Jasmine Lee – Looking Outwards – 05

The project I chose to look at this time was RoomCR6‘s Suprematism & Constructivism. I found it interesting in that it was a subtle take on modernizing some well-known Suprematism pieces. Suprematism was an art movement, originating in Russia, that tried to convey the feeling of “pure artistic feeling. “While they kept the themes from much of the paintings, including the geometric shapes, lines, and colors, RoomCR6 recreated the paintings using 3D objects. They used programs such as Cinema 4D and Arnold Render in order to create these images.

One of RoomCR6’s Suprematism recreations.
Another of RoomCR6’s recreations.
RoomCR6’s inspiration and precedents for this project.

It is interesting to see how RoomCR6 gave hierarchy to the previously flat, overlapping shapes in their recreations using 3D modeling. The subtle shadows and glossy material of the objects create a luminosity and dimension that were not there in the precedent paintings, as well as giving a sense of the objects floating in space. The series of works was published in May 2017. The artists’ sensibility is noticeable in how they chose to use beveled edges, perhaps to differentiate from the sharp edges of the historic paintings.

Aaron Lee – Looking Outwards – 05

Courtesy of Dom&Nic

Artist: Dom&Nic

Year: 2016

The music video of the song ‘Wide Open’ by The Chemical Brothers is directed by the director group Dom&Nic. In this seemingly one take 4 minutes film, the parts of dancer’s body slowly turn in to  3D printed lattice structure – a subsequent loss of her old self. This work was done by successfully merging the actions of the dancer with a 3D digital model. This genuine process involved with 1) Scanning dancer in full to create an exact digital replica 2) using in-house software to scan the background without the dancer for clean plates 3) camera shooting with meticulous tracking, 3d match-moving and animation.

I like this project because the technology really serves the vision of the artist. The dancer is now literally hollow, matching to the lyrics of the song.

Paul Greenway – Looking Outwards – 05

gif of “Seething” music video by Andy Lomas

The music video for Max Cooper’s “Seething“, by digital artist Andy Lomas, makes use of 3D computer graphics to create a visual that emulates biological cell growth. The cell, which is made up by a group of spheres, shifts throughout the song driven by software that is based on cell growth patterns. To do this, the software changes various parameters within the system such as the amount of force between spheres and the amount of “nutrients” available for growth. According to the artist, the animation aims to explore the aesthetics of biology rather than represent it in a scientifically accurate way. Regardless, the use of computer software as a generator of 3D graphics results in dynamic 3 dimensional forms that compliments the mood of the music while also capturing the attention of the audience. I definitely felt that the graphics fit the theme of the track well and overall helped to create a unique visual experience that enhanced the music.

Emma NM-LO-05

Andreas Wannerstedt Instagram

“Waves” (2019)

"Waves by Andreas Wannerstedt

I like this project by Andreas Wannerstedt because it is so mesmerizing, yet simple. It causes a little tension for the viewer because the ball could get off pace and run into the poles. However, it never does, which makes it difficult to pull away from watching it. It reminds me of the now popular ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) videos. It is meant to relax the viewer. I also really like the design of it. The color choices work well together to make the video feel softer and more soothing. The algorithms must have been thought out to make sure that the speed of the balls never hit the poles as their speed also stayed constant. The creator’s artistic sensibilities are shown through color choice and object choice. They could have chosen different objects that move in a repetitive, hypnotic motion, yet they chose cylinders and balls.

Ellan Suder Looking Outwards-05

I find the use of 3D computer graphics to make “deepfakes” interesting. The most recent big example I found was this video of a deepfaked Schwarzenegger impression on Conan. (2019)

The deepfake begins working at around 10 seconds in, which I wouldn’t have noticed without being told. Many people didn’t even notice the modifications.

The clip was edited by Tom [redacted], a graphic illustrator from the Czech Republic who created the video using free software to learn more about machine learning and artificial intelligence.

My first impression is that it’s really cool and impressive. People already like Facebook/Snapchat filters so much, and more advanced technology in this area will open up new possibilities for artworks. (For example, this Augmented Reality face filter that creates 3D face makeup). It reminds me of this commercial I saw that used CGI to “resurrect” Audrey Hepburn–my highschool teacher thought it was so interesting she showed our whole class. 

However, it is also troubling to consider how easily these videos can fool people. Like the creation of Photoshop meant that photographs would no longer be entirely trustworthy, this kind of software means that videos can no longer be taken at face value either. Lawmakers have been preparing to limit the spread of manipulated videos. Even Tom has commented on the potential malicious use of deepfakes, stating that “he’s sworn off creating political deepfakes or working for someone who wants them … It’s a good thing that not everyone can do it. People on the internet are animals, and they might use it for not very good stuff.”

Jamie Park – Looking Outwards – 05

Kilimanjaro’s “Peeling Therapy (2019)” on youtube

Roger Kilimanjaro is a professional 3d computer graphics artist based in Paris, France. Based on my research, he creates videos and 3d renderings of common everyday objects. He renders and makes videos of cupcakes, ice cream, donuts, and boxes. Although the pictures are not in this post, he also rendered donuts for an advertisement of Krispy Kreme.

Based on my research, he uses cinema 4D to render his images and videos. This means that he uses a software that has been coded by other people to achieve his goal. It’s cool that one can do something completely different and creative using a software coded by programmers. I wonder if the programmers knew that one could create nice images like those using their software.

The artist’s creativity and sensibility is heightened when assessing the colors of each image. The overall graphics are very well rendered and nice to look at.

Fallon Creech-LookingOutwards-04

Video demonstrates how a user would interact with the machine

“Weather Thingy,” a sound project designed by designer Adrien Kaeser, uses climate-related events to modify and control sounds, which ultimately produces a string of various and unpredictable effects that update according to weather data. This machine utilizes two primary parts; a weather station consists of various climate sensors, and a custom-built controller assigns parameters to sound effects. The weather data interpreted by this machine can also be visualized on a screen and even allows the musician to control the amplification of the sound.

I respect the control that Kaeser gives to musicians using this machine; while the machine does force the user to interpret the climatic impact on the composition of their music, it gives them the control to both override and reuse these effects throughout. It insures the artist still has creative freedom, but encourages them to acknowledge factors beyond their own control.

Image depicts the various instruments through which sound is interpreted.

Ammar Hassonjee – Project 02 – Variable Face

Variable Face – Baby

/* Ammar Hassonjee
   Section C
   Project 02 - Generative Face

//Declaring different variables of the face that will change when mouse is pressed

var earSize = 70;
var headWidth = 300;
var headHeight = 300;
var mouth1 = headHeight;
var mouth2 = 0
var mouth3 = 3.14;
var hairLength = 40;
var hairColor = 0;
var shirtColor = 250;
var eyeS = 50;
var tear = 'tan';

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {
  // Creating the body
    arc(width / 2, height, 500, 450, PI, 0);

  // Strand of hair
    triangle(width / 2 + 20, headHeight * .35, width / 2, hairLength, width / 2 - 20, headHeight * .35);

  // Drawing the head
    ellipse(width / 2, 255, headWidth, headHeight);

  // Drawing the ears
    ellipse(width - (headWidth + 1.1 * earSize), headHeight * .85, earSize, earSize * 1.4); // left

    ellipse(headWidth + 1.1 * earSize, headHeight * .85, earSize, earSize * 1.4); // right

    // Drawing a tear
    arc(width / 2 - headWidth / 6 - 10, headHeight * 2 / 3 + eyeS / 2, eyeS * .4, eyeS * .6, 1.04, 2.09);

  // Drawing the eyes
    ellipse(width / 2 + headWidth / 6, headHeight * 2 / 3, eyeS, eyeS);
    ellipse(width / 2 + headWidth / 6 - 10, headHeight * .63, eyeS * .2, eyeS * .2); // eye bubble

    ellipse(width / 2 - headWidth / 6, headHeight * 2 / 3, eyeS, eyeS);
    ellipse(width / 2 - headWidth / 6 - 10, headHeight * .63, eyeS * .2, eyeS * .2); // eye bubble

  // Drawing the nose
    fill(180, 160, 130);
    triangle(width / 2, 255, width / 2 + headWidth / 10, 275, width / 2 - headWidth / 10, 275);

  // Creating the mouth
    arc(width / 2, mouth1, 100, 50, mouth2, mouth3);


function mousePressed() {
    // when mouse is clicked, random values will generate, changing the facial features
    earSize = random(50, 100);
    hairLength = random(30, 200);
    hairColor = random(0, 100);
    headWidth = random(300, 350);
    headHeight = random(300, 350);
    shirtColor = random(210, 255);
    eyeS = random(30, 70);

    var x = round(random(0.5, 2.5));
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, width / 2, 275) < (headWidth / 10)) {
          mouth1 = headHeight * 1.1;
          mouth2 = 3.14;
          mouth3 = 0;
          tear = 'blue';
    else {
          mouth1 = headHeight;
          mouth2 = 0;
          mouth3 = 3.14;
          tear = 'tan';

My project was inspired by seeing how I apply the variables of face generation to the image of a baby. I also explored how making sure when the mouse was clicked in certain areas, it changed the variables of even more facial features.

Siwei Xie – Project 05 – Wallpaper


//Siwei Xie
//Section B

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    background(236, 214, 180);

function draw() {
	//use Nested Loop to create shapes
	for (var j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
        for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

        //maroon circles
        fill(185, 88, 84);
        circle(i * 46 + 15, j * 30 + 15, 20);

        //yellow triangles
        triangle(i*40+65, j*40+20, i*40+5, j*40+50, i*40+35, j*40+50);
        //white verticle lines
        rect(i*46+15, 0, 3, 400);



Nested loop is a very useful tool when creating repetitive patterns. It was fun to design an aesthetically pleasing image by balancing the colors and shapes of different elements.

I researched wallpaper or tablecloth patterns on the internet first, then tried to design my own image. I set the overall color to be soft and harmonious, by using a combination of pink, maroon, light yellow and white. The shapes I used include triangles, circles and rectangles, which overlap on each other to create a harmonious pattern.

Zee Salman- Project 04 String Art

Click on the art to take away night mode.


//Zee Salman

function setup() {


function draw(){

    if (mouseIsPressed) {
	    for (i = 0; i <= 2000; i+=30){
	    //blue horizantal lines
	    line(i,mouseY, i/2 ,height);
	    for (i = width/2; i <= 2000; i +=20){
	    // bottom right 
	    line(mouseX, 500 - i, i / 2, height/ 2);
	    // bottom left 
	    line(5 - i, i * .2, 1000-i, mouseY);


		for (i = 0; i <= 60; i++){
    	//red vertical lines
	    line(mouseX, i * mouseY,width / 2 ,height/2);

    //night mode
  	else {
  		for (i = 0; i <= 2000; i+=30){
	    //white horizantal lines
	    line(i,mouseY, i/2 ,height);
	    for (i = width/2; i < 2000; i +=20){
	    // bottom right 
	    line(mouseX, 500 - i, i / 2, height/ 2);
	    // bottom left 
	    line(5 - i, i * .2, 1000-i, mouseY);


		for (i = 0; i <= 60; i++){
    	//green vertical lines
	    line(mouseX, i * mouseY,width / 2 ,height/2);


*Grace Day*

While doing this project, I definitely went for random and exploratory lines, it was really fun also I wanted to experiment with movement in many ways so when you hold the mouse it changes color as well as movement from the drag of the mouse.