 20);
    arc(150, 205, 50, 50, 0, PI, CHORD);
    triangle(0, 300, 120, 268, 140, 300);
    triangle(300, 300, 180, 268, 190, 300);
    triangle(0, 300, 110, 266, 120, 300);
    triangle(300, 300, 190, 268, 200, 300);
    triangle(0, 300, 100, 263, 100, 300);
    triangle(300, 300, 198, 263, 210, 300);

function draw() {
    if (millis() > 2000) {

Technological Art and Design

I knew about the enigma machine created by Alan Turing who was a computer scientist, a mathematician, and a philosopher. Although I have not watched the famous film called ‘The Imitation Game’ inspired by Turing, the popularity of the film triggered me to search about his influence and the tragic life story behind the achievements that he has made for the world and for his country. Although the Enigma machines’ cryptanalysis became a successful contributor to hiding concealed messages from the enemy during World War II, it also became a pivotal moment in history that affected the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence in the future. Although used as a type of weapon in history, this contains futuristic advancements even now that could possibly enforce computers to imitate the complexity of the human mind.