
This is Intel’s new light show creation that utilizes 100 flying drones, a project which was started in 2014 and is now displayed nationwide in venues and events such as Coachella, Disney World, and the 2017 Super Bowl.

Intel’s CEO Brian Krzanich first observed Ascending Technologies’ LED drone in 2014, which inspired him to kickstart a project that uses the already existing technology to generate a light show that was artistic and entertaining, demonstrating that technology and art could be complementary. The field team for this specific project consisted of a choreographer, 11 crew members, and 4 pilots that each controlled its own airfield of 25 drones. The choreographer for the show, with the help of others, developed Intel’s own animation software that writes 3-D algorithms to place the drones in the sky and script the colors that are displayed in the show.

This new creation removes the presumption that drones are solely used for photography or surveillance, and further promotes the integration of arts and technology through a show that could be enjoyed by everyone.


More about Intel’s light shows:


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