
This week I will be looking at Rachel Binx and exploring the way she graphically represent data. She is also the author of MeshuManyMapsCliffs&Coasts, and Gifpop. Binx is currently working with the Content Science and Algorithms team in Los Angeles in Netflix.

Many of the projects she has led and produced before creatively interprets and represent data. Such as NASAJPL Vortex, Mapzen Metro Extracts, New York Times Internal Dashboard, Harvard Library Haystacks, Healthy Los Angeles, and many others.

For example, the Harvard Library Haystacks displays items in the Harvard Library by categories.

This is a graphical representation of the categories in the library displaying them in shapes and colours so it is easier to interpret.

The NASAJPL Vortex is a project that Rachel Binx lead including project and visual design and then later management.

This project, for example, is built in React and d3.js.

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