mmirho – Project 07 – Curves

I fiddled with the math for a while, trying to identify a form I liked and eventually settled on a sort of an hourglass figure.

I connected lines from every point on the hourglass to the center of the figure to create a visually central effect, and then varied the rotation of the figure and the size of the figure on the X and Y coordinates of the mouse.

I then looped the figure to splay out at different speeds when rotating, to layer the image on top of itself in a simple and satisfying way. If you drag the rotation around enough, it starts to look like a clover!

The rotating pairs of cloverleafs also create an even more central effect on the overall image.


function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {

    background(210, 210, 255);
    fill(50, 100, 50, 70);

    for (var q = 500 ; q > 200 ; q -= 50) {

        translate(width/2, height/2);
        //Puts the hourglasses at the center of the canvas

        //Rotates the individual hourglasses at a contantly
        //Increasing rate, so they seperate from each other

        //Draws the hourglass

function hourglass() {

    for (var i = 0; i < mouseX; i++) {

        var t = map(i, 0, mouseX/1.5, 0, TWO_PI);
        var a = i*4;

        var x = (a*sin(t)*cos(t))/t;
        var y = (a*sin(sin(t)))/t;
        //The mathematical equation needed to create the
        //reversing hourglass curve

        //Draws a line from the center of the figure to
        //Every point on the curve, creating a web-ish
        //effect that draws your eyes to the middle

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