katieche – project 01 face


function setup (){
	createCanvas (600, 600);

function draw (){
	background (229, 185, 185);

	fill (0);
	ellipse (300, 335, 250, 330);

// head
	strokeWeight (0);
	stroke (229, 213, 199);
	fill (255, 243, 219);
	ellipse (300, 300, 200, 220);
	rect (300, 400, 50, 70);

// hair
	fill (0);
	ellipse (315, 230, 150, 90);
	fill (0);
	ellipse (230, 250, 60, 30);
	fill (0);
	ellipse (300, 210, 150, 60);
	fill (0);
	ellipse (240, 235, 70, 40);

// nose
	fill (229, 213, 199);
	triangle (287, 350, 300, 357, 312, 350);

// eyebrows
	fill (0, 0, 0);
	rect (250, 290, 60, 7);	

	fill (0, 0, 0);
	rect (350, 290, 60, 7);

	fill (247, 215, 215);
	ellipse (245, 340, 30, 30);

	fill (247, 215, 215);
	ellipse (355, 340, 30, 30);

// eyes
	fill (0);
	ellipse (250, 320, 30, 30);
	strokeWeight (3);
	stroke (0);
	line (230, 310, 250, 320);

	fill (0);
	ellipse (350, 320, 30, 30);
	strokeWeight (3);
	stroke (0);
	line (330, 310, 350, 320);

	fill (250);
	ellipse (245, 315, 7, 7);

	fill (250);
	ellipse (345, 315, 7, 7);


I started with a blank circle for the head, and made the features from the center out: from the nose to eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, and lastly, hair. There was a lot of guess and check involved with figuring out the location of the features. Wanted to include arcs or rotate objects, but had trouble figuring both of these out.

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