jooheek -Project04-StringArt


//JooHee Kim
//Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {

	//color variables so that it can change to mouseX & Y
	var sRColor = mouseX;
	var sGColor = mouseY;
	var sBColor = 255;

	//x1,y1 is for the left 2 curves when mouse is at 0, 300
	var x1StepSize = 30;
	var y1StepSize = 20;
	//x2, y2 for stationary right 2 curves when mouse is at 0, 300
	var x2StepSize = 15;
	var y2StepSize = 25;

	//x&y position is the same for both curves
	var xposition = mouseX;
	var yposition = mouseY;

    for (var i = 0; i <= 30; i ++) {
    	//variables that constrain x1&y1 position to canvas size
    	var cx = constrain(xposition, 0, 400);
    	var cy = constrain(yposition, 0, 300);

    	stroke(sRColor, sGColor, sBColor);

    	//curve at top left corner when mouse is at 0, 300
    	//i*4/3 because height and width of canvas is different
    	line(cx, y1StepSize*i, x1StepSize*i*4/3, cy);

    	//curve at bottom left corner when mouse is at 0, 300
    	line(cx, height - y1StepSize*i, x1StepSize*i*4/3, height - cy);

    	//curve at top right corner when mouse is at 0, 300
    	stroke(sRColor - 100, sGColor - 100, sBColor-100);
    	line(x2StepSize*i*4/3, height - cy, width - cx, y2StepSize*i/2);

    	//curve at bottom right corner when mouse is at 0, 300
    	line(x2StepSize*i*4/3, cy, width - cx, height - y2StepSize*i/2);



I started by creating a simple composition on Illustrator just to understand how the coordinates work in string art curves. From there, I decided on the intervals of the lines to have some variation in the curves. I also wanted it to make it interactive with the mouse, so I made x&y positions and the color of the lines to be dependent of the lines. Although the code for this project was fairly short and simple, I thought it was pretty complicated when I was trying to understand the concept.


Initial sketch on Illustrator

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