


//Hannah Kim
//Section A

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 400);
function draw() {

//make rows of lines stemming from the center
//change opacity of lines to give glowing effect
for (var lineW = 50; lineW < 250; lineW += 8) {
	stroke(143, 204, 51, 85);
      line(150, 200, lineW, 50);
for (var lineW = 50; lineW < 250; lineW += 8) {
	stroke(114, 163, 41, 90);
      line(150, 200, lineW, 100);
for (var lineW = 50; lineW < 250; lineW += 8) {
	stroke(86, 122, 31, 95);
      line(150, 200, lineW, 150);
for (var lineW = 50; lineW < 250; lineW += 8) {
    //use map function to make middle row of lines
    //lines move up and down if mouse moves up and down
		var lineY = map(mouseY, 0, 200, 0, 400);
		stroke(59, 92, 10);
     	line(150, 200, lineW, lineY);
for (var lineW = 50; lineW < 250; lineW += 8) {
	stroke(86, 122, 31);
      line(150, 200, lineW, 250);
for (var lineW = 50; lineW < 250; lineW += 8) {
	stroke(114, 163, 41);
      line(150, 200, lineW, 300);
for (var lineW = 50; lineW < 250; lineW += 8) {
	stroke(143, 204, 51);
      line(150, 200, lineW, 350);


My goal for this project was really just to get comfortable using the for loop function. I really wanted to create a laser-esque feeling effect by using layers of string groups and making one “scan” from the top of the canvas to the bottom.

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