Toni Doves is a media artist active in New
York who uses motion sensing for her film, installation and performance. For example,
in her exhibition, participants would see their avatars on screen that emulate
One of her prominent projects, ‘The dress
that eats soul’, already gives a powerful presence without further explanation
by its appearance. A huge mechanical female sculpture in front of movie screen
emits different lights and effects that follows to the narrative.
According to artist’s description, the sculpture’s
dress is triggered by the movement of the participant and starts to play video
and tell a story. The projection on the overheads follows the direction of the
participant’s head to enhance virtual reality. The video is dubbed with poem
scripted by novelist Rene Steinke. Each video is unique and responsive to the participant’s
The main reason I picked this artist is mainly due to my passion in cinema which Doves has a serious connection to. I was curious to find what aesthetic and technological impact one could bring to the art of cinema. It was also interesting how she was using responsive features of her work to address and develop personal connections to the participants.
//Minjae Jeong
//Section B
var trees = [];
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 400);
// collection of trees
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
var rx = random(width);
trees[i] = makeTrees(rx);
function draw() {
drawRedcar(180, 230);
drawYellowcar(260, 330);
function drawSun() {
fill(255, 102, 0);
ellipse(440,20, 130);
function drawRoad() {
//grey road
rect(0, 220, 480, 180);
//white line
rect(0, 290, 480, 5);
function drawRedcar(x , y) {
rect(x, y, 100, 20);
rect(x + 20, y - 20, 50, 20);
ellipse(x + 20, y + 20, 21, 21);
ellipse(x + 80, y + 20, 21, 21);
ellipse(x + 20, y + 20, 15, 15);
ellipse(x + 80, y + 20, 15, 15);
ellipse(x + 20, y + 20, 3, 3);
ellipse(x + 80, y + 20, 3, 3);
fill(102, 204, 255);
rect(x + 28, y - 17, 35, 15);
function drawYellowcar(x , y) {
rect(x, y, 100, 20);
rect(x + 20, y - 20, 50, 20);
ellipse(x + 20, y + 20, 21, 21);
ellipse(x + 80, y + 20, 21, 21);
ellipse(x + 20, y + 20, 15, 15);
ellipse(x + 80, y + 20, 15, 15);
ellipse(x + 20, y + 20, 3, 3);
ellipse(x + 80, y + 20, 3, 3);
fill(102, 204, 255);
rect(x + 28, y - 17, 35, 15);
function updateTrees(){
for (var i = 0; i < trees.length; i++){
function removeTrees(){
var treesToKeep = [];
for (var i = 0; i < trees.length; i++){
if (trees[i].x + trees[i].breadth > 0) {
trees = treesToKeep; // remember the surviving buildings
function addNewTrees() {
//probability of new trees
var newTreeLikelihood = 0.01;
if (random(0,1) < newTreeLikelihood) {
// method to update position of tree every frame
function treeMove() {
this.x += this.speed;
// draw the trees
function treeDisplay() {
fill(119, 83, 0);
translate(this.x, height - 230);
rect(0, 0, 15, 50);
fill(0, 153, 0);
translate(this.x, height - 230);
ellipse(0, 20, 40);
ellipse(10, 3, 40);
ellipse(20, 20, 40);
function makeTrees(birthLocationX) {
var tree = {x: birthLocationX,
y: 200,
breadth: 50,
speed: -1.0,
move: treeMove,
display: treeDisplay}
return tree;
For this project, I wanted to create a project that displays cars and the surroundings, which are sky, trees, road, and a sun. It was more challenging than my expectation but will be fun and useful once I absorb it.
Amy Franceschini is an artist and designer who challenges the “certainties” of space and time in a way that brings into inquiry the supposed conflict between mankind and nature. Throughout her work, there are developments of an intertwined relationship between people, nature, and space, in ways that reconfigure understandings of traditional space making. One project by her practice, Future Farmers, is called Wind Theater and it transforms and translates the physical experience of wind into one that is visual and auditory, using its movements to generate color fields. Another project, For Want of a Nail, brings into inquiry the complex history of nuclear energy in New Mexico, as it seeks to develop a dialogue between the materials and those affected by the materials. Franceschini’s work spans a variety of disciplines and challenges the notions of art, architecture, and research in ways that positions the work in intriguing ways.
// Kristine Kim
// Section D
// Project -10-Interactive Sonic Sketch
var vacuumnoise;
var fridgenoise;
var dogbarking;
var outsidenoise;
var keynoise;
//global variables for images
var vacuumpic;
var dogpic;
var keypic;
function preload() {
//load pictures
var vacuumpicURL = "[/img]"
vacuumpic = loadImage(vacuumpicURL);
var dogpicURL = "[/img]"
dogpic = loadImage(dogpicURL);
var keypicURL = "[/img]"
keypic = loadImage(keypicURL);
//load sounds
vacuumnoise = loadSound("")
fridgenoise =loadSound("")
dogbarking = loadSound("")
outsidenoise = loadSound("")
keynoise = loadSound("")
// //vacuuming noise
// vacuumnoise = loadSound("vacuum.wav");
// //sound of fridge opening and closing
// fridgenoise =loadSound("fridge.wav");
// //sound of dog barking
// dogbarking = loadSound("dogbarking.wav");
// //sound of birds chirping outside
// outsidenoise = loadSound("birdsoutside.wav");
// //sound of key dropping on a table
// keynoise = loadSound("keys.wav");
function setup() {
createCanvas(500, 400);
function soundSetup(){
//controlling the volume
function draw() {
background(255, 247, 135);
//dark brown outline around everything
stroke(102, 77, 27);
//drawing the floor
fill(199, 154, 58);
rect(-5,280, 510,400);
//drawing the fridge
rect(40,100, 100, 200);
//fridge shadow
fill(176, 174, 169);
rect(40, 170, 100, 10);
// handle
//drawing the windows
fill(184, 241, 252);
//table legs
fill(102, 77, 27);
rect(210,240, 12, 70);
rect(380,240, 12, 70);
fill(71, 54, 20);
rect(290,190, 12, 100);
rect(450,190, 12, 100);
//drwing the table
fill(102, 77, 27);
//drawing the vaccum image
image(vacuumpic, 250, 110, 350,250);
//drawing the dog image
//drawing the keys image
function mousePressed(){
//If pressed on keys, play sound and if pressed somewher else, pause the sound
if (mouseX > 260 & mouseX < 300 && mouseY > 195 && mouseY < 235){;
} else {
//If pressed on dog, play sound and if pressed somewher else, pause the sound
if (mouseX > 80 & mouseX < 280 && mouseY > 240 && mouseY < 320){;
} else {
//If pressed on vacuum, play sound and if pressed somewher else, pause the sound
if (mouseX > 300 & mouseX < 480 && mouseY > 100 && mouseY < 300){;
} else {
//If pressed on fridge, play sound and if pressed somewher else, pause the sound
if (mouseX > 40 & mouseX < 140 && mouseY > 100 && mouseY < 300){;
} else {
//If pressed on right window, play sound and if pressed somewher else, pause the sound
if (mouseX > 170 & mouseX < 300 && mouseY > 30 && mouseY < 130){;
} else {
I wanted to create an environment and a setting for this project so I decided to create a kitchen/ living room. I was reminded of my childhood when I was working on this project because I used to play a lot of games where I was allowed to decorate my room or my house so I had a lot of fun with this one. The only problem that I had was that the sounds were not playing on WordPress but it works perfectly fine on a local server. I’m still having this problem, but I couldn’t figure it out. I have attached a zip file of my sounds so that it can be played on the local server.
I’d like to focus on the media artist Eunsu Kang, the artist behind the installation Shin’m. Kang studied at Ewha Woman’s University, where she received her BFA and MFA. For her postgraduate studies, Kang received an MA from UCSC and a PhD from the University of Washington.
Shin’m is a hybrid of a performance and installation which explores the relationships between the body and space through spatial drawing of sound. Kang created this piece in collaboration with Diana Garcia-Snyder (a choreographer), Donald Craig, and Bo Choi (costume designer). I loved seeing the environment respond visually and sonically to the participants’ movements. I think it inspired the participant to try different movements to see what kind of environment they could generate. Moreover, though the piece is very technical, the sounds of nature add a different dimension to the environment and create a soothing, beautiful atmosphere.
//Zee Salman
//Project 10
// sketch.js template for sound and DOM
// This is the 15104 Version 1 template for sound and Dom.
// This template prompts the user to click on the web page
// when it is first loaded.
// The function useSound() must be called in setup() if you
// use sound functions.
// The function soundSetup() is called when it is safe
// to call sound functions, so put sound initialization there.
// (But loadSound() should still be called in preload().)
function preload() {
stomach = loadSound("");
fart = loadSound("");
laugh = loadSound("");
cry = loadSound("");
function setup() {
createCanvas(500, 500);
function draw() {
// you can replace any of this with your own code:
//baby head
ellipse(width/2, height/4, 100, 120 );
rect(width/2.75, height/2.2, 140, 100);
//baby top
ellipse(width/2, height/2, 100, 140);
ellipse(width/2.5, height/2.25, 50, 60);
ellipse(width/1.65, height/2.25, 50, 60);
triangle(width/2.5,height/2.6, 300, 192, width/2,height/2);
//baby tummy
ellipse(width/2, height/1.9, 70, 90);
//baby diapers
ellipse(width/2, height/1.63, 100, 90);
//baby tummy
rect(width/2.5, height/1.95, 100, 40);
rect(width/2.32, height/1.98, 69, 30);
//baby legs
ellipse(width/1.55,height/1.5, 70, 50);
ellipse(width/2.65,height/1.5, 70, 50);
ellipse(width/2.35,height/1.5, 50, 50);
ellipse(width/1.7,height/1.5, 50, 50);
//baby neck
rect(width/2.22, height/4, 50, 90);
ellipse(width/2, height/5.5, 90, 60);
ellipse(width/2.2, height/3.8, 15, 15);
ellipse(width/1.85, height/3.8, 15, 15);
ellipse(width/2, height/3.2, 30, 20);
ellipse(width/2, height/3.2, 10, 15);
function mousePressed() {
//click on the baby's bib/ stomach
if (mouseX < width/2 + 30 & mouseX > width/2 - 30 && mouseY < height/2 + 40 && mouseY > height/2- 40){;
//click on the baby's neck/pacifier area
if (mouseX < width/2 + 10 & mouseX > width/2 - 30 && mouseY < height/2+20 && mouseY > height/4){;
//click on the baby's diaper
if (mouseX < width/2 + 10 & mouseX > width/2 - 30 && mouseY < height/1.5 && mouseY > height/1.7){;
//click on the bab'ys left leg
if (mouseX < width/1.55 + 10 & mouseX > width/2.55 - 10 && mouseY < height/1.5+20 && mouseY > height/1.7){;
I wanted to create a sketch that was cohesive but still had different sounds that would be interesting when put together. I was inspired when I was walking past a woman who had two kids, one was crying and one was laughing. Babies make a variety of sounds and these are just a few interesting ones.
//Jasmine Lee
//Section C
//Project 11 (Generative Landscape)
var waterSpeed = 0.0002;
var waterDetailL1 = 0.0005; //controls amplitude of left side of waterfall
var waterDetailL2 = 0.0001;
var waterDetailL3 = 0.00025;
var waterDetailL4 = 0.00075;
var waterDetailR1 = 0.0001; //controls amplitude of right side of waterfall
var waterDetailR2 = 0.00025;
var waterDetailR3 = 0.0005;
var waterDetailR4 = 0.00075;
var waterDetailH1 = 0.0005; //controls amplitude of horizontal waves
var waterDetailH2 = 0.00095;
var waterDetailH3 = 0.00075;
var fish = [];
var newFishLikelihood = 2.9;
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 480);
//makes fish and places them in random x and y positions
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
fish.push(makeFish(floor(random(240, 480)), floor(random(300, 360))));
//displays the fish properly
for (var i = 0; i < fish.length; i ++) {
function draw() {
background(138, 212, 227); //teal
stroke(255, 255, 255, 100); //transparent white
//LEFT SIDE OF WATERFALL---------------------------------------------
//1st line of waterfall
for (var y = 0; y < 240; y++) {
//t determines how far away the line is from x = 0 at y
//millis() * waterSpeed slows down how fast the line is traveling)
var t = ((y * waterDetailL1) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var x = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 0, 220);
line(x, y, (t - width), y);
//2nd line of waterfall
for (var y = 0; y < 240; y++) {
var t = ((y * waterDetailL2) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var x = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 10, 235);
line(x, y, (t - width), y);
//3rd line of waterfall
for (var y = 0; y < 240; y++) {
var t = ((y * waterDetailL3) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var x = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 20, 250);
line(x, y, (t - width), y);
//4th line of waterfall
for (var y = 0; y < 240; y++) {
var t = ((y * waterDetailL4) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var x = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 50, 220);
line(x, y, (t - width), y);
//RIGHT SIDE OF WATERFALL---------------------------------------------
//1st line of waterfall
for (var a = 0; a < 240; a ++) {
//c gives us how far away the line is from x = 0 at y
//millis() * waterSpeed slows down how fast the line is traveling)
var c = ((a * waterDetailR1) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var b = map(noise(c), 0, 1, 240, 480);
line(b, a, ((width + 60) - c), a);
//2nd line of waterfall
for (var a = 0; a < 240; a ++) {
var c = ((a * waterDetailR2) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var b = map(noise(c), 0, 1, 220, 480);
line(b, a, ((width + 60) - c), a);
//3rd line of waterfall
for (var a = 0; a < 240; a ++) {
var c = ((a * waterDetailR3) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var b = map(noise(c), 0, 1, 200, 480);
line(b, a, ((width + 60) - c), a);
//4th line of waterfall
for (var a = 0; a < 240; a ++) {
var c = ((a * waterDetailR4) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var b = map(noise(c), 0, 1, 300, 480);
line(b, a, ((width + 60) - c), a);
//HORIZONTAL WAVES--------------------------------------------
stroke(41, 152, 217, 100);
//1st wave
for (var x = 0; x < width; x ++) {
//c gives us how far away the line is from x = 0 at y
//millis() * waterSpeed slows down how fast the line is traveling)
var t = ((x * waterDetailH1) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var y = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 210, 240);
line(x, y, x, height);
//2nd wave
for (var x = 0; x < width; x ++) {
var t = ((x * waterDetailH2) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var y = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 220, 250);
line(x, y, x, height);
//3rd wave
for (var x = 0; x < width; x ++) {
var t = ((x * waterDetailH3) + millis() * waterSpeed);
var y = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 240, 300);
line(x, y, x, height);
//functions used to display and control the fish
function updateAndDisplayFish() {
//update the fish position and display
for (var i = 0; i < fish.length; i ++) {
function removeFish() {
//Copy all fish we want to keep into a new array
var fishToKeep = [];
for (var i = 0; i < fish.length; i++) {
if (fish[i].x + fish[i].fishWidth > 0) {
fish = fishToKeep; //stores the surviving fish
function fishMove() {
//controls fish movement
this.x += this.speed;
//makes fish start back at right end of canvas once they reach the left
if (this.x < 0) {
this.x = width;
function fishDisplay() {
//fish body
fill(237, 175, 69, 100); //fish body
ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.fishWidth, this.fishHeight);
//fish tail
triangle(this.x + (this.fishWidth / 2) , this.y, this.x + 20, this.y + 5, this.x + 20, this.y - 5);
//creates fish object
function makeFish(birthLocationX, birthLocationY) {
var fs = {x: birthLocationX,
y: birthLocationY,
fishWidth: random(15, 30),
speed: -2.0,
fishHeight: random(7, 10),
move: fishMove,
displayF: fishDisplay}
return fs;
For my landscape, I wanted to depict a peaceful waterfall scene. Using different noise functions, I was able to create gently flowing water, and subtle waves. The fish in the freshwater loop continuously, as if they were swimming around in the water and looping back where we could not see them turn. The most difficult part was this project was creating the objects. I had trouble with getting the correct amount of fish to show up, and with keeping the fish on the page. Over time, the waterfall changes position until it seems as if there are two waterfalls. Each time the landscape is refreshed, the fish sizes and positions are randomized.
/* Ammar Hassonjee
Section C
Project 11
// global variables and arrays declared to hold objects
var traintracks = [];
var tracky = 0; //position of train tracks
var oases = []; // array for oases objects
var trees = []; // array for tree objects
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 480);
// for loop that pushed train track objects to array
for (var i = 0; i < 480; i += 20) {
traintracks.push(makeTrainTracks(210, i));
// creates a random amount of oases to add to the oases array each time
// the program is loaded
if (i % 240 === 0) { //random iteration
// variables initialized to pass as parameters for making the oases objects
var xloc = int(random(width / 4));
var yloc = int(random(height));
var shade = int(random(200, 255));
var xsize = int(random(60, 100));
var ysize = int(random(100, 150));
oases.push(makeOasis(xloc, yloc, shade, xsize, ysize));
function draw() {
background(250, 245, 200);
fill(97, 74, 66);
rect(200, 0, 10, height); // train track boundaries
rect(270, 0, 10, height); // train track boundaries
// calling the track functions to continously move the tracks and add oases objects to canvas
// function called for drawing the train object
// updating the position of each track and oases in each of the arrays
function updateTracks() {
// for loop that calls train track objects and moves/displays them
for (var i = 0; i < traintracks.length; i++) {
// for loop that calls oases objects and moves/displays them
for (var j = 0; j < oases.length; j++) {
// for loop that calls tree objects and moves/displays them
for (var k = 0; k < trees.length; k++) {
function addTracks() {
var position = traintracks[traintracks.length - 1].y; // initializing traintracks position
traintracks.push(makeTrainTracks(210, position + 20)); // adding a traintracks object to the end of the array
var chance = int(random(0, 40)); // making sure the chance of appending an oases object is low
if (chance === 2) {
// variables declared as parameters to pass to the oases object
var xloc = int(random(width / 4));
var yloc = height;
var shade = int(random(200, 255));
var xsize = int(random(40, 60));
var ysize = int(random(100, 400));
oases.push(makeOasis(xloc, yloc, shade, xsize, ysize));
// varying the chance of the trees appearing
var chance2 = int(random(0, 25));
if (chance2 === 4) { // making sure the trees appear on both sides of the tracks
var xpo = int(random(180)); // xvariable for first half of the canvas
var ypo = height;
var treeColor = int(random(100, 255));
var treeSize = int(random(20, 40));
trees.push(makeTree(xpo, ypo, treeSize, treeColor));
} else if (chance === 6) {
var xpo = int(random(300, width)); // x variable for second half of the canvas
var ypo = height;
var treeColor = int(random(100, 255));
var treeSize = int(random(20, 30));
trees.push(makeTree(xpo, ypo, treeSize, treeColor));
function removeTracks() {
// creating a duplicate array to keep track objects that are within the canvas
var trackKeep = [];
for (var i = 0; i < traintracks.length; i++) {
if (traintracks[i].y > -10) {
traintracks = trackKeep; // reassigning the tracks array to the duplicate array
// creating a duplicate array to keep track objects that are within the canvas
var oasesKeep = [];
for (var i = 0; i < oases.length; i++) {
if (oases[i].y > -40) {
oases = oasesKeep; // reassigning the oases array to the duplicate array
// creating a duplicate array to keep track objects that are within the canvas
var treeKeep = [];
for (var i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) {
if (trees[i].y > -40) {
trees = treeKeep; // reassigning the trees array to the duplicate array
function trackMove() { // moving the position of each track and oases object
this.y -= 10;
function trackDisplay() { // displaying each track object with rectangles
fill(97, 74, 66);
rect(this.x, this.y, 60, 10);
function makeTrainTracks(xpos, ypos) { //object for making traintrack
var trck = {x: xpos, y: ypos, move: trackMove,
display: trackDisplay}
return trck;
function makeOasis(xco, yco, color, xscale, yscale) { //object for making oases
var oasis = {x: xco, y: yco, move: trackMove,
display: oasisDisplay, tone: color,
size1: xscale, size2: yscale};
return oasis;
function oasisDisplay() { // displaying the oases objects as an ellipse
fill(0, this.tone, this.tone);
ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size1, this.size2);
function makeTree(xp, yp, xsize, colour) { //function for making tree objects
var tree1 = {x: xp, y: yp, move: trackMove, display: treeDisplay,
tone: colour, size1: xsize};
return tree1;
function treeDisplay() { // displaying the tree objects by drawing from parameters
fill(0, this.tone, 0);
ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size1 * 1.5);
fill(0, this.tone - 50, 0);
ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size1);
function drawTrain() { // drawing the train object as a static image
fill(200, 100, 100);
rect(207, 220, 67, 160);
rect(207, 390, 67, 160);
rect(230, 382, 20, 7);
rect(220, 230, 40, 120);
rect(220, 410, 40, 120);
For this project, I chose to animate an aerial view over a train moving across a desert. I’ve always been interested in Wild West type scenes, so the image of a train moving past oases and small little cacti is one that stood out to me. I attached a sketch of my thought process at the bottom.
/* Kimberlyn Cho
Section C
Project 11 */
var gifts = [];
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 300);
//gifts already on conveyor at start
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var rx = random(width);
gifts[i] = makeGifts(rx);
function draw() {
//draw gifts
//draw conveyor
//update gift location
function updateGifts() {
for (var i = 0; i < gifts.length; i++) {
//remove gifts after conveyor from array
function removeGifts() {
var giftsToKeep = [];
for (var i = 0; i < gifts.length; i++) {
if (gifts[i].x + gifts[i].breadth > 0) {
gifts = giftsToKeep;
//add new gifts to array
function addGifts() {
var newGiftLikelihood = 0.04;
if (random(0,1) < newGiftLikelihood) {
//move gifts per frame
function giftMove() {
this.x += this.speed;
//draw each gift
function giftDisplay() {
var py = 150;
fill(this.r, this.g, this.b);
rect(this.x, py, this.breadth, this.h);
rect(this.x + this.breadth / 4, py, this.ribbon, this.h);
rect(this.x, py + this.h / 2, this.breadth, this.ribbon);
//gift Object
function makeGifts(birthLocationX) {
var gift = {x: birthLocationX,
h: -random(10, 40),
ribbon: random(1, 5),
r: random(100, 255),
g: random(100, 255),
b: random(100, 255),
breadth: random(20, 80),
speed: -1.0,
move: giftMove,
display: giftDisplay}
return gift;
function drawConveyor() {
rect(0, height / 2, width, 30, 25);
rect(4, (height / 2) + 4, width - 8, 30 - 8, 25);
//conveyor gears
for (var y = 0; y < 18; y++) {
var ny = 15 + y * 20;
ellipse(ny, height / 2 + 15, 18);
ellipse(ny, height / 2 + 15, 8);
rect(0, height * 4 / 5, width, height / 5);
rect(100, height / 2 + 30, 12, 80);
rect(88, height / 2 + 110, 35, 15, 2);
//scanning machine
rect(350, 145, 200, 130, 8);
rect(350, 50, 10, 110, 8);
rect(350, 50, 135, 15, 8);
fill(255, 0, 0, 50);
rect(360, 65, 130, 80);
For this project, I was interested in the purpose of a conveyor belt and how it is able to move a group of objects at a set rate. I used objects to randomize the size and color of gifts that would pass through the conveyor belt. I kept the background graphics to a grayscale to emphasize the gifts that pass through the screen. I found this assignment to be very helpful in understanding how objects work since we had to create our own objects as opposed to being given an object and just using it in the draw function.