//Cora Hickoff
//Section D
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
//mouseX controls the degrees
var deg = mouseX;
var rad = radians(deg);
//make background change color
//when mouse midway point of canvas width
if (mouseX > (width / 2)) {
background (232,180,180);
//small gold circle
fill(255, 214, 169);
//restrict mouseX to 0-135
var m = max(min(mouseX, 40), 135);
var size = m * 120.0 / 400.0;
ellipse(10 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 200.0, size, size);
//white circle
//restrict mouseX to 0-400
var m = max(min(mouseX, 400), 35);
var size = m * 120.0 / 300.0;
ellipse(10 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 200.0, size, size);
//big gold circle
fill(255, 214, 169);
//restrict mouseX to 0-335
//mouseX, 920 causes mouseX
//to control bid golden circle
//once white circle overlaps
var m = max(min(mouseX, 920), 335);
var size = m * 120.0 / 400.0;
ellipse(10 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 200.0, size, size);
//peach square
//as mouseX moves across
//canvas, its degrees determine
//the square's rotation
rect(300 + m * 190.0 / 400.0, 200.0, size, size);
In this project, I wanted to make a shape rotate based on the mouse’s x coordinates. By adding the other ellipses, I realized that the end result made them all look like planets in a solar system and the rectangle looked as though it were orbiting them.