Project-06 Abstract Clock twrabetz


//Thomas Wrabetz
//Section C

var LAVA;
var accMillis;
var S;
var M;
var eruptionOn = false;
var eruptionCoords = [];
var eruptionV = 5;
var eruptionY;
var sec;

function setup() 

function draw()
    LAVA = color(195+minute(), 130, 21);
    fill( LAVA );
    if( S != second() )
        accMillis = 0;
    S = second();
    accMillis += millis() - M;
    M = millis();
    sec = second() + accMillis / 1000;
    if( second() >= 45 )
    if( second() <= 45 )
        rect( width * 0.4, height - 75 - sec * ( height - 75 ) / 60, width * 0.2, height );
        rect( width * 0.4, height - 75 - (45 * ( height - 75 ) / 60) + ( ( sec - 46 ) * ( height - 75 ) / 14 ), width * 0.2, height );

function eruption()
    if( second() == 45 )
        eruptionV = 5;
        eruptionY = height / 5;
        eruptionCoords = [width * 0.45, width * 0.5, width * 0.55 ]
    for( var i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        fill( LAVA );
        ellipse( eruptionCoords[i], eruptionY, 10, 10 );
        eruptionCoords[i] += (eruptionCoords[i] - width / 2) * 0.0025;
        eruptionCoords[i] += random(-0.001,0.001);
    eruptionY -= eruptionV * 0.1;
    eruptionV -= 0.0125;

function drawVolcano()
    fill( 50 );
    triangle( -width * 0.2, height, width * 0.4, height / 5, width * 0.4, height );
    triangle( width * 1.2, height, width * 0.6, height / 5, width * 0.6, height );
    fill( 150 );
    rect( width * 0.4, height / 5, width * 0.2, 4 * height / 5 );
    fill( LAVA );
    ellipse( width / 2, height, 200, 200 );
    //Side triangles
    for( var i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
        if( i == hour() ) fill( 150 );
        angle = ( i + 1 ) * PI / 36;
        triangle( width / 2 + 100 * cos( PI - angle - 0.05 ), height - 100 * sin( PI - angle - 0.05 ),
                  width / 2 + 100 * cos( PI - angle + 0.05 ), height - 100 * sin( PI - angle + 0.05 ),
                  width / 2 + 200 * cos( PI - angle ), height - 200 * sin( PI - angle ) );   
    for( var i = 12; i < 24; i++ )
        if( i == hour() ) fill( 150 );
        angle = ( i - 11 ) * PI / 36;
        triangle( width / 2 + 100 * cos( angle - 0.05 ), height - 100 * sin( angle - 0.05 ),
                  width / 2 + 100 * cos( angle + 0.05 ), height - 100 * sin( angle + 0.05 ),
                  width / 2 + 200 * cos( angle ), height - 200 * sin( angle ) );   

It’s a volcano. The lava color is based on the minutes. The height of the lava in the tube is based on the seconds ( it is completely empty at the start of a minute ). The lava streaks around the base represent the hours.

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