

//Shariwa Sharada
//Section A

function setup(){
	createCanvas(480,480); //background sizing 

function draw(){

	for(var y = 4; y< height; y+=10){
		stroke(255, 188, 0);
		line(0, y, width, y); //background horizontal lines

	for (var a = 7.5; a<width; a+= 100){
		for (var b = 10; b<height; b+= 100){
			fill(0, 152, 255, 190); //using transparencies to show overlaps in shapes 
			rect(a,b,50,50) //creating the blue coloured squares
	for (var s = 16.5; s<width; s+= 100){
		for (var t = 19; t<height; t+= 100){
			fill(255, 0, 0, 150 );
			rect(s,t,50,50) //creating the red coloured squares

	for (var c = 50.5; c<width; c+= 100){
		for (var d = 1; d<height; d+= 100){
			fill(155, 4, 148, 120);
			rect(c,d,25,25) //creating the smaller purple coloured squares

	for (var e = 14.5; e<width; e+= 100){
		for (var f = 66; f<height; f+= 100){
			fill(0, 255, 230, 120);
			ellipse(e,f,25,25) //creating the larger cyan circles 

	for (var g = 20.5; g<width; g+= 100){
		for (var h = 86; h<height; h+= 100){
			fill(0, 255, 0, 120);
			ellipse(g,h,10,10) //creating the smaller green circles 


For this project I wanted to play with the overlapping of colours and shapes and lines to see what new objects were created. To do this I started off with the idea of the sketch you can see but decided to change some elements because the whole wallpaper ended up coming out to be too symmetrical. I played with the alpha levels of all the colours to allow the overlaps between the shapes to create new colours and additional spaces.

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