Nadia Susanto – Looking Outwards – 11

Chloe Varelidi is an indie game designer/developer that designs and builds playful products that empowers humans to be creative, kind, and curious.

One of her projects was the Minicade, and this was a collaboration with Atul Varma for her artist residency at Eyebeam. The Minicade is a website and app where people can collaboratively build mini arcade games with multiple users. Each person can add a link to one or more games to a custom playlist and instantly play them as one massive game, that keeps track of score and increases the difficulty. Its very simple to use and users can either play the games already provided or remix the mini-game with their own code. While the Minicade is mostly used by kids to encourage them to learn the basics of programming, it is fun for everyone to use.

The use of mini-games itself reminds me of mini-games in popular apps like Dumb Ways to Die, and it adds a cool competitive aspect for kids to interact with each other by building games they did themselves.

The Minicade also has a creative external feature looking like an emoji come to life
A user interacting with the Minicade

To learn more about this project, click the links below:

Chelsea Fan-Project 11-Landscape


/* Chelsea Fan
Section 1B
//important variables
var fish = [];
var star = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    //initial collection of fish
    for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
        var fishx = random(width);
        var fishy = random(300, height);
        fish[i] = makeFish(fishx, fishy);
    //initial collection of stars
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        var starx = random(width);
        var stary = random(0, 100);
        star[i] = makeStar(starx, stary);

function draw() {
    //black background
    //draw mountains, water, bed, fish, stars, and moon

function drawBed() {
    stroke(0); //black outline
    fill(255, 254, 242); //bed color
    rect((width/2)-30, (height/2)-10, 150, 40); //bed shape
    fill(255); //pillow color
    ellipse(width/2+105, height/2-14, 30, 10); //pillow shape
    fill(255, 243, 222); //head color
    ellipse(width/2+100, height/2-25, 20, 20); //head shape
    noStroke(); //no outline for neck
    ellipse(width/2+83, height/2-20, 20, 5); //neck shape
    stroke(0); //black outline
    fill(203, 202, 204); //blanket color
    ellipse(width/2+30, height/2-10, 120, 40); //blanket shape

function drawWater() {
    fill(66, 112, 128); //blue water color
    rect(0, height/2, width, height); //fill bottom half of canvas

function drawFish() {
    noStroke(); //no outline
    fill(255, 160, 122); //orange fish color
    translate(this.x1, this.y1); //locate fish at x1, y1
    ellipse(10, 10, 10, 5); //fish body
    triangle(10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 15); //fish tail

function makeFish(xlocation, ylocation) {
    var makeF = {x1: xlocation, 
                y1: ylocation, 
                fishx: random(0, width), 
                fishy: random(300, height),
                speed: -3.0,
                move: moveFish,
                draw: drawFish}
    return makeF;

function moveFish() {
    this.x1 += this.speed; //speed of fish moving
    if (this.x1<=-10) { //restart fish at width after it disappears on left
        this.x1 += width;

function fishies() {
    for(i=0; i<fish.length; i++) {

function drawStar() {
    fill(255, 251, 0); //yellow color
    translate(this.x2, this.y2); //draw stars at x2, y2
    ellipse(10, 10, 5, 5); //star shape

function makeStar(xlocation, ylocation) {
    var makeS = {x2: xlocation, 
                y2: ylocation, 
                starx: random(0, width), 
                stary: random(0, 100),
                speed: -3.0,
                move: moveStar,
                draw: drawStar}
    return makeS;

function moveStar() {
    this.x2 += this.speed; //speed of stars moving
    if (this.x2<=-10) { //restart stars on right if it leaves canvas
        this.x2 += width;

function stars() {
    for(i=0; i<star.length; i++) {

function drawMoon(){
    fill(255, 253, 184); //yellow moon color
    ellipse(400, 50, 50, 50); //moon shape

function drawMountains(){
    fill(43, 43, 36); //dark gray mountain color
    for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
        var mountainSpeed = .0007; //speed of mountains moving
        var mountainDetail = 0.02; //smoothness of mountains
        var t = (i * mountainDetail) + (millis() * mountainSpeed);
        //mountain y coord
        var y = map(noise(t), 0, 1.8, height/8, height);
        //keep drawing mountain
        vertex(i, y);
    //height constriant of mountains
    vertex(width, height);
    //restart mountains at left side 
    vertex(0, height);

This process took me a long time. I spent a while thinking about what I wanted to draw and I decided on a Parent Trap theme with a bed floating in the ocean. The stars, moon, mountains, and fish are meant to resemble an ocean view at night. I had some difficulty making my own object, but once I got the hang of it, it was pretty fun.

My draft (Nov. 5, 2019).

Sewon Park – LO – 11

A rendition of the KitesFight designed by Eva Schindling

A project designed and implemented by a female artist is the KitesFight by Eva Schindling. Schindling focused heavily on the application of technology in the realm of media art. She received a MSc. in Art and Technology from Chalmers University in Sweden and a degree in Interaction and Media Design from FH Joanneum in Austria. Schindling’s range of artwork is very wide with architectural Trojan Horse and simple sound projects. Out of such an extensive array of projects, I selected the KitesFight as it seems very similar to the projects that we engage with during this course.

The project features many triangles that interact with one another depending on a number of rule sets. The algorithm changes varying by the volume of the sound inputted. Then, the triangles follow each other, repel each other, and attach with one another. As we have been working on projects where different shapes interact with one another and we also just did the Sonic Art Project, I believe that though further practice. Such complex projects can be feasible.

Rachel Shin – LO 10

In 2018, Japanese sound artist Ryoji Ikeda created an audiovisual “Code-Verse”l that took computer graphics and translated them into electronic noises and drones, coining it as “code-verse.” Ikeda created this code-verse project after creating his own type of techno music that was formed from sonic textures from graphics. The code probably was composed of a series of sonic partnership with the direction and speed of the graphics from Code-Verse. I found this project very interesting because it was a balanced intersection of two forms of entertainment– visuals and audio. By conjoining the two mediums, Ikeda created a mesmerizing audiovisual that allowed viewers to feel as if they were placed in a new dimension. Ikeda sought to create a unique art form that escaped from the media-infested society we live in and a form that allowed viewers to feel as if they were interacting and in the actual art environment, and this was manifested in Code-Verse which allowed visitors to feel as if they were in a different dimension from the Big Data world that we live in.

Sydney Salamy: Project-10-Sonic-Sketch

Originally, I was going to do Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation from Dragon Ball Z, since that show involves a lot of yelling and loud sounds. However, I decided to do an image from the movie My Neighbor Totoro. The image I chose was the cover, with the character Satsuki standing at a bus stop in the rain next to Totoro. I was originally going to color their outlines, but decided to base the color scheme off the Studio Ghibli’s logo and use their blue color with white outlines. I was pretty accurate with recreating the cover, although mine was more simplistic since there are only two colors and the background is left out. The only other changes I made were to the sign, where instead of the actual sign from the cover I put a soot sprite, a little acorn sprout, and the mini white Totoro, all from the movie, and on the ground near the sign, where I added little sprouts. I used A LOT of the bezier() element to recreate the image. 

My Sounds

  • The rain is a constant sound that isn’t variable in any way
  • If the user presses the center of the umbrella, the sound of rain hitting an umbrella appears.
  • If the user presses Totoro’s stomach, the sound of him growling/rumbling appears 
  • If the user presses Totoro’s leaf, the sound of rain hitting a leaf appears 
These are the areas where the user should press in order to trigger the sounds
The original image I used as a reference for my code


var umbPnt1X = 123;//front middle umbrella point X
var umbPnt1Y = 421;//front middle umbrella point Y
var umbPnt2X = 167;//X point right of umbPnt1
var umbPnt2Y = 422;//Y point right of umbPnt1
var umbPnt3X = 190;//X point right of umbPnt2
var umbPnt3Y = 429;//Y point right of umbPnt2
var umbPnt4X = 169;//X point left of umbPnt3
var umbPnt4Y = 437;//Y point left of umbPnt3
var umbPnt5X = 66;//X point left of umbPnt4
var umbPnt5Y = 435;//Y point left of umbPnt4
var umbPnt6X = 36;//X point left of umbPnt5
var umbPnt6Y = 431;//Y point left of umbPnt5
var umbPnt7X = 65;//X point right of umbPnt6
var umbPnt7Y = 425;//Y point right of umbPnt6

var rain;//will hold rain sound
var umbrellaRain;//will hold rain on umbrella sound
var growl;//will hold growl sound

function preload() {
    //sorry that this goes over the 80 limit. I couldn't separate the links 
    //because there would be a big pink bar meaning there were issues
    rain = loadSound('');//loads sound of rain
    umbrellaRain = loadSound('');//loads rain on umbrella sound
    leafRain = loadSound('');//loads sound of rain on leaves
    growl = loadSound('');//loads sound of growl

function setup() {
    createCanvas(430, 600);
    useSound();//calls sound

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation
    rain.setVolume(0.5);//sets rain volume 
    umbrellaRain.setVolume(0.4);//sets umbrella rain volume
    growl.setVolume(0.3);//sets growl volume
    rain.loop();//loops rain audio so it keeps replaying

function draw() {

    //---rain lines
    var r = 5;
    var R = 8;
    var n = 10;
    line(r * 5, r * 20, r * 5,r * 30);
    line(r * 15, r * 25, r * 15,r * 35);
    line(r * 20, r * 35, r * 20,r * 45);
    line(r * 25, r * 55, r * 25,r * 65);
    line(r * 30, r * 10, r * 30,r * 20);
    line(r * 45, r * 25, r * 45,r * 35);
    line(r * 45, r * 46, r * 45,r * 58);
    line(r * 50, r * 15, r * 50,r * 25);
    line(r * 55, r * 5, r * 55,r * 15);
    line(r * 60, r * 10, r * 60,r * 20);
    line(r * 60, r * 20, r * 60,r * 30);
    line(r * 65, r * 28, r * 65,r * 41);

    line(R * 5, R * 20, R * 5,R * 30);
    line(R * 15, R * 15, R * 15,R * 23);
    line(R * 20, R * 35, R * 20,R * 45);
    line(R * 30, R * 10, R * 30,R * 20);
    line(R * 45, R * 25, R * 45,R * 35);
    line(R * 50, R * 15, R * 50,R * 25);
    line(R * 55, R * 5, R * 55,R * 15);
    line(R * 60, R * 10, R * 60,R * 20);
    line(R * 60, R * 20, R * 60,R * 30);
    line(R * 65, R * 45, R * 65,R * 55);

    line(n * 1, n * 40, n * 1, n * 50);
    line(n * 3, n * 37, n * 3, n * 42);
    line(n * 3, n * 50, n * 3, n * 60);
    line(n * 2, n * 22, n * 2, n * 30);
    line(n * 7, r * 5, n * 7, r * 15);
    line(n * 7, n * 10, n * 7, n * 20);
    line(n * 9, n * 50, n * 9, n * 55);
    line(n * 10, n * 30, n * 10, n * 37);
    line(n * 18, n * 15, n * 18, n * 22);
    line(n * 17, n * .5, n * 17, n * 5);
    line(n * 37, n * 1, n * 37, n * 7);
    ellipse(52,324, 68,68);//sign
    line(20,314, 84,314);//top line
    line(20,334, 84,334);//bottom line
    line(48,358.5, 48,409.5);//left side of pole top
    line(56,358.5, 56,404);//right side of pole top
    line(48,430, 48,574);//left side of pole bottom
    line(56,431.5, 56,574);//right side of pole bottom
    bezier(48,574, 51,575, 53,575, 56,574);//bottom of pole
    //---soot sprite
    var sprtSize = 8;//sprite size
    var sprtCrdX = 30;//sprite X coordinate 
    var sprtCrdY = 324;//sprite Y coordinate
    ellipse(sprtCrdX,sprtCrdY, sprtSize,sprtSize);//body
    line(sprtCrdX - 5.5,sprtCrdY, sprtCrdX + 5.5,sprtCrdY);//horizontal
    line(sprtCrdX - 1,sprtCrdY - 5.5, sprtCrdX + 1,sprtCrdY + 5.5);//1L
    line(sprtCrdX + 1,sprtCrdY - 5.5, sprtCrdX - 1,sprtCrdY + 5.5);//1R
    line(sprtCrdX - 2,sprtCrdY - 5, sprtCrdX + 2,sprtCrdY + 5);//2L
    line(sprtCrdX + 2,sprtCrdY - 5, sprtCrdX - 2,sprtCrdY + 5);//2R
    line(sprtCrdX - 3,sprtCrdY - 4.5, sprtCrdX + 3,sprtCrdY + 4.5);//3L
    line(sprtCrdX + 3,sprtCrdY - 4.5, sprtCrdX - 3,sprtCrdY + 4.5);//3R
    line(sprtCrdX - 4,sprtCrdY - 4, sprtCrdX + 4,sprtCrdY + 4);//4L
    line(sprtCrdX + 4,sprtCrdY - 4, sprtCrdX - 4,sprtCrdY + 4);//4R
    line(sprtCrdX - 5,sprtCrdY - 2, sprtCrdX + 5,sprtCrdY + 2);//5L
    line(sprtCrdX + 5,sprtCrdY - 2, sprtCrdX - 5,sprtCrdY + 2);//5R
    line(sprtCrdX - 4.5,sprtCrdY - 3, sprtCrdX + 4.5,sprtCrdY + 3);//6L
    line(sprtCrdX + 4.5,sprtCrdY - 3, sprtCrdX - 4.5,sprtCrdY + 3);//6R
    line(sprtCrdX - 5.5,sprtCrdY - 1, sprtCrdX + 5.5,sprtCrdY + 1);//7L
    line(sprtCrdX + 5.5,sprtCrdY - 1, sprtCrdX - 5.5,sprtCrdY + 1);//7R
    line(sprtCrdX,sprtCrdY - 5.5, sprtCrdX,sprtCrdY + 5.5);//vertical
    ellipse(sprtCrdX - 2.1,sprtCrdY, sprtSize / 2.4,sprtSize / 2.4);
    ellipse(sprtCrdX + 2.1,sprtCrdY, sprtSize / 2.4,sprtSize / 2.4);
    ellipse(sprtCrdX - 2.1,sprtCrdY, sprtSize / 4,sprtSize / 4);
    ellipse(sprtCrdX + 2.1,sprtCrdY, sprtSize / 4,sprtSize / 4);

    //---white mini totoro
    ellipse(74,324, 10,12);//body
    ellipse(74,326, 11,10);//bottom
    bezier(69.5,322, 70.5,313.5, 71,313.5, 72,320);//left ear
    bezier(78.5,322, 77,313.5, 76.5,313.5, 75.5,320);//right ear
    ellipse(72,322, 3.5,3.5);//left 
    ellipse(76,322, 3.5,3.5);//right
    ellipse(72,322, 1.2,1.2);//left
    ellipse(76,322, 1.2,1.2);//right

    var stemX = 52//stem X of sign plant
    var stemY = 320;//stem Y of sign plant
    var leafW = 7;//leaf width of sign plant
    var leafH = 2.5;//leaf height of sign plant
    //~~~on sign
    line(stemX,stemY + 8, stemX,stemY);//stem
    ellipse(stemX + 4,stemY, leafW,leafH);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX - 4,stemY, leafW,leafH);//left leaf
    //~~~on ground 
    line(stemX - 4,576, stemX - 4,573);//stem (left of pole)
    ellipse(stemX - 6,stemY + 252, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX - 2,stemY + 252, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 11,575, stemX + 11,567);//stem (right of pole big)
    ellipse(stemX + 14.5,stemY + 247, leafW - 1,leafH);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 7.5,stemY + 247, leafW - 1,leafH);//left leaf  
    line(stemX + 14,576, stemX + 14,573);//stem (right of pole small 1)
    ellipse(stemX + 16,stemY + 252, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 12,stemY + 252, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 16.5,581, stemX + 16.5,579);//stem (right of pole small 2)
    ellipse(stemX + 18.5,stemY + 258, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 14.5,stemY + 258, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 24,577, stemX + 24,574);//stem (right of pole small 3)
    ellipse(stemX + 26,stemY + 254, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 22,stemY + 254, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 29,578, stemX + 29,577.5);//stem (right of pole small 4)
    ellipse(stemX + 30.5,stemY + 256.3, leafW - 4,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 27.5,stemY + 256.3, leafW - 4,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 37.5,580, stemX + 37.5,579.5);//stem (right of pole small 5)
    ellipse(stemX + 38.7,stemY + 258.5, leafW - 5,leafH - 1.5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 36.2,stemY + 258.5, leafW - 5,leafH - 1.5);//left leaf

    ellipse((width / 2) + 37, (height / 2) + 6, 23,22);//left eyeball
    ellipse((width / 2) + 120, (height / 2) + 6, 23,22);//right eyeball
    ellipse((width / 2) + 37, (height / 2) + 6, 6,6);//left pupil
    ellipse((width / 2) + 120, (height / 2) + 6, 6,6);//right pupil
    ellipse((width / 2) + 39, (height / 2) + 6, 1,2);//left eye shine
    ellipse((width / 2) + 122, (height / 2) + 5.5, 1,1);//right eye shine
    bezier(277,308, 283,309, 292,310, 294,312);//left bottom line
    bezier(311,308, 303,309, 299,310, 294,312);//right bottom line
    bezier(277,308, 289,302, 300,302, 311,308);//top of triangle
    bezier(277,308, 289,298, 300,298, 311,308);//top arc 
    ellipse(286,309, 4,4);//left
    ellipse(301,309, 4,4);//right
    line(332,321, 395,318);//top
    line(339,326, 392,326);//middle
    line(338,331, 399,338);//bottom
    line(252,321, 186,319);//top
    line(243,327, 187,330);//middle
    line(250,332, 192,344);//bottom
    bezier(252,214, 241,245, 243,256, 242,264);//left side top
    bezier(252,214, 258,231, 266,242, 267,257);//right side top
    bezier(242,264, 243,265, 245,266, 248,266);//left side bottom
    bezier(267,257, 266,259, 265,261, 262,264);//right side bottom
    bezier(248,266, 249,269, 249,273, 249,276);//stem left
    bezier(262,264, 261,266, 262,270, 264,271);//stem right
    bezier(338,214, 330,229, 326,248, 325,258);//left side top
    bezier(338,214, 341,227, 348,254, 345,264);//right side top
    bezier(325,258, 326,260, 328,261, 329,262);//left side bottom
    bezier(345,264, 344,265, 343,265, 342,265);//right side bottom
    bezier(329,262, 329,263, 329,264, 328,267);//stem left
    bezier(342,265, 342,268, 340,275, 342,278);//stem right
    bezier(249,276, 223,290, 215,325, 207,353);//left side
    bezier(264,271, 266,271, 268,271, 271,270);//left bit next to ear
    bezier(342,278, 368,292, 368,325, 377,344);//right side
    bezier(295,265, 300,261, 298,245, 296,240);//right side
    bezier(296,240, 297,238, 298,238, 299,238);//top
    bezier(299,238, 301,246, 302,259, 300,267);//left side
    bezier(273,272, 278,285, 289,284, 295,280);//left front lump
    bezier(295,280, 302,273, 310,275, 313,278);//middle front lump
    bezier(313,278, 319,281, 326,280, 328,274);//right front lump
    bezier(328,274, 328,270, 328,264, 326,262);//right of right lump
    bezier(326,262, 322,261, 313,263, 308,264);//right front lump top
    bezier(308,264, 306,264, 303,264, 301,264);//small bit right if stem
    bezier(296,263, 286,259, 277,258, 270,266);//back lump
    bezier(265,271, 264,262, 270,267, 273,272);//leftest lump
    line(267,266, 281,265.5);//line detail

    bezier(361,372, 327,332, 257,332, 227,372);//top curve
    bezier(227,372, 210,395, 200,434, 198,464);//left top
    bezier(361,372, 380,395, 385,434, 387,465);//right top
    bezier(361,562, 342,589, 250,590, 226,562);//bottom
    bezier(387,465, 391,515, 376,543, 361,562);//right bottom
    bezier(198,464, 194,501, 206,541, 226,562);//left bottom
    //~~~markings (from right to left and top to bottom)
    bezier(231,382, 238,368, 241,367, 247,378);//top 1
    bezier(231,382, 236,377, 241,374, 247,378);//bottom 1
    bezier(259,374, 266,362, 269,362, 278,372);//top 2
    bezier(259,374, 265,370, 270,370, 278,372);//bottom 2
    bezier(295,372, 302,360, 304,360, 315,371);//top 3
    bezier(295,372, 300,368, 309,368, 315,371);//bottom 3
    bezier(331,374, 337,361, 340,366, 349,377);//top 4
    bezier(331,374, 336,370, 343,372, 349,377);//bottom 4
    bezier(211,423, 215,409, 219,408, 221,418);//top 5
    bezier(211,423, 214,419, 216,416, 221,418);//bottom 5
    bezier(240,416, 247,400, 250,398, 257,413);//top 6
    bezier(240,416, 245,410, 252,409, 257,413);//bottom 6
    bezier(278,410, 286,394, 291,394, 297,410);//top 7
    bezier(278,410, 285,404, 290,405, 297,410);//bottom 7
    bezier(321,410, 328,395, 329,397, 341,413);//top 8
    bezier(321,410, 328,405, 334,408, 341,413);//bottom 8
    bezier(358,415, 362,403, 365,403, 372,418);//top 9
    bezier(358,415, 362,410, 366,410, 372,418);//bottom 9
    bezier(207,353, 193,373, 188,401, 185,417.5);//left top outer
    bezier(184,428, 179,452, 179,493, 192,503);//left bottom outer
    bezier(377,344, 406,390, 407,440, 410,455);//top right outer
    bezier(410,455, 410,469, 406,498, 394,509);//bottom right outer
    bezier(206,396, 194,425, 190,473, 192,503);//left inner
    bezier(390,403, 396,445, 396,479, 394,509);//right inner
    bezier(192,503, 192,532, 206,566, 226,576.5);//left outer
    bezier(243,580, 249,582, 261,582, 268,581);//left bottom
    bezier(359,580, 352,581, 338,582, 326,580);//right bottom
    bezier(394,509, 394,537, 390,561, 375,576);//right outer
    //~~~on hands
    bezier(186,495, 183,505, 185,506, 189,500);//left of left
    bezier(190,501, 181,517, 183,517, 192,506);//right of left
    bezier(402,496, 409,508, 408,509, 400,500);//right of right
    bezier(399,502, 406,512, 405,514, 397,505);//middle of right
    bezier(396,507, 398,513, 398,515, 394,510);//bottom of right
    //~~~on feet
    bezier(229,576.5, 207,578, 210,580, 221,580);//leftest claw of left
    bezier(220,581, 227,576, 234,576, 237,579);//top of middle of left
    bezier(220,581, 226,580, 232,579, 237,579);//top of middle of left
    bezier(243,580, 239,578, 237,579, 235,581);//top of rightest of left
    bezier(243,580, 240,581, 237,582, 235,581);//bottom of rightest
    bezier(373,576, 378,576, 383,577, 387,581);//top of rightest of right
    bezier(373,576, 371,580, 382,579, 387,581);//bottom of rightest of right
    bezier(365,579, 369,576, 374,578, 381,583);//top of middle of right
    bezier(365,579, 370,580, 374,581, 381,583);//bottom of middle of right
    bezier(359,580, 362,577, 365,579, 370,582.5);//top of leftest of right
    bezier(359,580, 362,581, 365,582, 370,582.5);//bottom of leftest of right
    bezier(110.5,450, 116,456, 127,458, 134,450);//bottom
    bezier(134,450, 134,445, 136,440, 137,439);//right cheek
    line(109,447.5, 109.5,448.5);//left little cheek
    bezier(107,447, 101,441, 105,436, 108,442);//left
    line(107,447, 109,447.5);//left lobe
    line(105,441, 108,444);//left line
    bezier(134.5,447, 137,447, 140,443, 137,439);//right
    bezier(135,445, 137,443, 137,441, 136,440);//right line
    line(118,455., 118,457);//left side
    line(125.5,455.5, 125.5,458);//right side
    ellipse(113,444, 2,1);//left
    ellipse(132,444, 2,1);//right
    bezier(121,452, 122,450, 124,450, 125,452);//mouth
    line(122.6,453, 123.4,453);//bottom lip
    point(121, 443);//left
    point(123, 443);//right
    bezier(112,434, 114,432, 115,432, 117,434);//left
    bezier(127,434, 129,432, 130,432, 132,434);//right
    bezier(112,439, 112,435, 116,435, 117,438);//left top
    line(129,442, 130.5,442);//left bottom
    bezier(127,438, 129,435, 131,435, 132.5,439);//right top
    line(114,442, 115.5,442);//right bottom
    ellipse(114.5,439, 2,3);//left
    ellipse(129.5,439, 2,3);//right
    bezier(137,439, 137,434, 137,426, 132,423);//right inner
    bezier(108,442, 108,438, 107, 434, 109.5,432);//left inner
    bezier(110.5,431.5, 113,430, 118,429, 121,429);//bang bottom
    bezier(121,429, 123,428, 124,426, 125,424);//bang right
    bezier(123.5,429, 126,426, 126,425, 125,424);//big hair piece left
    bezier(123.5,429, 128,428, 130,423, 129,421);//big hair piece right
    bezier(129,421, 130.5,426, 131,426, 132,423);//small hair piece
    bezier(104,440, 99,431, 102,421, 106,418);//outer left
    bezier(138,440, 144,438, 143,421, 136,417);//outer right
    //~~~pony tails
    bezier(85,440, 87,436, 89,431, 97,429);//left top of left
    bezier(85,440, 87,438, 88,437, 89,435);//left bit of left
    bezier(87.5,438, 85,440, 86,445, 90,450);//left bottom of left
    bezier(90,450, 97,446, 100,442, 100,441);//right bottom of left
    bezier(100,441, 101,437, 100,433, 99.5,434);//right top of left
    bezier(146,429, 154,431, 157,438, 157,442);//right top of right
    bezier(152,450, 154,448, 155,447, 155,447);//right bottom of right
    bezier(152,450, 151,449, 149,448, 149,448);//left bottom of right bottom
    bezier(142,442, 142,442, 143,443, 145,445);//left bottom of right top
    line(141.5,436, 142,442);//left top of right 
    //~~~hair tie balls
    ellipse(144.5,428, 4,4);//right front
    ellipse(143.5,426, 4,4);//right back
    ellipse(99,428, 4,4);//left front
    ellipse(100,424, 4,4);//left back
    ellipse(99,432, 4,4);//left back bottom
    bezier(132.5,485, 132,483, 132,483, 132,481);//right side bottom
    bezier(132,481, 134.5,477, 133,473, 133.5,466.5);//right side top
    bezier(113.5,458, 114,459, 113,463, 115.5,467);//collar left outer
    bezier(117,456, 117,457, 119,460, 122.5,461);//collar left inner
    bezier(117,456, 116,456, 115,458, 113.5,458);//collar left back
    bezier(115.5,467, 119,465, 121,461, 122.5,461);//collar left middle
    bezier(129,466, 130,464, 131,461, 130,458);//collar right outer
    bezier(126,456, 127,457, 124,460, 122.5,461);//collar right inner
    bezier(126,456, 128,455, 129,458, 130,458);//collar right back
    bezier(129,466, 127,466, 124,463, 122.5,461);//collar right middle
    ellipse(122,465, 2,2);//button
    bezier(107,458, 109,458, 111,459, 113.5,458);//left top of shoulder
    bezier(107,458, 102,461, 103,469, 100,474);//left of left sleeve
    bezier(105,477, 99,472, 98,474, 104,478);//opening of left
    bezier(130,458, 133,459, 135, 458, 136,459);//right top of shoulder
    bezier(136,459, 140,460, 141,467, 141,468);//right of right sleeve
    bezier(133.5,477, 136,476, 137,475, 140,472);//opening of right
    line(133.5,470, 135,467.5);//crease
    bezier(95.5,513, 98.7,513, 102,492, 111,488);//left side
    bezier(95.5,513, 96,519, 105,515, 114,521);//bottom right
    bezier(114,521, 127,523, 140,520, 147,515);//bottom left
    bezier(147,515, 141,509, 142,494, 133,489);//right side
    bezier(133,489, 133,487, 133,486, 133,485);//right band
    bezier(116,485, 120,486.2, 127,486.4, 133,485);//top
    line(119,489.5, 125,489.5);//bottom band line
    //~~~skirt straps
    bezier(129,466, 128.5,480, 128.5,471, 129,486);//left of right strap
    bezier(130.5,485, 131,479, 132,469, 131,458);//right of right strap
    line(112.5,484, 113,472);//left of left strap bottom
    bezier(112.5,465, 113,462, 113,460, 113.5,458);//left of left strap top
    line(115.5,474, 115.5,467);//right of left strap
    //~~~skirt buttons
    ellipse(115,487, 3,3);//left
    ellipse(130,487, 3,3);//right
    bezier(109,477.5, 107,491, 118,491, 117,476);//outer loop
    bezier(111,476.5, 110,487, 116,487, 114.5,476);//inner loop
    bezier(114.5,476, 115.5,474, 116,474, 117,476);//top of loop
    bezier(109,466, 109,462, 111,462, 111,466);//top of handle
    bezier(142,456, 142,436, 166,438, 162,456);//outer loop curve
    bezier(141,469, 142,463, 142,459, 142,456);//outer loop line
    bezier(147,456, 147,442, 160,444, 157,456);//inner loop curve
    bezier(146,469, 146,464, 147,461, 147,456);//inner loop line
    bezier(157,456, 157.5,461, 161.5,461, 162,456);//bottom of loop
    bezier(141,469, 143,469.5, 144,469.5, 146,469);//bottom line
    bezier(141,469, 139.5,470, 140,470, 140,472);//left side of rectangle
    bezier(146,469, 147,471, 146,471, 146,472.5);//right side of rectangle
    line(140,472, 143,472);//bottom of rectangle
    //~~~umbrella body
    bezier(136,532, 137,528, 138,523, 139,519);//bottom part near leg
    bezier(142,503, 145,498, 143,494, 143,492);//middle of right
    bezier(143,490, 150,485, 150,485, 146,481);//top of right
    bezier(137,492, 137,485, 136,479, 138,479);//left long bit
    line(141,473, 141,472);//left short bit
    bezier(143,492, 143.5,491, 143.5,491, 143,490);//right of strap
    bezier(137,489, 138.5,490.5, 141,490.5, 143,490);//top of strap
    bezier(137,492, 139.5,493, 141,493, 143,492);//bottom of strap
    line(145,482, 147.5,485);//detail right diagonal
    line(144,488, 145,483);//detail vertical right
    line(143,487, 143.5,485);//detail  vertical  (small)
    line(141.5,487, 142,481);//detail vertical left
    line(139,488, 139.5,479);//detail vertical (long)
    line(141.5,493, 142,495);//detail bottom right
    line(140,493, 139.5,494);//detail bottom left
    line(110,463, 110,418);//left
    line(110.5,463, 110,418);//right
    bezier(umbPnt1X,umbPnt1Y, 137,414, 159,415, umbPnt2X,umbPnt2Y);//arc 1-- 
        //--(right of p1)
    bezier(umbPnt2X,umbPnt2Y, 180,421, 186,425, umbPnt3X,umbPnt3Y);//arc 2 
    bezier(189,428, 183,427, 174,429, umbPnt4X,umbPnt4Y);//arc 3
    bezier(153,433, 157,432, 163,432, umbPnt4X,umbPnt4Y);//arc 4
    bezier(89,433, 84,432, 73,432, umbPnt5X,umbPnt5Y);//arc 5
    bezier(umbPnt5X,umbPnt5Y, 58,430, 47,428, 38.3,430);//arc 6
    bezier(umbPnt6X,umbPnt6Y, 44,425, 55,421, umbPnt7X,umbPnt7Y);//arc 7
    bezier(umbPnt7X,umbPnt7Y, 83,416, 114,416, umbPnt1X,umbPnt1Y);//arc 8-- 
        //--(left of p1)
    //~~~dividing lines
    bezier(81,395.5, 50,401, 36,420, umbPnt6X,umbPnt6Y);//leftest outline
    bezier(88,393, 74,396, 66,412, umbPnt7X,umbPnt7Y);//left line
    bezier(118,391, 124,400, 123,416, umbPnt1X,umbPnt1Y);//middle line
    bezier(145,392, 163,397, 166,413, umbPnt2X,umbPnt2Y);//rightline
    bezier(154,396, 180,403, 187,419, umbPnt3X,umbPnt3Y);//rightest outline
    bezier(118,391, 108,393, 98,393, 88,393);//top left
    bezier(118,391, 128,393, 139,392, 145,392);//top right
    bezier(161,419.3, 167,425, 168,432, umbPnt4X,umbPnt4Y);//underneath right
    bezier(74,421.9, 69,427, 68,431, umbPnt5X,umbPnt5Y);//underneath left
    bezier(105,489, 101,483, 102,480, 105,477);//left of left arm
    bezier(105,489, 108,488, 108,487, 109,486);//bottom of left arm
    bezier(134.5,477, 135,480, 136,482, 136.5,484);//right arm
    bezier(105,477, 104,474, 104.5,471, 104.5,469);//left hand left side
    bezier(104.5,469, 107,466, 110,466, 112,466.5);//left hand top
    bezier(109,477.5, 111,476, 112,476, 112,476);//left hand bottom
    bezier(108,469, 114,468, 111,469, 112,466.5);//top finger left
    bezier(108,471.5, 113,470, 112,472, 112,469);//2nd left
    bezier(109,474, 113,473, 112,473, 112,471);//3rd left
    bezier(112,476, 112.5,475.5, 112.5,475, 112,474);//bottom left
    bezier(112,468, 114,470, 114,471, 112,473);//thumb left
    bezier(145,472.5, 147,473, 147,478, 146,481);//right side
    bezier(145,472.5, 139,473.5, 139,476, 146,474.5);//top finger right
    bezier(146,475, 140,476, 140,477, 146,477);//2nd right
    bezier(146,477, 141,478.5, 141,479.5, 146,479);//3rd right
    bezier(146,479, 142,481, 142,481, 146,481);//bottom right
    bezier(137,479, 137,475, 138,474, 141,472.5);//thumb right outer
    bezier(137,479, 137,480.5, 142,474, 140,474);//thumb right inner
    bezier(109,547, 108,543, 106,535, 109.5,526);//calf of left leg
    bezier(109.5,526, 110,523, 109.5,522, 108.5,518.5);//left of left leg top
    bezier(118,547, 118,540, 120,528, 119,522);//right of left leg
    bezier(111,526.5, 111,527, 111,527, 113,528.5);//detail left leg
    bezier(135,548, 136,540, 137,533, 135,527);//calf of right leg
    bezier(135,527, 135,525, 134.5,523, 135.5,520);//left of right leg top
    bezier(127,548, 126.5,540, 124,526, 124.5,522);//left of right leg
    bezier(127,529, 127.5,530, 128,530, 128,531);//detail right leg left
    line(132,530, 133,529);//detail right leg right
    bezier(107,547, 111,548, 114,548, 118,547);//top curve of left
    bezier(108,545, 103.5,544, 105,564, 107,569);//left of left side top
    bezier(107,569, 106,572, 104,575, 106,577);//left of left side bottom
    bezier(106,577, 110,584, 119,580.5, 121,580);//bottom curve of left
    bezier(121,580, 122,576, 121,573, 119,570);//right of right side bottom
    bezier(119,570, 120,559, 123,546, 118,545);//right of left side top
    bezier(126,547, 127,549, 133,549, 137,547);//top curve of right
    bezier(135,545.5, 142.5,545, 137,563, 137,570);//right of right side top
    bezier(137,570, 138,574, 139,577, 138,580);//right of right side bottom
    bezier(138,580, 134,582, 127,582, 123,580);//bottom curve of right
    bezier(123,580, 122,577, 124,573, 125,569);//left of right side bottom
    bezier(125,569, 125,558, 121,545, 127,546);//right of right side top

function mousePressed() {//if mouse is pressed...
    //if the mouse is pressed between these specific areas, then...
    if(dist(mouseX,mouseY, 294,440) < 85){///growl;//plays growl audio
    if(dist(mouseX,mouseY, 115,406) < 75){///umbrella rain;//plays rain on umbrella audio
    if(dist(mouseX,mouseY, 297,269) < 65){//leaf rain sound;//plays rain on leaves audio

Julia Nishizaki – Project 10 – Sonic Sketch


For this project, I wanted to create a landscape that responded to the position of your mouse both visually and through sound. When you click your mouse, depending on the mouse’s position, different sounds will play. The four sounds I chose were chirping birds to represent the daytime, insects to represent the night, wind blowing through grass for the field/desert, and water flowing for the river.

//Julia Nishizaki
//Section B
//Project 10

var night; //nighttime sounds
var daytime; //daytime sounds
var field; //sound of fields
var river; //river sounds

function preload() {
    // loads four sounds
    field = loadSound("");
    night = loadSound("");
    daytime = loadSound("");
    river = loadSound("");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation
    field.setVolume(0.1); //sets Volume for all four sounds at a quarter the volume

function draw() {

    colorMode(HSB, 100); //switches color mode to HSB, easier to manipulate with mouse
    var constMouseX = constrain(mouseX, 0, width); //constrains X direction of mouse within canvas
    var constMouseY = constrain(mouseY, 0, height); //constrains Y direction of mouse within canvas

    //variables for the different colors
    var skyColor = color(55, 55, map(constMouseX, 0, width, 25, 100)); //sky changes color w/ mouse position between light and dark blue
    var mountainColor = color(25, 55, map(constMouseX, 0, width, 0, 85)); //mountains change color w/ mouse between light and dark green
    var desertColor = color(map(constMouseY, 0, height, 10, 25), 67, 75); //field or desert changes color w/ mouse between brown and green
    var riverColor = color(48, 70, map(constMouseY, height, 0, 50, 100)); //river changes color w/ mouse slightly from light to dark blue
    //background mountains
    //desert or field
function mousePressed() {
    if (mouseX < (width / 2)) {, 1, 2); //plays nighttime sounds
    } else {
    if (mouseX > (width / 2)) {, 1, 2); //plays daytime sounds
    } else {
    if (mouseY < (height / 2)) {, 1, 2); //plays field sounds
    } else {
    if (mouseY > (height / 2)) {, 1, 2); //plays river sounds
    } else {

function createSky(fillColor) { //function creates the sky
    rect(0, 0, width, height);
function createMountains(fillColor) { //function creates background hills
    var mountainY = height * 2 / 3;
    ellipse(width / 5, mountainY, width / 2, height / 2);
    ellipse(width * 2 / 3, mountainY, width * 3 / 4, height * 4 / 5);
function createDesert(fillColor) { //function creates desert/field
    var desertY = height * 5 / 8;
    rect(0, desertY, width, desertY);
function createRiver(fillColor) { //function creates river
    var riverY = height * 7 / 8;
    var constRivMouseY = constrain(mouseY, height / 2, height); //river only starts to appear when the mouse is below the halfway mark
    rect(0, map(constRivMouseY, height, height / 2, riverY, height), width, riverY);



//Crystal Xue
//15104-section B

//size of the vinyl
var size1 = 300;
//size of the label
var size2 = 100;

function preload(){
    jazz1 = loadSound("");
    jazz2 = loadSound("");
    jazz3 = loadSound("");
    jazz4 = loadSound("");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);

function draw() {
function drawRecord(){
    ellipse(width/2, width/2, size1, size1);

    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        arc(width/2, width/2, i * 20 + 140, i * 20 + 140, PI, 0.8 * PI);

    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        arc(width/2, width/2, i * 20 + 140, i * 20 + 140, 0.8 * PI, PI);
    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        arc(width/2, width/2, i * 20 + 140, i * 20 + 140, PI, 1.8 * PI);
    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        arc(width/2, width/2, i * 20 + 140, i * 20 + 140, 1.8 * PI, 2 * PI);

    arc(width/2, width/2, i * 20 + 140, i * 20 + 140, 0.8 * PI, PI);
    arc(width/2, width/2, i * 20 + 140, i * 20 + 140, 1.8 * PI, 2 * PI)

    //drawing red label
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(width/2, width/2, size2, size2);

    //drawing controls
    var yc = constrain(mouseY,350, 470);

    rect(410, 350, 10, 120);
    rect(400, yc, 30, 15);

    rect(450, 350, 10, 120);
    rect(440, yc, 30, 15);

    ellipse(430, 100, 60, 60);
    ellipse(430, 100, 40, 40);

    ellipse(450, 160, 45, 45);
    ellipse(450, 160, 30, 30);


function mousePressed() {
    //setting mousepresed location
    if (dist(mouseX,mouseY, width / 2, height/ 2) <= size1 ) {;
        } else {
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, 430, 100) <= 60) {;
        } else {
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, 450, 160) <= 45) {;
        } else {

function mouseMoved(){
    if (mouseX <= 450 & mouseX >= 410 && mouseY <= 470 && mouseY >= 350) {;
        } else {

It is inspired by jazz mixtapes. there are 3 different jazz tracks that can be started and paused by pressing the buttons and the record player. The fouth is controlled by the moving control which is more interesting to play with.

Claire Lee – Project 10 – Sonic Sketch


Claire Lee
15-104 Section B

// I'm using one of my grace days for this project!

var bearUrls = [
    "" ]

var bearBrown;
var bearPolar;
var bearBlack;
var bearPanda;

var bearBrownSound;
var bearPolarSound;
var bearBlackSound;
var bearPandaSound;
//setting the global variables

function preload() {
    bearBrown  = loadImage(bearUrls[0]);
    bearPolar = loadImage(bearUrls[1]);
    bearBlack = loadImage(bearUrls[2]);
    bearPanda = loadImage(bearUrls[3]);
    //loading the images

    bearBrownSound = loadSound("");
    bearPolarSound = loadSound("");
    bearBlackSound = loadSound("");
    bearPandaSound = loadSound("");
    //loading the sounds

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 120);

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation

function draw() {
    image(bearBrown, 0, 0, width/4, height);
    image(bearPolar, width/4, 0, width/4, height);
    image(bearBlack, width/2, 0, width/4, height);
    image(bearPanda, 3*width/4, 0, width/4, height);
    //divides canvas into quarters and sets different image for each

function mousePressed() {
    if (mouseX > 0 & mouseX < (width/4)) {;
    } else {
    // brown bear sound

    if (mouseX > (width/4) & mouseX < (width/2)) {;
    } else {
    // polar bear sound

    if (mouseX > (width/2) & mouseX < (3*width/4)) {;
    } else {
    // black bear sound

    if (mouseX > (3*width/4) & mouseX < width) {;
    } else {
    //panda bear sound

I decided to do bears (with the addition of some unexpected sounds) because I wanted to make a group of cute characters with some unity. I had a lot of fun making the visuals for this project, and it was really interesting to learn how to manipulate sound files and work on a local server.

Minjae Jeong-project10-sonic sketch


//Minjae Jeong
//Section B

var myTopL;
var myTopR;
var myBotL;
var myBotR;

function preload() {
    myTopL = loadSound("");
    myTopR = loadSound("");
    myBotL = loadSound("");
    myBotR = loadSound("");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    //======== call the following to use sound =========

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation
    myTopL.setVolume(0.5); //808 bass
    myTopR.setVolume(0.3); //bass
    myBotL.setVolume(0.3); //snare
    myBotR.setVolume(0.3); //hihat

function draw() {
//draw each squares
    translate(40, 40);
    rect(0, 0, 150, 150);

    translate(210, 40);
    rect(0, 0, 150, 150);

    translate(40, 210);
    rect(0, 0, 150, 150);

    translate(210, 210);
    rect(0, 0, 150, 150);

//when a square is pressed, play the sound
function mousePressed() {
    if (mouseX > 40 & mouseX < 190 && mouseY > 40 && mouseY < 190) {;//808bass
    if (mouseX > 210 & mouseX < 360 && mouseY > 40 && mouseY < 190) {;//bass
    if (mouseX > 40 & mouseX < 190 && mouseY > 210 && mouseY < 360) {;//snare
    if (mouseX > 210 & mouseX < 360 && mouseY > 210 && mouseY < 360) {;//hihat

For this project, I wanted to create a very simple version of “launchpad.” The four sounds are some of the most common sounds used in beat-making.

Each button plays different sounds:

Yellow – 808 Bass

Red- Bass

Blue – Snare

Green – Hi-hat

Rachel Shin – Project 10 – Pokemon


/* Rachel Shin
15-104 Section B
Project 10 


// sketch.js template for sound and DOM
// This is the 15104 Version 1 template for sound and Dom.
// This template prompts the user to click on the web page
// when it is first loaded.
// The function useSound() must be called in setup() if you
// use sound functions.
// The function soundSetup() is called when it is safe
// to call sound functions, so put sound initialization there.
// (But loadSound() should still be called in preload().)

var imageLinks = [
    "", //charmander
    "", //pikachu
    "", //squirtle
    "", //bulbasaur

//image variables

var charmander;
var pikachu;
var squirtle;
var bulbasaur;

//sound variables;
var fire;
var thunder;
var water;
var grass;

function preload() {
    //loading images
    charmander = loadImage("");
    pikachu = loadImage("");
    squirtle = loadImage("");
    bulbasaur = loadImage("");

    //loading sounds
    fire = loadSound("fire-2.wav");
    thunder = loadSound("thunder.wav");
    water = loadSound("water-4.wav");
    grass = loadSound("grass.wav");

    // call loadImage() and loadSound() for all media files here

function setup() {
    // you can change the next 2 lines:
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation

function draw() {
    background(196, 186, 118);;

    // images of the four elements
    image(charmander, 0, 0, width/2, height/2);
    image(pikachu, width/2, 0, width/2, height/2);
    image(squirtle, 0, height/2, width/2, height/2);
    image(bulbasaur, width/2, height/2, width/2, height/2);
function mousePressed() {

    if (mouseX >= 0 & mouseX < width/2 && mouseY >= 0 && mouseY < height/2) {;
    else { 

    if (mouseX >= 0 & mouseX < width/2 && mouseY >= height/2 && mouseY < height) {;
    else {

    if (mouseX >= width/2 & mouseX < width && mouseY >= 0 && mouseY < height/2) {;
    else {

    if (mouseX >= width/2 & mouseX < width && mouseY >= height/2 && mouseY < height) {;
    else {

After thinking of ways to incorporate 4 different sounds, I immediately thought of the 4 elements, and I decided to connect it to one of my childhood favorites- Pokemon. I decided to use the first four Pokemon that I loved and used their types and connected it to different sounds. I was inspired by the legendary Pokemon mural from the first season of Pokemon. It was fun to configure sound and visuals together especially when it came to designing my own version of the mural with 4 basic Pokemon that I loved as a kid.