Sewon Park – Project 10


//Sewon Park
//Section B
//Project 10

var sound1;
var sound2;
var sound3;
var sound4;

function preload() {
    sound1 = loadSound('');
    sound2 = loadSound('');
    sound3 = loadSound('');
    sound4 = loadSound(''); //saving sounds

//I have no clue why the sounds are not loading 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function soundSetup() {

function draw() {
rect(0,0,200,200); //black square

ellipse(100,160,30,30); //fire

fill(220,180,130); //green square
triangle(90,360,105,300,120,360) //tree

rect(200,0,200,200); //Blue Square
for (var x=210; x<600; x=x+20) {
   for(var y=10; y<190; y= y+20) {
   rect(x,y,1,10); //rain on background

rect(200,200,200,200); //White Square
arc(280, 325, 60, 60, HALF_PI, PI); //wind symbol

function mousePressed() {
    // When mouse is pressed, appropriate sounds play

    if (mouseX < 200 & mouseY < 200) {;
    } else {
    } //Makes sound 1 for black square

    if (mouseX > 200 & mouseY < 200) {;
    } else {
    } //Makes sound 2 for blue square)

    if (mouseX < 200 & mouseY > 200) {;
    } else {
    } //Makes sound 3 for green square)

    if (mouseX > 200 & mouseY > 200) {;
    } else {
    } //Makes sound 4 for white square


For this project I used “The Last Airbender” as the theme. I drew the four elements and had sounds that correlated to the element playing when the mouse is clicked.

(Grace Day Used)

Alec Albright – Project 10 – Sonic Sketch

I am using one of my grace days on this assignment


// Alec Albright
// Section B
// Project 10

var margin = 150;
var radius = 30;
var r = 0;
var g = 0;
var b = 0;
var rotation = 0;
var sine; // sine oscillator
var sineAmp; // sine amplitude
var sineFreq; // sine frequency
var sawtooth; // sawtooth oscillator
var sawtoothAmp; // sawtooth amplitude
var sawtoothFreq; // sawtooth frequency
var square; // square oscillator
var squareAmp; // square amplitude
var squareFreq; // square frequency

function setup(){
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation
    // making sine
    sine = new p5.Oscillator();

    // making sawtooth
    sawtooth = new p5.Oscillator();

    // making square wave
    square = new p5.Oscillator();

function draw(){
    fill(r, g, b);

    // mapping angle of rotation to mouseY
    // as mouse moves up and down, shapes rotate
    rotation = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 360);

    // drawing hexagons with specified margin and rotation
    // center
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    hexagon(0, 0, radius);
    // circle around center hexagon
    for(let i = 0; i < nvertex; i +=1){
        // finding exactly where the hexagon at hand is located
        // sin tells us where the y coordinate is
        var centerY = sin(angle) * margin;
        // cos tells us where the x coordinate is
        var centerX = cos(angle) * margin;
        // now draw the vertex at hand
        // setting up rotation for each individual hexagon
        translate(width / 2 + centerX, height / 2 + centerY);
        hexagon(centerX, centerY, radius);
        // add the next portion of the angle
        angle = angle + (360 / 6)
    // scaling mouseX to use the whole screen for size
    // as mouse moves right, shapes get bigger
    radius = map(mouseX, 0, width, 20, 70);
    // as mouse moves right, more red, more sine/less sawtooth
    r = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 255);
    // amplitude form 0 to 1
    sineAmp = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 1);
    // amplitude from .8 to 0 (bigger amplitude on left side)
    sawtoothAmp = map(mouseX, 0, width, .2, 1);
    sawtooth.amp(1 - sawtoothAmp);

    // as mouse moves down, more blue 
    b = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 255);
    // as mouse moves left, more green
    g = 255 - map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 255);

    // frequency changes depending on whether we're in top half or bottom half
    if (mouseY <= height / 2) {
        // sine goes from 440 to 1760 Hz (2 octaves) if we're in the top half
        sineFreq = constrain(map(mouseY, 0, height / 2, 440, 1760), 440, 1760);

        // sawtooth frequency stabilizes at minumum value
    } else {
        // sawtooth goes from 110 to 440 Hz (2 octaves) if we're in the bottom half
        sawtoothFreq = constrain(map(mouseY, height / 2, height, 110, 440), 110, 440);
        // sine frequency stabilizes at maximum value

    // if mouse is pressed, square wave can be changed
    if (mouseIsPressed) {
        // frequency mapped to the average of mouseX and mouseY, can go from 110 to 440 Hz 
        squareFreq = constrain(map((mouseX + mouseY) / 2, 0, 640, 110, 440), 110, 440);

        // amplitude mapped to the distance from the center of x axis
        squareAmp = constrain(map(mouseX - (width / 2), -320, 320, 0, .8), 0, .8);

    // margin depends on mouseX, keeping same distance throughout
    margin = map(mouseX, 0, width, 50, 150);

// 6 vertices, as a hexagon has
var nvertex = 6;
// angle we're working at (when we get to TWO_PI, we're done)
var angle = 0;

function hexagon(x, y, radius){
    // draw a hexagon at (x, y) using beginShape()
    // find each vertex's specific location
    for(let i = 0; i < nvertex; i += 1){
        // finding exactly where the vertex at hand is located
        // sin tells us where the y coordinate is
        var vertexY = y + sin(angle) * radius;
        // cos tells us where the x coordinate is
        var vertexX = x + cos(angle) * radius;
        // now draw the vertex at hand
        vertex(vertexX, vertexY)
        // add the next portion of the angle
        angle += (360 / 6)
    // connect beginning and end points

For this assignment, I added sonic features to my Project 3 – Dynamic Drawing. I added a sine wave oscillator, a sawtooth wave oscillator, and a square wave oscillator. The mappings for the amplitude and frequency of these oscillators are as follows:

  1. As the mouse moves from left to right, the sine wave amplitude increases and the sawtooth wave amplitude decreases.
  2. As the mouse moves from top to bottom on the top half of the screen, the sine wave frequency gets higher (scaling up to two octaves).
  3. As the mouse moves from top to bottom on the bottom half of the screen, the sawtooth wave frequency gets higher (scaling up to two octaves).
  4. As the average of mouseX and mouseY increases, so does the frequency of the square wave.
  5. The closer to the middle of the x-axis the mouse is, the louder the square wave becomes.

Note: the square wave can only be adjusted if the mouse is pressed!!

This process was very interesting in testing harmonic balances in my dynamic drawing, as manifested by these mappings. I certainly see a lot more dimensionality in my drawing now because of the added sound layers!

Alec Albright – Looking Outwards – 10

I am using a Looking Outwards grace day for this assignment.

Alphard, a piece generated by Iamus

In 2013, professor Francisco Vico of the University of Malaga created Iamus, a computer that can generate classical music scores at the touch of a button. According to Vico, Iamus’s scores become increasingly more complex as they evolve throughout their duration, giving them a dynamic flow beyond a random progression of notes. The algorithm behind Iamus is inspired by human biological processes, and then a human selects from the pieces Iamus provides. This work is admirable because it is ground breaking, introducing artificial intelligence to the world of art and music in a new way. It is very interesting to see the progression of these technologies, and Iamus is just the beginning of a new era in the world of music.

Fallon Creech-LookingOutwards-10

Video demonstrating interactions with iPad set-up

Prelude in ACGT, a project created by Pierry Jacquillard at Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne’s Media and Interaction Design Unit, explores the literal relationship between the biology and music using the creator’s own DNA. The tools extract Jacquillard’s DNA and convert it into music.

Throughout Jacquillard’s studies, he has always been profoundly captivated by the connections made between highly organic structures and artificial structures brought to life through man; his interest lies in the contrasting nature of the two opposing ends of the spectrum, which he believes to provide means of creating long-lasting interpretations of the product. He explains, “This Prelude is important for me, as the technological advances are taking any data (including music) and turn them into DNA in order to save them for almost eternity as they promise. But for me, the most important is more the interpretation of a code rather than the materialism of the code itself. I think that maybe we are just generating data that will last centuries but the key to retrieve them won’t. They could be a kind of post-digital hieroglyphs.”

This project relies on five interfaces that ignite the interaction between biology and music, change sound qualities, and visualize the individual components. The visualizations are demonstrated through different web applications on iPads. I appreciate the comprehensive process of his using only Javascript to interpret and convert the data into statement graphics.

Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards-10

Apparatum is a piece made by PanGenerator, a musical group consisting of Krzysztof Goliński, Jakub Koźniewski, Piotr Barszczewski, and Krzysztof Cybulski, and was created in 2018. The group drew inspiration from the Pilish Radio Experimental Studio, which was one of the first studios to start producing electrostatic music. So while there is a digital interface, the apparatus is very old-fashioned looking and emits only analogue sound.

I really like the old aesthetic the group is trying to pull off with this installation. It’s the first thing that really stands out about it. I like this because it’s pleasing to look at and because there obviously isn’t a lot like it currently. I also really like how there was a mix of the old and the new. It wasn’t simply a remake of an old technology, the group decided to incorporate modern tech into an older styled model, resulting in a old looking apparatus with a digitally interactive interface. I like this since it takes the best parts of two different things to create an almost different invention.

Video Demonstrating Apparatum In Action

While the piece may be heavily influenced by an older aesthetic, it has modern electronic aspects to it as well. To create the electronic interface, the group used the software electron (node.js). The microcontroller elements are c running on Teensy 3.2. Teensy 3.2 is also used for the hardware. 

The piece (right) compared with its older influences (left)

Looking at their website, it is clear they have a certain aesthetic they are trying to pull off. The website is a sleek black and white, and many of their photos are in black and white as well.  The site almost looks like that for a newspaper. They seem to be going for an old fashioned but also futuristic look, if that’s possible, the color scheme giving off the old-timey vibe with the sleekness and use of geometric shapes in their photos giving the site a futuristic feel. This seems to be reflected well in Apparatum.

Xu Xu – Project 10 – Sonic Sketch


//Claire Xu
//section B
//Project 10
var playerIMG;
var acousticBreeze;
var pianoMoment;
var goingHigher;
var retroSoul;

function preload(){
    var iphoneIMG = ""
    playerIMG = loadImage(iphoneIMG);

    //load 4 tracks
    acousticBreeze = loadSound("");
    pianoMoment = loadSound("");
    goingHigher = loadSound("");
    retroSoul = loadSound("");

function setup(){

function soundSetup(){
    //volume for tracks

function draw(){
    image(playerIMG, 0,0);

function mousePressed(){

    if (mouseX >= 150 & mouseX <= 350){
    //play acousticBreeze when it's pressed
        if (mouseY > 270 & mouseY < 290){
            //play acousticBreeze
            //pause others
    //play pianoMoment when it's pressed
        if (mouseY > 290 & mouseY < 310){
            //play pianoMoment
            //pause others
    //play goingHigher when it's pressed
        if (mouseY > 310 & mouseY < 330){
            //play goingHigher
            //pause others
    //play retroSoul when it's pressed
        if (mouseY > 330 & mouseY < 350){
            //play retroSoul
            //pause others

    if (mouseX >= 155 & mouseX <= 165 & mouseY >= 385 & mouseY <= 395){
        //pause everything

For this project I wanted to do a “music app” design, and there are four songs to choose from the album, which can be paused and played by clicking the song titles or the pause button. I drew the interface from scratch in adobe illustrator and photoshop, and wrote the song names in the interface. This was a fun project, but implementing the soundtracks in the file was hard. (The soundtracks are actually only 1 minute long due to the file upload restriction)

Xiaoyu Kang – Project 10 – Sonic Sketch


//Xiaoyu Kang
//Section B

var rainThunder;
var waterSound;
var catMeow;
var catGroom;
function preload() {
    rainThunder = loadSound("");
    waterSound = loadSound("");
    catMeow = loadSound("");
    catGroom = loadSound("")

function setup() {

    createCanvas(400, 300);

function soundSetup(){

function draw() {
    fill(250, 230, 230);
    rect(0, 0, 400, 200);
    fill(173, 144, 115);
    rect(0, 200, 400, 100);
    rect(100, 20, 200, 150);
    fill(26, 64, 111);
    rect(110, 30, 180, 130);
    ellipse(165, 80, 30, 30);
    ellipse(190, 60, 50, 50);
    ellipse(230, 70, 40, 40);
    ellipse(205, 85, 30, 30);
    ellipse(170, 130, 10, 10);
    ellipse(220, 140, 10, 10);
    ellipse(240, 100, 10, 10);
    ellipse(190, 120, 10, 10);
    ellipse(350, 220, 30, 30);
    ellipse(360, 260, 50, 60);
    ellipse(350, 282, 50, 10);
    ellipse(380, 280, 70, 5);
    ellipse(335, 222, 8, 8);
    triangle(353, 195, 348, 210, 362, 212);
    triangle(343, 195, 340, 210, 354, 210);
    ellipse(345, 215, 5, 5);
    rect(150, 240, 20, 35);
    ellipse(160, 275, 20, 10);
    fill(150, 170, 255);
    ellipse(160, 240, 20, 10);


function mousePressed(){
    //sound of rain when touch the cloud
    if (mouseX >= 110 & mouseX <= 290 && mouseY >= 30 && mouseY <= 160){;
    //sound of water when touch the cup
    if (mouseX >= 150 & mouseX <= 170 && mouseY >= 240 && mouseY <= 275){;
    //sound of cat meowing when touch the head of the cat
    if (mouseX >= 320 & mouseX <= 380 && mouseY >= 190 && mouseY <= 250){;
    //sound of cat grooming when touch the body of the cat
    if (mouseX >= 335 & mouseX <= 385 && mouseY >= 230 && mouseY <= 290){;

For this image, I created an image of a cat inside a house on a rainy day. I think it would be interesting if different sounds can be activated when the user clicks on different objects. If the user clicked on the cloud, the sound of a thunder storm would start and goes on for two minutes. If clicks on the cup a sound of water would be activated. And clicking the head or the body of the cat would activate two different sounds.

Crystal Xue-LookingOutwards-10

Christine Sun Kim, deaf since birth, explores her subjective experiences with sound in her work. She investigates the operations o sound and various aspects of deaf culture in her performances, videos, and drawings. She uses a lot of elements like body language, ASL(Amerian Sign Language) and so as her interpretation to expand the traditional scope of communication.

This particular project shown above is called “game of skill 2.0” is displayed in MoMA PS1. Audiences are invited to listen to a reading of a text about the future. Pathways are created in concert with the game’s console, causes the device to emit sound at a pace proportional to the participant’s movement. The physical scrubbing process is the direct interaction with the sound.

Ghalya Alsanea -LO-10 – The Reverse Collection

An improvised performance with ten newly created instruments 

The Reverse Collection (2013 – 2016)

Creator: Tarek Atoui is a Beirut based artist and composer. What I admire about his work is that they’re grounded in extensive knowledge about music history and tradition.

Tarek Atoui with the “koto”, organ pipes connected to an air compressor.
Photograph: Oli Cowling/Tate Photography

The Reverse Collection is an ensemble of newly created instruments that were conceived in a few steps. The first stage was born out of the storage facilities of Berlin’s Dahlem museum, which houses the city’s ethnographic and anthropological collections. Atoui found that in the museum’s stash of historical instruments, there were many instruments with hardly any information/indication of their sociocultural provenance or any instructions on how to play them. So, he invited established musicians and improvisers to play with them, and recorded what happened, even though they had no idea how to use them.

The second stage was in collaboration with instrument makers. He asked them to listen to those recordings – layered and edited – and create new instruments on which someone could play something that sounds similar. Around 8 new instruments where created, and were used for several performances and new compositions, called the Reverse Sessions.

Finally, the third stage, which is The Reverse Collection, had a new generation of ten instruments to work with. Atoui recorded several performances to create a collection. This was done by a multi-channel sound work in an exhibition space, that was evolving over the whole duration of a show and allowing multiple associations between object, sound, space and performance. More on the performance and what the instruments are here.

I chose this project because I really admire the translation of historical artifacts into a modern instrument. Even though the result was a physical manifestation, the process of creating and understand the instruments was computational.

Ghalya Alsanea – Project-10 – Sonic Sketch

Unlikely pairings

To play or stop a sound, simply click inside the corresponding circle.


//Ghalya Alsanea
//Section B
//Project 10

var amplitude;          //global amp variable
var defaultSize = 50;   //size of circles if nothing is playing

//compile titles into array for easy access
var titles =
["alien", "bass", "chirp", "snare",
"marimba", "piano", "synth", "hop"];

//have a callerID for the dif sounds for easy access
var callIDs = [];

//X location of all the circles
var xLoc = [];

//set starting booleans for dif sounds
let alienBool = false;
let bassBool = false;
let chirpBool = false;
let kickSnareBool = false;
let marimbaBool = false;
let pianoBool = false;
let synthBool = false;
let hopBool = false;

//store all booleans in an array for easy access
var bools = [alienBool,     bassBool,   chirpBool,  kickSnareBool,
            marimbaBool,    pianoBool,  synthBool,  hopBool]

function preload() {
    //load all sound files
    alienBass = loadSound("");
    bassLoop = loadSound("");
    chirp = loadSound("");
    kickSnare = loadSound("");
    marimba = loadSound("");
    piano = loadSound("");
    synth = loadSound("");
    hop = loadSound("");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 150);
    amplitude = new p5.Amplitude();
    //assign IDs to each sound
    callIDs = [alienBass, bassLoop, chirp, kickSnare, marimba, piano, synth, hop];
    for (var i = 0; i < callIDs.length; i++) {
        callIDs[i].stop();          //start with no sound
        callIDs[i].setLoop(true);   //make sure it plays a continous loop
        xLoc.push(i * 75 + 37.5);   //assign x location based on ID index

function draw() {
    //function call for rendering the circles

function renderCircs () {
    for (var i = 0; i < callIDs.length; i++) {
        //if the sound is playing, draw as red
        //otherwise render as white
        if (bools[i] === true) {
        } else {

        //render circle and text
        circle(xLoc[i], height / 2, figureSize(bools[i]));
        text(titles[i], xLoc[i], height - 30);

//configure diameter of circle based on volume
function figureSize(a) {
    //if the sound is playing, assign a size respectively
    if (a === true) {
        let level = amplitude.getLevel();
        let size = floor(map(level, 0, 1, 50, 70));
        return size;
    //if no sound is playing then have the default size
    else {
        return defaultSize;

//configure whether to play the sound or stop based on boolean
function soundState(ind) {
    if (bools[ind] === true) {
    } else if (bools[ind] === false) {

//state change when mouse is clicked
function mousePressed() {
    for (var i = 0; i < xLoc.length; i++) {
        //check where the mouse was clicked
        var d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, xLoc[i], height / 2);
        //if it's within one of the circles, then toggle sound state
        if (d < figureSize(bools[i]) / 2) {
            bools[i] = !bools[i];

function soundSetup() {
    //nothing here

For this project, I wanted to create something similar to a looping machine where you have different sounds and you can play them together and start and stop certain loops based on creative desire. I wanted the user to be in control of what’s being played and express themselves through sound. The 8 sounds I chose have the ability to be looped continuously and smoothly. The sounds sometimes work together and sometimes don’t, and the idea behind that is to see what music you can come up with using an unlikely pairing of sounds. Have fun and see what you come up with!