var angle = 0;
var m = 0;
var n = 0;
var size = 0;
var sizen = 0;
var x = 0;
var z = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
x = max(min(mouseX, 255), 0);
z =max(min(mouseX, 255), 0);
fill(x, 255, z);
//create ellipse with color dependent on where the mouse is
m = max(min(mouseX, 640), 0);
n = max(min(mouseY, 480), 0);
// //setting the x and y coordinates to be the max value between the mouse coordinates and the canvas size
size = m * 350 / 400;
sizen = n * 350 / 400;
//settin the size of the ellipse to be a function of the position of the coordinates
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, size, sizen);
//using the variables to create an ellipse
fill(x, 255, z);
//filling the color for the ellipse based on where the mouse is on the canvas
//moving the ellipse based on where the ellipse is in the canvas
//rotating the ellips
angle = angle +5;