// Katie Chen
// 9:30 AM Class
// katieche@andrew.cmu.edu
// Assignment-02
var eyeSize = 20;
var earWidth = 50;
var earHeight = 55;
var headHeight = 200;
var headWidth = 220;
var ewSize = 30;
var cSize = 25;
var ccSize = 25;
var x = 6;
var y = 4;
var v = 6;
var z = 5;
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 640);
function draw() {
background(207, 228, 247);
// head
fill (250);
// top right
curveVertex(headWidth/2, headHeight);
// top left
curveVertex(headWidth*2, headHeight);
// bottom right
curveVertex(headWidth*2, headHeight*2);
// bottom left
curveVertex(headWidth/2, headHeight*2);
// ears
fill (250);
var earL = width / 2 - headWidth * 0.25;
var earR = width / 2 + headWidth * 0.25;
ellipse(earL, headHeight, earWidth, earHeight);
ellipse(earR, headHeight, earWidth, earHeight);
// cheeks
fill (255, 221, 211);
var cL = width / 2 - headWidth * 0.25 - 10;
var cR = width / 2 + headWidth * 0.25 + 10;
var dist = 25
ellipse(cL, height / 2 + dist, cSize, cSize);
ellipse(cR, height / 2 + dist, ccSize, ccSize);
// eyes
fill (250);
stroke (0);
var ewL = width / 2 - headWidth * 0.25;
var ewR = width / 2 + headWidth * 0.25;
ellipse(ewL, height / 2, ewSize, ewSize);
ellipse(ewR, height / 2, ewSize, ewSize);
fill (0);
var eL = width / 2 - headWidth * 0.25;
var eR = width / 2 + headWidth * 0.25;
ellipse(eL, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
ellipse(eR, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
// left eyebrow
stroke (0);
line(eL - 7, 290+x, eL +7, 290+y);
// right eyebrow
line (eR - 7, 290+v, eR +7, 290+z);
function mousePressed() {
headWidth = random(150, 250);
headHeight = random(200, 300);
eyeSize = random(10, 30);
cSize = random(20, 40);
ewSize = random(20, 40);
earWidth = random(15, 75);
earHeight = random(55, 120);
dist = random(20, 30);
ccSize = random(20, 40);
x = random(0, 10);
y = random(0, 10);
v = random(0, 10);
z = random(0, 10);
I started the project with the template and shapes that I felt more comfortable playing around with (ellipses, lines, rectangles, etc.), before trying new shapes. For me, the body was the hardest to construct since I tried curveVertex(); for the first time, and even now, it doesn’t necessarily look the way I intended it to (it kind of just looks like a marshmallow now which I guess I’m also okay with). A lot of my project did come from happy accidents (i.e I was trying to make cheeks but ended up making ears, etc.) which I thought was fun, but it’d also be neat to eventually be confident enough in coding that I can actually make what I intend to make.
In terms of planning, I didn’t do anything much last project so I decided I’d try to make something in illustrator first (as seen below) this time and then recreate it with code. Unfortunately after a string of accidental shapes and still not being able to understand how to make curves, I ended up just kind of making everything on a whim for my final!