
Use the number keys in order to progress in the story!


var playerChoices = [];
var currentScene = 0;
var sceneList = [];

var leggyFish = [];
var leggyFishLoad = [];

var cat = [];
var catLoad = [];

var catFamily = [];
var catFamilyLoad = [];

var possums = [];
var possumsLoad = [];

var backgrounds = [];
var backgroundsLoad = [];

var endingImages = [];
var endingImagesLoad = [];

var items = [];
var itemsLoad = [];

function preload(){
    //preloads images for background, characters, items, etc.
    //imgur file link

    backgrounds[0] = "";
    backgrounds[1] = "";
    backgrounds[2] = "";
    //possum ending
    backgrounds[3] = "";
    //lose ending
    backgrounds[4] = "";

    //cat neutral
    cat[0] = "";
    //cat sad
    cat[1] = "";
    //cat happy
    cat[2] = "";

    //cat family neutral
    catFamily[0] = "";
    //cat family angry
    catFamily[1] = "";
    //cat family happy
    catFamily[2] = "";
    //cat full family
    catFamily[3] = "";

    //leggy fish neutral
    leggyFish[0] = "";
    //leggy fish sad
    leggyFish[1] = "";
    //leggy fish happy
    leggyFish[2] = "";

    //possums neutral
    possums[0] = "";
    //possums mad
    possums[1] = "";

    //water ending
    endingImages[0] = "";
    //milk ending
    endingImages[1] = "";
    //bad possum ending
    endingImages[2] = "";
    //good possum ending
    endingImages[3] = "";
    //bad cat ending
    endingImages[4] = "";
    //good cat ending
    endingImages[5] = "";
    //leggy fish ending
    endingImages[6] = "";

    //knock off oreos image
    items[0] = "";
    items[1] = "";
    //grocery store PANTS
    items[2] = "";
    items[3] = "";

    // load all images and add to appropriate arrays
    for(var b = 0; b < backgrounds.length; b++){
        backgroundsLoad[b] = loadImage(backgrounds[b]);
    for(var c = 0; c < cat.length; c++){
        catLoad[c] = loadImage(cat[c]);
    for(var cF = 0; cF < catFamily.length; cF++){
        catFamilyLoad[cF] = loadImage(catFamily[cF]);
    for(var l = 0; l < leggyFish.length; l++){
        leggyFishLoad[l] = loadImage(leggyFish[l]);

    for(var p = 0; p < possums.length; p++){
        possumsLoad[p] = loadImage(possums[p]);

    for(var e = 0; e < endingImages.length; e++){
        endingImagesLoad[e] = loadImage(endingImages[e]);

    for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
        itemsLoad[i] = loadImage(items[i]);

function createScenes() {
    // create all scenes & choices and add them to an array
    // format: main dialogue, choice 1 text, choice 1 next scene #,
    //         choice 2 text, choice 2 next scene #,
    //         choice 3 text (or "none"), choice 3 next scene,
    //         background image, character image
    // should set up a spreadsheet to keep track of scene nums

    //scenes at home
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you wake up", "time for cereal", 1,
    "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("oh no! you're out of milk", "go to store", 4,
    "water's basically the same thing", 2, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));

    //ENDING 1
    sceneList.push(makeScene("this cereal is reacting strangely to water...","BOOM!!!",3,"none",0,"none",0,backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("your cereal spontaneously combusted", "none", 0, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0],backgroundsLoad[0]));

    //store scenes
    sceneList.push(makeScene("the sun is shining as you walk down the street", "head to the store", 5, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], backgroundsLoad[2]))
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you're here for milk, but you're tempted to pick something else up", "resist the temptation", 6,
    "wander the aisles", 9, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[1], backgroundsLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you're on a mission", "take your milk home", 7, "actually, wait...", 9, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[1], backgroundsLoad[1]));

    //ENDING 2
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you eat your cereal", "wow, you're so boring", 8, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("technically you win, but you are a loser", "none", 0, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));

    sceneList.push(makeScene("you head to the...", "junk food aisle", 10, "seafood section", 11, "dairy section", 6, backgroundsLoad[1], backgroundsLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you do love your sweets", "let's get some roreos", 13, "aren't you on a diet", 9, "wait what's that", 12, backgroundsLoad[1], backgroundsLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("the fish are so fresh", "why not?", 25, "you don't even like seafood", 9, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[1], backgroundsLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("are those........ pants", "grocery store pants oh heck yeah", 42, "you don't trust no grocery store pants", 9, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[1], backgroundsLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you have just enough money", "time to go home", 14, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[1], backgroundsLoad[1]));

    //possum scenes
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you stroll down the street", "what's that?", 15, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], backgroundsLoad[2]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("something emerges from a trah can", "say hi to the... possums?", 16, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], possumsLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("the possums eye your purchase", "excuse YOU, these are mine", 17, "offer a cookie", 20, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], possumsLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("the possums watch disapprovingly as you walk down the street", "whatever, time for cookies", 18, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], possumsLoad[1]));

    //ENDING 3
    sceneList.push(makeScene("every bite of cookie tastes like regret", "the possums have cursed you", 19, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("death is coming for you", "none", 0, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));

    sceneList.push(makeScene("the possum grabs the entire package out of your hands and vanishes", "oh well", 21, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], possumsLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you unlock the door with no cookies or milk", "you hear strange rustling sounds", 22, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], backgroundsLoad[2]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("there's an army of possums in your house", "welcome your new family", 23, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[3]));

    //ENDING 4
    sceneList.push(makeScene("they push forward a gallon of milk", "you did the right thing", 24, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[3]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("the possums are in the house", "none", 0, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[3]));

    //cat scenes
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you have just enough money", "time to go home", 26, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[1], backgroundsLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you stroll down the street", "something scurries by", 27, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], backgroundsLoad[2]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("a scrawny cat begs for help", "you coldly walk on", 28, "aw, he looks hungry", 34, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you are heartless, but not fishless", "continue on your way", 29, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], backgroundsLoad[2]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("as you round the corner, you hear more meows", "it's a family of cats", 30, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catFamilyLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you stare at each other", "suddenly, one speaks", 31, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catFamilyLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("where's father? he was supposed to bring us food", "uh oh...", 32, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catFamilyLoad[0]));

    //ENDING 5
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you remember the cat from before", "should have given him the fish", 33, "prepare to be eaten", 33, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catFamilyLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you become cat food", "none", 0, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catFamilyLoad[1]));

    sceneList.push(makeScene("the cat politely takes the fish", "farewell sir", 35, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("as you round the corner, you hear more meows", "it's a family of cats", 36, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catFamilyLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you smile at them", "the cat from before appears!", 37, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catFamilyLoad[3]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("he gives the fish to his family", "you swear you hear them say ''thanks'' to you", 38, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], catFamilyLoad[3]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("that was nice", "time to go home, finally", 39, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], backgroundsLoad[2]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("when you get home, there's a package at your door", "there's a paw print on it", 40, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));

    //ENDING 6
    sceneList.push(makeScene("it's... a gallon of milk", "you tearfully thank the cats", 41, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you have been blessed by cats", "none", 0, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));

    //leggy fish
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you have just enough money", "time to go home", 43, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[1], backgroundsLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you stroll down the street", "there's something odd over there", 44, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], backgroundsLoad[2]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("a fish head peaks at you from behind a bush", "why does this fish has legs", 45, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], leggyFishLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you should really get to know your neighbors", "...some other time", 46, "he looks sad and cold", 47, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], leggyFishLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("what are you, heartless", "those pants won't fit you anyways", 47, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], leggyFishLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you look at your grocery store pants", "give the fish pants", 48, "give the fish pants", 48, "GIVE THE FISH PANTS", 48, backgroundsLoad[2], leggyFishLoad[1]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("the fish hurriedly puts them on", "leggy fish looks quite dapper in those pants", 49, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], leggyFishLoad[2]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you wave good bye", "leggy fish signals you to wait", 50, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], leggyFishLoad[2]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("the fish pulls a box from behind the bush", "thank you?", 51, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[2], leggyFishLoad[2]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("you head home with the box", "let's see what's inside", 52, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));

    //ENDING 7
    sceneList.push(makeScene("it's a gallon of milk", "wow, you have such nice neighbors", 53, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));
    sceneList.push(makeScene("this is the true ending", "none", 0, "none", 0, "none", 0, backgroundsLoad[0], backgroundsLoad[0]));

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 360);

function draw() {
    // render the current scene

function keyPressed() {
    var sceneToChange;
    // check which key is pressed
    // & switch to the correct scene depending on the current scene
    if(key == 1) {
        sceneToChange = sceneList[currentScene].next1;
        currentScene = sceneToChange;
    } else if(key == 2 & sceneList[currentScene].opt2 != "none") {
        sceneToChange = sceneList[currentScene].next2;
        currentScene = sceneToChange;
    // make sure this is a 3rd option
    else if(key == 3 & sceneList[currentScene].opt3 != "none") {
        sceneToChange = sceneList[currentScene].next3;
        currentScene = sceneToChange;

function drawScene() {
    // draw background image

    // draw character or item

    // text underlay
    fill(250, 250, 250, 200);
    rect(0, (2/3)*height, width,(1/3)*height);

    // draw ending text
    if(currentScene == 3 || currentScene == 8 || currentScene == 19 || currentScene == 24 || currentScene == 33 || currentScene == 41 || currentScene == 53){
        text("press '1' to play again ", width/2, 290);

    //adds items
    if(currentScene == 12){
    if(currentScene == 10){
    if(currentScene == 11){
        image(itemsLoad[1], 0, 0);
    if(currentScene == 6 || currentScene == 40 || currentScene == 52 || currentScene == 23){

    //adds ending images
    if(currentScene == 3){
    if(currentScene == 8){
    if(currentScene == 19){
    if(currentScene == 24){
    if(currentScene == 33){
    if(currentScene == 41){
    if(currentScene == 53){
    // draw main dialogue
    textFont("Courier", 12);
    text(this.dialogue, width/2, 260);

    // draw options
    // check if each option exists before drawing it
    if(this.opt1 != "none"){
        text("1. " + this.opt1, width/2-150, 290);
    if(this.opt2 != "none") {
        text("2. " + this.opt2, width/2-150, 310);
    if(this.opt3 != "none") {
        text("3. " + this.opt3, width/2-150, 330);

// create a scene object
function makeScene(words, one, n1, two, n2, three, n3, b, c) {
    var scene = {dialogue: words,
        opt1: one,
        next1: n1,
        opt2: two,
        next2: n2,
        opt3: three,
        next3: n3,
        bg: b,
        character: c,
        draw: drawScene}
        return scene;

For this project, I collaborated with Allissa Chan in order to create a choice-based game revolving around a trip to the grocery store. We used objects in order to implement all of the scenes, and created our graphics using Adobe Photoshop. There are seven different routes/endings within the game (including our definition of a “true” ending).

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