
Marius Watz: Random Numbers

Link: https://creators.vice.com/en_us/article/vvzxkb/random-numbers-screen-printed-generative-art-nyc-event

Marius Watz “Arcs04-01” from the series Random Numbers Multiples

In the project, Random Numbers, Marius Wats, a generative artist, collaborates with Jer Thorp to create a series of visualizations that demonstrates data of random numbers. They described that their project is about “pseudo-random compositions of radial shapes, subtly distorted by a 3D surface that lends the image a strong focal point and sense of movement.”

Marius Watz “Arc04-00” from the series Random Numbers Multiples

I think that the randomness of this artwork really adds to the aesthetic of the piece. The artist combines two factors that are usually not juxtaposed together: randomness and data. Data is something that is really not random but by adding randomness to it, the artist demonstrates an aesthetic for the visualization.

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