

//SunMin Kim 
//Section E


function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
  background(139, 181, 115);
  //drawing is moving in the center 
  translate(width/2, height/2); 
  //draw the curve 


function drawEpitrochoid() {  
    var nPoints = 500; 
    fill(86, 149, 204); 
    stroke(228, 213, 110);  

    var x; 
    var y;
    var h = constrain(mouseY, 0, 480); 
    //radius of bigger ellipse 
    var a = mouseX / 2; 
    //radius of smaller ellipse
    var b = mouseX / 400; 

    for(var i = 0; i < nPoints; i ++){
        var t = map(i, 0, nPoints, 0, TWO_PI);
        //epitrochoid equation (x position)
        var x = (a + b) * cos(t) - h * cos (((a+ b)/b)*t); 
        //epitrochoid equation (y position)
        var y = (a + b) * sin(t) - h * sin (((a+ b)/b)*t); 
        vertex(x, y);


For this project, after reading the sample codes, I was excited to create art using various curves. Thus I took benefit of the formula provided in Wolfram Mathworld website and created this project. Throughout this project, I struggled the most when thinking about appropriate values for each variable. I feel good with the outcome that I successfully used each variable to display what I wanted to show.

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