ziningy1 – section c – project 06 – abstract clock

I start this project by considering what aspects can be manipulated with the passage of second, minute and hour. So I come up with the idea of growing size, color and transparency. Based on simple arc shapes, the second, minute and hour arc will change all those aspects in different rate. The second hand, for example, will change most dramatically so it creates this exploding effect every minute.

preliminary sketch:


//Zining Ye 
//15104 lecture 1 recitation C

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480) 

function draw() {

    var s = second();  
    var h = hour(); 
    var m = minute(); 
    var centerx= width/2;
    var centery= height/2;
    var adjust = 90;
    var gunit = 10; //growing rate  


    // second hand(arc)
    // convert the 60 seconds to 360 degree 
    var slength = map(s,0,59,0,359); 

    //the color changes with the second changes 
    //draw the second arc, the size will grow with time  

    //convert the 60 minutes to 360 degree 
    var mlength = map(m,0,59,0,359); 
    //color changes as the second hand
    //size also grow with time with a smaller rate 

    //convert the 24 hours to 360 degrees 
    var hlength = map(h,0,23,0,359); 
    //size grow in a even smaller rate than minute hand




nahyunk1-Looking Outwards 06


here is the link to a set of artworks created by computers. This is all random in the meaning that these computers “creatively” generated a set of drawings on their own without the guidance of a person. Its randomness does come from a set of codes that a generator initially put into its system, however, its abstract paintings get formed through the computer itself without any help of the creator. This signifies the fact that humans create a way for computers to think and self-generate art, however, it’s something that I do not admire or encourage to be advanced to have them accomplish more complex tasks later on in the future.

dchikows-Section C-Project-06-Abstract-Clock


//David Chikowski
//Section C
//Project - 06 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480); 

function draw() {
    background(210, 200, 230); // My favorite pink
    //calls the current hour, minute, and second
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();

    //left circle representing hours 
    ellipse(85,height/2, (H*4)+50, (H*4)+50);
    //middle circle representing minutes 
    ellipse(width/2,height/2, (M*4)+50, (M*4)+50);

    //far right circle representing seconds 
    ellipse(380,height/2, (S*1)+50, (S*1)+50);


I started the project thinking I would utilize the use of lines to base my time off of. I then decided I would switch to circles because I could change the size and how they took up the screen. I really struggled with the create aspect of the project.



By entering any word into the wordsearch, this website generates a random collage of icons related to the word. The arrangement of the icons are also random.

Pictooptic is a website that randomly generates icons and objects that relate to any searched or random word. The icons are then arranged in a mirror arrangement in which float into space. They can be dragged depending on the movement of the mouse. By clicking “shuffle this,” the arrangement changes into a random arrangements of color and organization. The site also includes a “random word” option where a random word is generated and new icons are brought about.

I like the spontaneity and whimsical nature of the generator. No two icons are the same and instead of a random cloud of icons, the arrangement is mirrored. In addition, the additional random color scheme adds to another surprising factor. I thought it was a creative way to generate a unique collage of items. The algorithms of the project would generate the random spatial arrangement and then have that arrangement mirrored across the canvas.


rgroves – Looking Outwards-06

Random Selection in Random Image by Jan Robert Leegt in not a complicated project. It’s a website that selects a random image from Flickr and makes a selects an area of the image of random size and location. I doubt this project required a great deal of thought or effort, but nevertheless it messes with your mind in a really interesting way. Even though I know the selections were made randomly, my mind has to find some significance to the selection so it fills in information that’s not there. This can create an eerie effect – for example in this picture my mind is telling me that someone is looking out at me from those two dark windows.

It is also interesting how often the random selection looks less random than if someone was trying to make it look random. For example, in this picture the program happened to select the main subject of the picture.


svitoora – 06 Looking Outward

Would you install a Facebook App that Randomly Deletes Your “Friends”?

Friend Fracker (2013) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is an API art that randomly unfriends 1-10 people on your Facebook account. I admire how such a simple algorithm based on randomness could help you reveal who your true friends are, and serves as a larger commentary on human relationships in the digital age. The algorithm is elegantly simple, randomly select 1 to 10 friends in your Facebook account, and delete them. Additionally, an added layer privacy is also added for Friend Fracker uses Facebook’s standard authentication and security service, therefore it doesn’t track your password nor private information. Your deleted friends wouldn’t know that you unfriend them, and neither would you.


The Shapes Project by Allan McCollum made in 2005-2006 is a project in which McCollum generates millions of unique shapes in order to mimic the breadth of the population when it hits its peak during the middle of the current century around 2050. McCollum created enough images so that every person on earth could have one. I admire this project because of the consideration it gives to every human in existence and the fact that none of the shapes are replications of each other. It is a thoughtful and interesting project. The random shapes are made using the system that he created and does not specify on. The prints can be made from different materials using Adobe Illustrator “vector” files.  The artist’s sensibilities are seen in the work from the magnitude and profundity of the project.


dchikows – Section C – Looking Outward – 06

Automatic Drawing

André Masson was a French artist who lived from January 4, 1896 to October 28, 1987. He started with cubism then moved to surrealism. It was this stage of his career that he employed automatic drawing. A practice in which he let his pen randomly move across his paper without having a conceived notion of an image he wanted to create. Once he felt he was done Masson would occasionally make revisions or additions to his work. We can not say that his work is completely random because his pen is not evenly distributed along the canvas which would make it random, but it is very distributed at least to the eye. The randomness is all based on how he subconsciously moved his hand to draw. I enjoy Masson’s work because it allows for the viewer to prescribe his or her own image within the abstract, which Masson lays the foundation of.

Automatic Drawing

Masson’s Work


Creator: Felix Turner

Title of Work: Noise Field

Year of Creation: 2011

Link to Project Work: https://airtightinteractive.com/demos/processing_js/noisefield08.html

Link to Artist Bio: https://www.airtightinteractive.com/about/


Noise Field is an interactive, mouse-based random activity program running on p5.js. As a function, Noise Field uses Perlin Noise — a gradient-based procedural algorithm that increases the believability of computer-generated animations –and noise parameters based on mouse movement and placement to generate colored ellipses from central points. With that being said, randomness is present as clicking produces a random set of parameters for the movement of the ellipses.

This work is influential in expanding my mindset towards the possibilities of using p5.js as a communicative medium — I’d like to eventually be able to apply Processing towards the creation of interactive web-based programs that use natural elements.

Ziningy1-Section C – Looking outward 06


SoN01R is a realtime dynamic artistic visualisation and sonification of the quantum vacuum, more specific quantum fluctuations. The project was lead byDr. Thomas Seymul, using a realtime data feed from the Australian National University, Department of Quantum Science. By tapping into a physical quantum source they can generate true random numbers in realtime which drive the audiovisual work. I was very interested by how the project utilized the source of quantum to generate random visualizations and audio. So, in physics, quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. After having some basic knowledge on the quantum, I become more impressive for the project as  How can one visualize something immaterial, short lived and universal as quantum fluctuations? I could not find information on how exactly they monitors the quantum fluctuations, which is basically the temporary appearance of energetic particles out of nothing.  The thought behind this project by linking the smallest particle in physics world to an artistic representation is truly inspiring. And they accomplished the conversion in a very aesthetically pleasing way.