Sophie Chen – Project 04 – String Art


var x1 = 1;
var x2 = 1;
var y1 = 1;
var y2 = 1;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);


function draw() {
	// bottom section
	for (var i1 = 5; i1 < 200; i1 += 10){ // start i1 at 5
    	stroke(255, 0, 255); // purple
    	x1 = 0.2 - i1;
    	y1 = width - i1 - 50;
    	x2 = width;
    	y2 += 25 - i1 / 15; // end point of line should grow towards end
		line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
	// top section
	for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 300; i2 += 1){ // start i2 at 0
		stroke(255, 0, 100); // pink
		x1 = 0;
		y1 = width - i2 * 10;
		x2 = i2 + height;
		y2 = i2 / 50;
		line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
	// right section
	for (var i3 = 20; i3 < 300; i3 += 10){ // start i3 at 20
		stroke(255, 150, 100); // orange
		x1 = 0 - i3 * 10;
		y1 = height - i3 * 30;
		x2 = i3 * 0.5 + 300;
		y2 = i3 + height / 2;
		line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
	// left section
	for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 300; i4 += 5){ // start i4 at 0
    	stroke(100, 100, 255); // blue
    	x1 = 0; // start at 0
    	y1 = height - i4; 
    	x2 += width - i4; // lines concentration increase at the end
    	y2 += i4 * 2;
		line(x1, y1, x2, y2);

For this project, my goal was to create something more environmental and resembles landscapes/light through lines. I started by creating the bottom one first, and modified the rest based on the bottom one.  I was trying to create a sense of depth through these two-dimensional strings, and although it took me a while to understand what I was doing, it was definitely a learning process.

Robert Oh-Project-04-String-Art


//Robert Oh
//Section C

//assigning variables

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
    stroke(255, 120, 79)

    //creating the top and bottom parts
    for (var i = 1; i < 401; i+=10){
        line(200, 26, i, 300);
        line(200, 274, i, 0);

    stroke(255, 142, 142)
    //creating the left and right parts
    for (var i = 1; i < 301; i+=10){
        line(33, 150, 400, i);
        line(367, 150, 0, i);

    //creating the top left and bottom right parts
    for (var i = 1; i < 401; i+=12){
        line(0, height-(i*3/4), i, 0)
        line(i, 300, 400, height - i*3/4);

    //creating the bottom left and top right parts
    //I changed the increment here to be lower to show more depth
    for (var i = 1; i < 401; i+=5){
        line(0, i*3/4, i, 300);
        line(i, 0, 400, i*3/4);

For this project, I originally started off just experimenting around. When I finally was able to create the “star” figure in the middle, I knew I wanted to add some more flair, and so I included the curves covering the edges of the screen.

Alexandra Kaplan – Project 04 – String Art


    //variables of x and y placement of lines, to be changed under 
    //each for() statment

    var x1;
    var y1;
    var x2;
    var y2;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {   
    background(100, 100, 130);

    // eye pupil
    ellipse(width / 2 - 5, 215, 60, 60); 

    // eye highlight
    ellipse(width / 2 + 10, 205, 15, 15);

    // top lid
    for( var g2 = 1; g2 < width; g2 += 5){ // group 2 lines
        stroke(155, 150, 195);
        translate(20, -80);
        x1 = 0;
        y1 = width - g2;
        x2 = height + g2;
        y2 = g2;
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);

    // bottom lid
    for( var g1 = 1; g1 < width; g1 += 5){ // group 1 lines
        stroke(185, 180, 225);
        translate(40, height/2 - 30);
        x1 = 0;
        y1 = height - g1;
        x2 = width - g1;
        y2 = g1 ;
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);

    // top 
    for( var g3 = 40; g3 < width; g3 += 5){ // group 3 lines 
        stroke(195, 190, 235);
        translate(10, -100);
        x1 = 0;
        y1 = width - g3;
        x2 = height + g3;
        y2 = g3;
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);

    // head
    for( var g4 = .5; g4 < width; g4 += 5){ //group 4 lines
        stroke(90, 70, 130);
        translate(-170, -60);
        x1 = 20;
        y1 = width - g4;
        x2 = height + g4;
        y2 = g4;
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);


This project was a bit difficult to wrap my head around, especially how the for() loops affected the line positions.  I enjoyed manipulating the different parameters and seeing the various lines and arcs that could be created. My process was more one of discovery, as I played with the parameters to find inspiration. Once I had an idea,  I went on from there to try and get more specific in what I wanted to achieve.

Connor McGaffin – Project 04 – String Art


Connor McGaffin
Section C

function setup() {
function draw(){
    background (220,45,0);
    //farthest web away(in background)
    for (var e = 0; e < width; e += 8) {
        line(-5, e,e*1.5, 0); 
    //draw architectural structure
    for (var a = 0; a < width; a += 5) {
        line(0, 0, a, 400);
    for (var b = 0; b < width; b += 9) {
        line(300, 400, b * 1.5, 0);
    //draw top web
    for (var c = 0; c < width; c += 15) {
        line(250,75, c * 1.2, 1);
        //draw web moving off screen
        //hinting where spiderman is at
    //draw closest web that goes off screen
    for (var d = 0; d < width; d += 20) {
        line(0,d*1.5, d*1.2, height);


This project was challenging yet rewarding to work through. I wanted to create something abstract, yet still derivative of something else. After playing around with the different line generations I could create, I noticed the spiderweb-like quality to the pattern. Playing off of this, I used functions described in class and in the brief to create an abstracted scene inspired by Spiderman, with lines that suggest him to have just swung off screen.

Hannah Cai—Looking Outwards—04

Imogen Heap demonstrating her gloves

While looking for stuff on youtube, I came across this video. It caught my eye because I’m a fan of Imogen Heap, and I have to say that after watching this, I’ve become an even bigger fan of her. Using these “” gloves developed by Imogen Heap, a person can basically generate music with a flick of the wrist. I’d love to see a dancer wearing them, composing music from choreography, rather than choreographing to music.

The gloves connect to her computer, and change the sound produced based on factors such as position in space, pressure, hand position, etc. Altering the filter and other details basically makes for real-time generated sound. The computational part is deciding how all the variables would influence the sound that’s generated; how pitch, range, and other factors are mapped to 3d space. Since Imogen Heap usually works a lot with free-flowing, unstructured electronic music (check out her song “you know where to find me”), her characteristic style is present in her use of these gloves, and the two really mesh well and augment each other. I know that a few other artists have used these gloves for performances as well (including Ariana Grande), but I doubt that their music would really benefit as much from these gloves as Imogen’s does, due to stylistic differences. All in all, I’m really impressed with how Imogen Heap created what’s basically an amazing instrument of her own, and how she’s using it to enhance and showcase her already distinctive approach to music.

Joanne Lee – Project 04

Joanne Lee – Project 04

// Joanne Lee
// Section C
// Project-04

function setup() {
  background (255);

function draw() {

  var leftX1 = 0;
  var leftX2 = 0;
  var leftY = height/40
  var rightX1 = 400;
  var rightX2 = 400;
  var rightY = height/40;

  // step sizes
  var vertStep = height / 40;
  var horizStep1 = width / 15;
  var horizStep2 = height / 150;
  var i = 0;


  //bottom left curve loop
  for (i = 0; i < 40; i ++) {
    line(leftX1, 300, leftX2, leftY);
    // x-values move in opposite directions
    leftX1 += horizStep1;
    leftX2 -= horizStep2;
    leftY += vertStep; // increase y2 value

  // bottom right curve loop
  for (i = 0; i < 40; i ++) {
    line(rightX1, 300, rightX2, rightY);
    // x-values move in opposite directions
    rightX1 -= horizStep1;
    rightX2 += horizStep2;
    rightY += vertStep; // increase y2 value

  // code reset
  leftX1 = 0;
  leftX2 = 0;
  leftY = 300 - vertStep;

  // top left curve loop
  for (i = 0; i < 40; i ++) {
    line(leftX1, 0, leftX2, leftY);
    // x-values move in opposite directions
    leftX1 += horizStep1;
    leftX2 -= horizStep2;
    leftY -= vertStep; // decrease y2 value

  // code reset
  rightX1 = 400;
  rightX2 = 400;
  rightY = 300 - vertStep;

  // top right curve loop
  for (i = 0; i < 40; i ++) {
    line(rightX1, 0, rightX2, rightY); // decrease rightY value
    // x-values move in opposite directions
    rightX1 -= horizStep1;
    rightX2 += horizStep2;
    rightY -= vertStep; // decrease y2 value

The most difficult part of this project was determine what kind of shape I wanted to make. However, ultimately I decided that I wanted to create something that has a bit of depth as well as looks like something that is opening up. I am happy with the results and hope to be able to create more complex results in the future.

Catherine Coyle – Looking Outwards-04

Vocaloid is a music program, its first commercial release being in 2004. This series of programs allows a music producer to create a fully voiced song all on the computer. The producer types in the lyrics they want sung as well as a melody and the program synthesizes a voice for the song so no real singer is involved in the process of creating the actual song. Each ‘voice bank’ originally started with a real singer pronouncing all possible syllables which then can be used over and over again to create a huge number of possible songs.

Screenshot of program’s 3rd version

I don’t know much about computing to change sounds, but I would imagine there are certain factors that allow the program to change the pitch, vibrato, etc of each syllable. I just think it’s really cool technology, and could be good for those who want to make music but lack the singing ability.

Many of the voice banks have animated ‘personas’ which have led to a large fanbase for the program. You can see this illustrated below in vocaloid “Hatsune Miku’s” inclusion on the popular video game Just Dance.

Queen Miku performs her iconic song ‘PoPiPo’

Sean McGadden – Looking Outward 04

A Narrative on Creation

“MULTIVERSE – The eternal birth and death of infinite parallel universes” 

This project was a site specific instillation in Borgo delle Colonne 28, Italy. In order to project a fantastical yet grounded opinion on the creation of the universe, the production team listed below used sound, algorithmic projections and reflection of materials to create the essence of infinite space and time.

Bonanni Del Rio Catalog (Production), Mattia Carretti, Luca Camellini (Art Direction, Executive Production), Mattia Carretti, Luca Camellini, Samuel Pietri, Riccardo Bazzoni (Concept), Luca Camellini, Samuel Pietri (Software Artists), Riccardo Bazzoni (Sound Design), Matteo Mestucci (Hardware Engineering), Fiera Srl (Setting), Matteo Torsani (Video Report) and Emmanuele Coltellacci (Photo Report).

These artist programmed both sound and visuals with the intent on exploring rational explosion and implosion of particles of various scales and speeds to imply the creation or destruction of “universes”. The production teamsprinciples behind this project were to explain how the universe can be constantly compounded within itself. The existence of black holes are referred to as moments of inception of new child universes. A vast complex system of layered parallel universes is tantalizing and inspiring to me. This instillation transmits a magnitude of reality that is hardly perceivable into a medium that gives a portal-like insight into the true scale of the universe.  The way it also reflects off the ceiling and floor shows the infinite nature of the creation outside and within our own observable capabilities.

The images were generated with a program called openFrameworks and it serves as the “creator” of these universes. Just as creation remains within its own bounds, the generative sounds and shapes are within a similar family. However just as true creation is random there are random elements making slight changes in multiple factors. The sounds contribute to an overall essence of being and scale. The inception of possible universes is a magnificent and crazy thing to imagine due to the sheer size and time it might take.


Sean McGadden

Rjpark – Looking Outwards 04

Photo of Šarapovas’ Muscial Scultpure

Artist Andrius Šarapovas’ room-sized, interactive, musical sculpture features 77 individual installations comprised of a metal bar, sound activator, sound damper, resonator, and mechatronics that are used to make generative music. The project consists of 16 notes, C, D, F and G spread across 4 octaves, which are distributed throughout the room so that one can hear different music compositions at different points in the room. A note is made by the project’s algorithm which is activated by the algorithms from the apps on the Tele2’s 4G network. The algorithm for the project uses one second of 4G statistical data to generate one second of music. With multiple phones and installations, this creates a rhythm or musical pattern and sound volume. The pitch is determined by the amount of data that’s being downloaded on the phones. This algorithm seems so simple, yet it’s outcome is amazing. “The probability of the repetition of an identical four-note combination is about once in every 98,304 activations”, Šarapovas explains. What’s so admirable about this project is that the algorithm is very straightforward but the result is so complex and combinatory. You can see the artist’s artistic sensibility through this fact. As it states in the article, “Early on, Šarapovas settled on a minimalist spatial object that would consist of a number of identical segments… to balance the sound, control noises, dampen different notes, and activate sounds”.

Šarapovas Massive Robotic Instrument

Catherine Coyle – Project 04 – String Art


// Catherine Coyle
// section C
// Project-04-String Art

var rightY = 0;
var leftY;
var colorV = 0;
var bgColor = 0;

function setup() {
	createCanvas(400, 300);
	leftY = height;

function draw() {
	// background gradient done w lines
	// the line gets smaller and lighter each round making a gradient
	for(var thickness = height*2; thickness > 1; thickness = thickness*.8) {
		stroke(bgColor/2, bgColor/2, bgColor);
		line(0, height, width, height);
		bgColor += 20;
	// corner curves
	for(var topX = 0; topX < width; topX += 4) {
		// as one side of the line increases the other decreases making a curve
		// here are curves near the four corners
		stroke(colorV, 255-colorV, 150);
		line(width, leftY, width-topX, 0);
		line(topX, height, width, width-rightY);
		rightY += 4;
		line(topX, 0, 0, leftY);
		line(0, leftY, height-topX, height);
		leftY -= 4;
		// the color is continuously changing to make a gradient
		colorV += 2.5;
	// yellow middle lines
	stroke(253, 255, 137);
	for(var midX = 0; midX < width/2 - 50; midX += 8) {
		line(width/2 - 50, height/2 - 50 + midX, width/2 + 50 -midX, height/2 - 50);
		line(width/2 + 50, height/2 + 50 - midX, width/2 - 50 +midX, height/2 + 50);

I thought this was a really fun project! I didn’t do any sketches this time, instead I just experimented with different numbers to figure out how to make a curve and then added the curves in the middle. Additionally, I thought it would be cool to have a gradient background so I did this by using lines in a for-loop to follow the rest of the theme of the project.