

Name: Colleen Duong
Lab Section: D
Project-03 Dynamic Drawing

var sunsize = 50;
var BR = 6; //Sky R color
var BG = 6; //Sky G color
var BB = 50; //Sky B color
var BRG = 25; //Ground R color
var BGG = 62; //Ground G color
var BBG = 16; //Ground B color
var SR = 255 //Sun R color
var SG = 255 //Sun G color
var SB = 255 //Sun B color
var sproutstemh = 610; //sprout stem height

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
  background(BR, BG, BB);

//Sky   Start
  //Setting the boundaries for the morning colors to appear
  if ((mouseX >= 640) & (mouseX <= 640)){
      mouseX = 640;

  //Setting the boundaries for the night colors to appear
  //background nighttime colors (6, 6, 50)
  //background daytime colors (187, 235, 235)
  if ((mouseX > 0) & (mouseX < 400)){
    BR = mouseX*((187-6)/400) + 6;
  	BG = mouseX*((235-6)/400) + 6;
  	BB = mouseX*((235-50)/400) + 50;
//Sky   End

//The Sun   Start
  fill(SR, SG, SB);

  //Setting a constraint so the sun cannot leave the canvas
  var constrainy = constrain(mouseY, 0, 300);
  var constrainx = constrain(mouseX, 0, 600);

  //Creating the sun shape
  ellipse(constrainx, constrainy, sunsize, sunsize); //The circle

  //Setting the boundaries for sun to change to morning color
  if ((mouseX > 640) & (mouseX < 640)){
      mouseX = 640;

  //Setting the boundaries for sun to change to night color
  //Daytime Grass (255, 199, 5)
  //Nighttime Grass (255, 255, 255)
  if ((mouseX > 0) & (mouseX < 640)){
    SR = mouseX*((255-255)/640) + 255;
    SG = mouseX*((199-255)/640) + 255;
    SB = mouseX*((5-255)/640) + 255;

  //Changing the Sun Size depending on Location
  sunsize = (0.5*(mouseX+mouseY)); 
//The Sun   End

//Grass   Start
  fill(BRG, BGG, BBG);
  rect(0, 400, 680, 100);

  //Setting the boundaries for the morning grass colors to appear
  if ((mouseX > 640) & (mouseX < 640)){
      mouseX = 640;

  //Setting the boundaries for the night grass colors to appear
  //Daytime Grass (78, 174, 55)
  //Nighttime Grass (25, 62, 16)
  if ((mouseX > 0) & (mouseX < 640)){
    BRG = mouseX*((78-25)/640) + 25;
    BGG = mouseX*((174-62)/640) + 62;
    BBG = mouseX*((55-16)/640) + 16;
//Grass   End

//Stems Start
  //Make stems grow as the arrow moves across the x-axis
  translate(35, -mouseX+200); //Make the stems grow upward
  sproutS = rect(35, sproutstemh, 10, 300, 10);
  sprout2S = rect(105, sproutstemh, 10, 300, 10);
  sprout3S = rect(175, sproutstemh, 10, 300, 10);
  sprout4S = rect(245, sproutstemh, 10, 300, 10);
  sprout5S = rect(315, sproutstemh, 10, 300, 10);
  sprout6S = rect(385, sproutstemh, 10, 300, 10);
  sprout7S = rect(455, sproutstemh, 10, 300, 10);
  sprout8S = rect(525, sproutstemh, 10, 300, 10);

  //Leaves that pop out of the stem depending on where your mouse is on the x axis
  //Key: SproutL is the first stem's sprouts, Sprout 2L is the second stem's sprouts, etc
  //Key2: SproutL2 is the second leaf from the ground, etc.
  if ((mouseX > 450)){ //First to pop up
    sproutL = ellipse(60, 380, 25, 20);
    sprout3L = ellipse(200, 370, 25, 20);
    sprout7L = ellipse(480, 360, 25, 20);
  if ((mouseX > 480)){ //Second to pop up
    sprout2L = ellipse(130, 385, 25, 20);
    sprout4L = ellipse(300, 360, 25, 20);
    sprout6L = ellipse(410, 370, 25, 20);
    sproutL2 = ellipse(90, 320, 25, 20);
    sprout3L2 = ellipse(230, 320, 25, 20);
    sprout7L2 = ellipse(510, 330, 25, 20);
  if ((mouseX > 520)){ //Third to pop up
    sprout5L = ellipse(340, 355, 25, 20);
    sprout8L = ellipse(580, 350, 25, 20);
    sprout2L2 = ellipse(160, 325, 25, 20);
    sprout3L3 = ellipse(200, 300, 25, 20);
    sprout4L2 = ellipse(270, 310, 25, 20);
    sprout6L2 = ellipse(440, 320, 25, 20);
    sprout7L3 = ellipse(480, 290, 25, 20);
  if ((mouseX > 540)){ //Fourth to pop up
    sproutL3 = ellipse(60, 260, 25, 20);
    sprout2L3 = ellipse(130, 280, 25, 20);
    sprout3L4 = ellipse(230, 275, 25, 20);
    sprout4L3 = ellipse(300, 255, 25, 20);
    sprout5L2 = ellipse(370, 260, 25, 20);
    sprout6L3 = ellipse(410, 260, 25, 20);
    sprout7L4 = ellipse(510, 250, 25, 20);
    sprout8L2 = ellipse(550, 260, 25, 20);

//Last to pop up: Flowers   Start
  if ((mouseX > 575)){ //Petal 1
    fill(247, 154, 185); //Pink Color
    ellipse(50, 200, 40, 40); //Pink

    fill(255, 180, 0); //Orange Color
    ellipse(190, 200, 40, 40); //Orange

    fill(191, 63, 63); //Red Color
    ellipse(120, 200, 40, 40); //Red

    fill(31, 144, 0); //Green Color
    ellipse(330, 200, 40, 40); //Green

    fill(255, 234, 0); //Yellow Color
    ellipse(260, 200, 40, 40); //Yellow

    fill(136, 73, 189); //Purple Color
    ellipse(470, 200, 40, 40); //Purple

    fill(17, 46, 173); //Blue Color
    ellipse(400, 200, 40, 40); //Blue

    fill(70, 63, 69); //Black Color
    ellipse(540, 200, 40, 40); //Black

  if ((mouseX > 565)){ //Petal 2
    fill(247, 154, 185); //Pink Color
    ellipse(100, 200, 40, 40); //Pink

    fill(255, 180, 0); //Orange Color
    ellipse(240, 200, 40, 40); //Orange

    fill(191, 63, 63); //Red Color
    ellipse(170, 200, 40, 40); //Red

    fill(31, 144, 0); //Green Color
    ellipse(380, 200, 40, 40); //Green

    fill(255, 234, 0); //Yellow Color
    ellipse(310, 200, 40, 40); //Yellow

    fill(136, 73, 189); //Purple Color
    ellipse(520, 200, 40, 40); //Purple

    fill(17, 46, 173); //Blue Color
    ellipse(450, 200, 40, 40); //Blue

    fill(70, 63, 69); //Black Color
    ellipse(590, 200, 40, 40); //Black

if ((mouseX > 570)){ //Petal 3
    fill(247, 154, 185); //Pink Color
    ellipse(75, 180, 40, 40); //Pink

    fill(255, 180, 0); //Orange Color
    ellipse(215, 180, 40, 40); //Orange

    fill(191, 63, 63); //Red Color
    ellipse(145, 180, 40, 40); //Red

    fill(31, 144, 0); //Green Color
    ellipse(355, 180, 40, 40); //Green

    fill(255, 234, 0); //Yellow Color
    ellipse(285, 180, 40, 40); //Yellow

    fill(136, 73, 189); //Purple Color
    ellipse(495, 180, 40, 40); //Purple

    fill(17, 46, 173); //Blue Color
    ellipse(425, 180, 40, 40); //Blue

    fill(70, 63, 69); //Black Color
    ellipse(565, 180, 40, 40); //Black

if ((mouseX > 555)){ //Petal 4
    fill(247, 154, 185); //Pink Color
    ellipse(60, 225, 40, 40); //Pink

    fill(255, 180, 0); //Orange Color
    ellipse(200, 225, 40, 40); //Orange

    fill(191, 63, 63); //Red Color
    ellipse(130, 225, 40, 40); //Red

    fill(31, 144, 0); //Green Color
    ellipse(340, 225, 40, 40); //Green

    fill(255, 234, 0); //Yellow Color
    ellipse(270, 225, 40, 40); //Yellow

    fill(136, 73, 189); //Purple Color
    ellipse(480, 225, 40, 40); //Purple

    fill(17, 46, 173); //Blue Color
    ellipse(410, 225, 40, 40); //Blue

    fill(70, 63, 69); //Black Color
    ellipse(550, 225, 40, 40); //Black

if ((mouseX > 560)){ //Petal 5
    fill(247, 154, 185); //Pink Color
    ellipse(90, 225, 40, 40); //Pink

    fill(255, 180, 0); //Orange Color
    ellipse(230, 225, 40, 40); //Orange

    fill(191, 63, 63); //Red Color
    ellipse(160, 225, 40, 40); //Red

    fill(31, 144, 0); //Green Color
    ellipse(370, 225, 40, 40); //Green

    fill(255, 234, 0); //Yellow Color
    ellipse(300, 225, 40, 40); //Yellow

    fill(136, 73, 189); //Purple Color
    ellipse(510, 225, 40, 40); //Purple

    fill(17, 46, 173); //Blue Color
    ellipse(440, 225, 40, 40); //Blue

    fill(70, 63, 69); //Black Color
    ellipse(580, 225, 40, 40); //Black

  if ((mouseX > 550)){ //Flower Centers
    fill(211, 86, 115); //Dark Pink Center
    ellipse(75, 205, 25, 25);

    fill(194, 139, 7); //Dark Orange Center
    ellipse(215, 205, 25, 25);

    fill(160, 38, 38); //Dark Red Center
    ellipse(145, 205, 25, 25);

    fill(21, 99, 0); //Dark Green Center
    ellipse(355, 205, 25, 25);

    fill(220, 202, 0); //Dark Yellow Center
    ellipse(285, 205, 25, 25);

    fill(96, 39, 144); //Dark Purple Center
    ellipse(495, 205, 25, 25);

    fill(8, 32, 132); //Dark Blue Center
    ellipse(425, 205, 25, 25);

    fill(33, 30, 31); //Dark Black Center
    ellipse(565, 205, 25, 25);
//Stems   End

1) You can only see the flowers fully grow if you’re looking at the code on a full 640×480 canvas

This project was really difficult for me because there were so many options that I could have done and it was hard for me to really decide what I wanted to code for this project.

These were some initial sketches I did of possible things that I could have attempted to code (unsure if the drawings even make sense), but I decided to try and stick with my theme that I had in my last project, which is the idea of using sprouts. I wanted to try to make the sprouts look like they were growing depending on where the sun is (on the x-axis) and I wanted to change the color of the sky, grass, and the sun depending on where the mouse is (on the x-axis) and also allowing the sun to grow smaller and bigger depending on where it is on the canvas.

It was difficult for me to try and figure out how to code certain things, especially the growing stems for the plants because I tried to do that for my last project. I figured out a way to do it, but I’m sure there is a more efficient way to do it that I want to try and figure out next time.

Another aspect that I wanted to incorporate in this project was to try and draw different flowers like sunflowers, but I found it too difficult to do sadly. Maybe next time.

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