TSWARSTA-Section A-LookingOutwards-02

Leander Herzog’s “Extruder”, 2015 was something I gravitated towards upon closer encounter. At first I was intrigued by the opacity and shapes of the forms that were being presented – visually. I did not know it was a generated typeface and that these were letters, which is what I found extremely interesting. I hope to build a type that is altered by code as soon as I learn the capabilities. I enjoy seeing design work that integrates code because I can see its benefits. Visually, it is also interesting to see how code creates as it is generated and the motions and shapes that are produced are very distinct.

D3.js was utilized in the creation of this piece – D3 assists users in utilizing data and visualizing it through code. Clipper.js was also used, which allows one to modify the path and geometry of shapes. Data also had to be pulled somehow – some sort of api? Mouse hover and mouse click are also used. Variables must have also been created for the different shapes to be able to be interacted with, and to be able to effect each other.


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