

var iInc;
var colR;
var colG;
var p;
var q; 
var curveSize;
function setup() {
   createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    p = map (mouseY, 0, height, 1, 10);
    q = map (mouseX, 0, width, 1, 15);
	colR = map(mouseX, 0, width, 130, 20);
	colG = map(mouseY, 0, height, 60, 110);
	curveSize = map (mouseX, 0, width, 100, 200);

	var k = p/q;
	 background(colR,colG, 10);

iInc = map (mouseY, 0, height, 0.05, 1.5);	

translate (width/2, height/2);

for (var i = 0; i < TWO_PI * q ; i+= iInc*1.2) {
var r = curveSize * cos (k*i);
var x = r * cos(i);
var y = r * sin(i);
point (x+ random (-1, 1), y+random(-1, 1));


For this project, I really wanted to play around with the jitter. I’m haven’t done any sort of math in a while so it was challenging for me to find my way around the curves. I decided to have more fun with it aesthetically and use dots to represent the curves because I think they’re more delicate and ephemeral.

The patterns and colours make it feel less mathematical and almost cozy like fall or early winter.


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