sntong-Looking Outwards 09: on Looking Outwards

I viewed the Botanicus Interacticus project by Disney Research (in collaboration with Philipp Schoessler, Jonas Loh/Studio NAND, Munehiko Sato) as an interesting project that aims to bridge the gap between our ability to understand, and communicating, to nature and to understand how nature will react. By projecting images around the plants due to the physical interaction by other objects around it starts to allow us to read, empathize the world plants experience in their perspective. It also suggests ideas of Deep Ecology that strive for a more responsible stance of human activity in this era of Anthropocene. As I did not focus on much of the technical implications the project which Jamie did in her post, I am fascinated by the cultural implications the project begins to tease out.

Interactions of the person with the plant produces amazing visual images



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