enwandu-Looking Outwards-07

Cyclotone III | Fulldome Audiovisual Projection | 2015

Paul Prudence

This is an excerpt, Prudence associates with his Cyclotone project.

“By gyro-static action, The Machine is transparent to successive intervals of time. It does not endure or ‘continue to be’, but rather conserves its contents outside of time, sheltered from all phenomena. The Machine’s immobility in Time is directly proportional to the rate of rotation of its gyro stats in space.”

–From How to Construct a Time Machine, Alfred Jarry.

Paul Prudence is a live-cinema artist, well versed in the area of time-based geometric narratives, and audiovisuals. Many of his projects, including ‘Cyclotone’ explore very abstract avenues to combine sound, space, and form in an interesting fashion. He is inspired heavily by constructivist minded artists, particle accelerators, and four-dimensional place. His project embodies his artistic sensibility, and a clear connection can be seen between what inspires him, and his artwork.

I really admire the project, because of the intersection between sound and space in the project. It is quite compelling, despite being a 2D representation on a screen. Much of my admiration comes from be being in awe what he could create, it is extremely satisfying to watch. Even the still images successfully suggest motion. Prudence produces a mesmerizing, floor-to-ceiling sensation by cross-wiring electroacoustic sound design and conceptual video material.

enwandu-Looking Outwards-06-Randomness

Victor Adan, Jeff Synder and Daniel Iglesia – The Draftsmasters

A still of the pen plotter and 3D computation

The Draftmasters is a very interesting project. It is a video/ geek/ music collaboration between Victor Adan, and Jeff Synder on the performance side, and Daniel Iglesia on the visuals side. The way it worked was, Victor and Jeff made physical gestures, which directed the hacked pen-plotter printers. The printers were equipped with pickups, which make the sound. Then, Daniel analyzes the visuals and creates 3D graphics in real time.

The combination of motion and sound, being captured by the hacked pen plotters is an intriguing one. It simultaneously allows for control, and unrestricted randomness. The combination of the two undoubtable results in some very dynamic forms. You could control your movements, or have them be completely random, but the pen plotter will interpret these how it wants too. Same could be said for the sound involved. Watching the video, the 3D form generate by the moving pen plotter really shows the dynamism, and randomness of the project.

I really admire the project because of the intersection of computation and music. I’m truly fascinated by this area and would love to learn more. Projects like this are truly inspiring. Each of the members of the group seemed to have a specialty with Synder and Adan being musicians, and Iglesia being the visual person. The projects seems to embody a synthesized ideal that could have come from all three.

enwandu-Project-06-Abstract Clock


// Emmanuel Nwandu
// enwandu@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section
// Project-06- Abstract Clock

var bgColmin = (0, 255, 255);
var bgColmax = (92, 26, 102);

// X and Y positions of the lights controlled by the minutes
var xarray = [62, 73, 98, 86, 150, 170, 175, 102, 95, 62, 293, 298, 287, 367, 31, 70, 177, 203, 265, 278, 82, 55, 85, 94, 142, 151, 176, 83, 59, 60, 147, 177,
     93, 80, 68, 64, 373, 320, 296, 270, 315, 309, 267, 200, 98, 84, 40, 98, 108, 293, 301, 377, 354, 257, 197, 169, 205, 292, 232, 173];
var yarray = [47, 78, 116, 50, 202, 217, 191, 104, 88, 280, 195, 252, 155, 253, 320,303, 235, 270, 296, 312, 132, 110, 75, 97, 289, 251, 319, 149, 150, 176, 230, 261,
    172, 192, 248, 194, 230, 261, 324, 310, 174, 184, 217, 216, 235, 211, 312, 287, 293, 324, 292, 280, 298, 317,267, 260, 283, 290, 313, 329, 318];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
var milli = map(millis(), 0, 999, -35, width + 35);
var sec = map(second(), 0, 59, -35, width + 35);
var min = map(minute(), 0, 58, 0, 255);
var hrND = map(hour(), 0, 11, bgColmax, bgColmin);
var hrDN = map(hour(), 12, 23, bgColmin, bgColmax);
// var hrMoon = map(hour(), 0, 11, 250, Sun);
// var hrSun = map(hour(), 12, 23, Sun, 250);

var timeND = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrND};
var timeDN = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrDN};
// var timeSun = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrSun};
// var timeMoon = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrMoon};

var hrNDColor = color(0, 0, timeND.b);
var hrDNColor = color(0, 0, timeDN.b);
// var hrSunColor = color(timeSun.b, timeSun.b, 0);
// var hrMoonColor = color(timeMoon.b, timeMoon.b, 0);

var gray = color(240);

// Maps the sky/background color to the hours of the day
// Simulating dark to light, and light to dark depending on the time of day
for(var c = 0; c <= height; c+=5){
    var amt = map(c, 0, height, 0, 1);
    var background = lerpColor(hrNDColor, gray, amt);
    rect(0, c, width, 5);
    if(int(hour()) >= 12){
        hrNDColor = hrDNColor;
// Draws Sun/Moon
    fill(200, 170, 0);
    ellipse(width, 0, 175, 175);

// Calls blimp function; Blimp movement contolled by seconds
    blimp(sec, height/10);

// Draws Skyline
    vertex(0, 400); vertex(0, 306); vertex(4, 306);
    vertex(4, 292); vertex(31, 292); vertex(31, 282);
    vertex(50, 282); vertex(50, 30); vertex(60, 30);
    vertex(60, 20); vertex(103, 20); vertex(103, 30);
    vertex(116, 30); vertex(116, 282); vertex(128, 282);
    vertex(128, 304); vertex(132, 304); vertex(132, 268);
    vertex(140, 268); vertex(140, 190); vertex(169, 190);
    vertex(169, 185); vertex(189, 185); vertex(189, 226);
    vertex(202, 226); vertex(206, 185); vertex(208, 226);
    vertex(216, 226); vertex(216, 216); vertex(226, 216);
    vertex(226, 226); vertex(232, 226); vertex(232, 306);
    vertex(244, 306); vertex(244, 199); vertex(252, 199);
    vertex(252, 139); vertex(260, 139); vertex(260, 127);
    vertex(295, 127); vertex(295, 139); vertex(305, 139);
    vertex(305, 170); vertex(330, 170); vertex(330, 306);
    vertex(365, 306); vertex(365, 250); vertex(390, 250);
    vertex(390, 306); vertex(400, 306); vertex(400, 400);

// Draw a new light every minute
    for(var i = 0; i < int(minute()); i++){
        fill(200, 200, 0);
        rect(xarray[i], yarray[i], 7, 7);

// Draws Blimp
function blimp(x, y){
    fill(200, 75, 175);
    quad(x - 20, y, x + 15, y, x + 7, y + 23, x -17, y + 23);
    ellipse(x, y, 70, 35);
    triangle(x - 45, y -15, x - 25, y, x - 45, y + 15);
    fill(200, 75, 175);
    ellipse(x, y, 68, 15);

For this project I was aiming for something seemingly realistic. The background/sky color is controlled by the hours, moving from dark to light and vice versa as you move throughout the day. Every minute a light switches on in the building, and a blimp moves across the screen a certain distance every second.

It was somewhat challenging, but I learnt a lot from the experience.

// Emmanuel Nwandu
// enwandu@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section
// Project-06- Abstract Clock

var bgColmin = (0, 255, 255);
var bgColmax = (92, 26, 102);

var xarray = [55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70,
    100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305];
var yarray = [306, 306, 306, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 270, 270, 285, 285, 285, 270, 265, 275, 250, 250, 250, 270, 190, 190, 190, 200, 200, 215, 235, 235, 180, 180, 50, 50,
    50, 265, 300, 290, 255, 285, 175, 175, 100, 100, 110, 255, 235, 240, 295, 260, 160, 160, 145, 132, 149, 240, 272, 300, 306, 210, 150, 150];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
var milli = map(millis(), 0, 999, -35, width + 35);
var sec = map(second(), 0, 59, -35, width + 35);
var min = map(minute(), 0, 58, 0, 255);
var hrND = map(hour(), 0, 11, bgColmax, bgColmin);
var hrDN = map(hour(), 12, 23, bgColmin, bgColmax);
// var hrMoon = map(hour(), 0, 11, 250, Sun);
// var hrSun = map(hour(), 12, 23, Sun, 250);

var timeND = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrND};
var timeDN = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrDN};
// var timeSun = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrSun};
// var timeMoon = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrMoon};

var hrNDColor = color(0, 0, timeND.b);
var hrDNColor = color(0, 0, timeDN.b);
// var hrSunColor = color(timeSun.b, timeSun.b, 0);
// var hrMoonColor = color(timeMoon.b, timeMoon.b, 0);

var gray = color(240);

// Maps the sky/background color to the hours of the day
// Simulating dark to light, and light to dark depending on the time of day
for(var c = 0; c <= height; c+=5){
    var amt = map(c, 0, height, 0, 1);
    var background = lerpColor(hrNDColor, gray, amt);
    rect(0, c, width, 5);
    if(int(hour()) >= 12){
        hrNDColor = hrDNColor;
// Draws Sun/Moon
    fill(200, 170, 0);
    ellipse(width, 0, 175, 175);

// Calls blimp function; Blimp movement contolled by seconds
    blimp(sec, height/10);

// Draws Skyline
    vertex(0, 400); vertex(0, 306); vertex(4, 306);
    vertex(4, 292); vertex(31, 292); vertex(31, 282);
    vertex(50, 282); vertex(50, 30); vertex(60, 30);
    vertex(60, 20); vertex(103, 20); vertex(103, 30);
    vertex(116, 30); vertex(116, 282); vertex(128, 282);
    vertex(128, 304); vertex(132, 304); vertex(132, 268);
    vertex(140, 268); vertex(140, 190); vertex(169, 190);
    vertex(169, 185); vertex(189, 185); vertex(189, 226);
    vertex(202, 226); vertex(206, 185); vertex(208, 226);
    vertex(216, 226); vertex(216, 216); vertex(226, 216);
    vertex(226, 226); vertex(232, 226); vertex(232, 306);
    vertex(244, 306); vertex(244, 199); vertex(252, 199);
    vertex(252, 139); vertex(260, 139); vertex(260, 127);
    vertex(295, 127); vertex(295, 139); vertex(305, 139);
    vertex(305, 170); vertex(330, 170); vertex(330, 306);
    vertex(365, 306); vertex(365, 250); vertex(390, 250);
    vertex(390, 306); vertex(400, 306); vertex(400, 400);

    for(var i = 0; i < int(minute()); i++){
        fill(200, 200, 0);
        rect(xarray[i], yarray[i], 7, 7);

// Draws Blimp
function blimp(x, y){
    fill(200, 75, 175);
    quad(x - 20, y, x + 15, y, x + 7, y + 23, x -17, y + 23);
    ellipse(x, y, 70, 35);
    triangle(x - 45, y -15, x - 25, y, x - 45, y + 15);
    fill(200, 75, 175);
    ellipse(x, y, 68, 15);
// Emmanuel Nwandu
// enwandu@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section
// Project-06- Abstract Clock

var bgColmin = (0, 255, 255);
var bgColmax = (92, 26, 102);

var xarray = [55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70,
    100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305];
var yarray = [306, 306, 306, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 270, 270, 285, 285, 285, 270, 265, 275, 250, 250, 250, 270, 190, 190, 190, 200, 200, 215, 235, 235, 180, 180, 50, 50,
    50, 265, 300, 290, 255, 285, 175, 175, 100, 100, 110, 255, 235, 240, 295, 260, 160, 160, 145, 132, 149, 240, 272, 300, 306, 210, 150, 150];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
var milli = map(millis(), 0, 999, -35, width + 35);
var sec = map(second(), 0, 59, -35, width + 35);
var min = map(minute(), 0, 58, 0, 255);
var hrND = map(hour(), 0, 11, bgColmax, bgColmin);
var hrDN = map(hour(), 12, 23, bgColmin, bgColmax);
// var hrMoon = map(hour(), 0, 11, 250, Sun);
// var hrSun = map(hour(), 12, 23, Sun, 250);

var timeND = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrND};
var timeDN = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrDN};
// var timeSun = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrSun};
// var timeMoon = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrMoon};

var hrNDColor = color(0, 0, timeND.b);
var hrDNColor = color(0, 0, timeDN.b);
// var hrSunColor = color(timeSun.b, timeSun.b, 0);
// var hrMoonColor = color(timeMoon.b, timeMoon.b, 0);

var gray = color(240);

// Maps the sky/background color to the hours of the day
// Simulating dark to light, and light to dark depending on the time of day
for(var c = 0; c <= height; c+=5){
    var amt = map(c, 0, height, 0, 1);
    var background = lerpColor(hrNDColor, gray, amt);
    rect(0, c, width, 5);
    if(int(hour()) >= 12){
        hrNDColor = hrDNColor;
// Draws Sun/Moon
    fill(200, 170, 0);
    ellipse(width, 0, 175, 175);

// Calls blimp function; Blimp movement contolled by seconds
    blimp(sec, height/10);

// Draws Skyline
    vertex(0, 400); vertex(0, 306); vertex(4, 306);
    vertex(4, 292); vertex(31, 292); vertex(31, 282);
    vertex(50, 282); vertex(50, 30); vertex(60, 30);
    vertex(60, 20); vertex(103, 20); vertex(103, 30);
    vertex(116, 30); vertex(116, 282); vertex(128, 282);
    vertex(128, 304); vertex(132, 304); vertex(132, 268);
    vertex(140, 268); vertex(140, 190); vertex(169, 190);
    vertex(169, 185); vertex(189, 185); vertex(189, 226);
    vertex(202, 226); vertex(206, 185); vertex(208, 226);
    vertex(216, 226); vertex(216, 216); vertex(226, 216);
    vertex(226, 226); vertex(232, 226); vertex(232, 306);
    vertex(244, 306); vertex(244, 199); vertex(252, 199);
    vertex(252, 139); vertex(260, 139); vertex(260, 127);
    vertex(295, 127); vertex(295, 139); vertex(305, 139);
    vertex(305, 170); vertex(330, 170); vertex(330, 306);
    vertex(365, 306); vertex(365, 250); vertex(390, 250);
    vertex(390, 306); vertex(400, 306); vertex(400, 400);

    for(var i = 0; i < int(minute()); i++){
        fill(200, 200, 0);
        rect(xarray[i], yarray[i], 7, 7);

// Draws Blimp
function blimp(x, y){
    fill(200, 75, 175);
    quad(x - 20, y, x + 15, y, x + 7, y + 23, x -17, y + 23);
    ellipse(x, y, 70, 35);
    triangle(x - 45, y -15, x - 25, y, x - 45, y + 15);
    fill(200, 75, 175);
    ellipse(x, y, 68, 15);
// Emmanuel Nwandu
// enwandu@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section
// Project-06- Abstract Clock

var bgColmin = (0, 255, 255);
var bgColmax = (92, 26, 102);

var xarray = [55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70,
    100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305, 55, 70, 100, 150, 175, 190, 207, 228, 262, 305];
var yarray = [306, 306, 306, 285, 285, 285, 285, 285, 270, 270, 285, 285, 285, 270, 265, 275, 250, 250, 250, 270, 190, 190, 190, 200, 200, 215, 235, 235, 180, 180, 50, 50,
    50, 265, 300, 290, 255, 285, 175, 175, 100, 100, 110, 255, 235, 240, 295, 260, 160, 160, 145, 132, 149, 240, 272, 300, 306, 210, 150, 150];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
var milli = map(millis(), 0, 999, -35, width + 35);
var sec = map(second(), 0, 59, -35, width + 35);
var min = map(minute(), 0, 58, 0, 255);
var hrND = map(hour(), 0, 11, bgColmax, bgColmin);
var hrDN = map(hour(), 12, 23, bgColmin, bgColmax);
// var hrMoon = map(hour(), 0, 11, 250, Sun);
// var hrSun = map(hour(), 12, 23, Sun, 250);

var timeND = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrND};
var timeDN = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrDN};
// var timeSun = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrSun};
// var timeMoon = {r:min, g:sec, b:hrMoon};

var hrNDColor = color(0, 0, timeND.b);
var hrDNColor = color(0, 0, timeDN.b);
// var hrSunColor = color(timeSun.b, timeSun.b, 0);
// var hrMoonColor = color(timeMoon.b, timeMoon.b, 0);

var gray = color(240);

// Maps the sky/background color to the hours of the day
// Simulating dark to light, and light to dark depending on the time of day
for(var c = 0; c <= height; c+=5){
    var amt = map(c, 0, height, 0, 1);
    var background = lerpColor(hrNDColor, gray, amt);
    rect(0, c, width, 5);
    if(int(hour()) >= 12){
        hrNDColor = hrDNColor;
// Draws Sun/Moon
    fill(200, 170, 0);
    ellipse(width, 0, 175, 175);

// Calls blimp function; Blimp movement contolled by seconds
    blimp(sec, height/10);

// Draws Skyline
    vertex(0, 400); vertex(0, 306); vertex(4, 306);
    vertex(4, 292); vertex(31, 292); vertex(31, 282);
    vertex(50, 282); vertex(50, 30); vertex(60, 30);
    vertex(60, 20); vertex(103, 20); vertex(103, 30);
    vertex(116, 30); vertex(116, 282); vertex(128, 282);
    vertex(128, 304); vertex(132, 304); vertex(132, 268);
    vertex(140, 268); vertex(140, 190); vertex(169, 190);
    vertex(169, 185); vertex(189, 185); vertex(189, 226);
    vertex(202, 226); vertex(206, 185); vertex(208, 226);
    vertex(216, 226); vertex(216, 216); vertex(226, 216);
    vertex(226, 226); vertex(232, 226); vertex(232, 306);
    vertex(244, 306); vertex(244, 199); vertex(252, 199);
    vertex(252, 139); vertex(260, 139); vertex(260, 127);
    vertex(295, 127); vertex(295, 139); vertex(305, 139);
    vertex(305, 170); vertex(330, 170); vertex(330, 306);
    vertex(365, 306); vertex(365, 250); vertex(390, 250);
    vertex(390, 306); vertex(400, 306); vertex(400, 400);

    for(var i = 0; i < int(minute()); i++){
        fill(200, 200, 0);
        rect(xarray[i], yarray[i], 7, 7);

// Draws Blimp
function blimp(x, y){
    fill(200, 75, 175);
    quad(x - 20, y, x + 15, y, x + 7, y + 23, x -17, y + 23);
    ellipse(x, y, 70, 35);
    triangle(x - 45, y -15, x - 25, y, x - 45, y + 15);
    fill(200, 75, 175);
    ellipse(x, y, 68, 15);




// Emmanuel Nwandu
// enwandu@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section D
// Project-05-Wallpaper

cirY = 40; // Initial yposition of circle that start the columns
cirX = 40; // Initial xposition of circles that start the row
cSize = 80; // Diameter fo the circles
spacey = 20; // Controls vertical spacing betwen the circles
spacex = 20; // Controls horizontal spacing between the

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {

    // Draws a series of geometry in relation to each other
    // that fill the canvas
    for (var y = 0; y < height; y+=2.5){
        for(var x = 0; x < width; x+=2.5){
            var cy = cirY + y * spacey;
            var cx = cirX + x * spacex;
            // Controls stroke color based on position of circle
            stroke(cx, cy -100, cx + cy);
            // Draws cirles that intersect with each other
            ellipse(cx - cSize/2, cy - cSize/2, cSize, cSize);
            // Controls the color of the rectangle based on its position; matches the circles
            fill(cx, cy - 100, cx + cy);
            // Draws rectangle at the center of each circle
            rect(cx - cSize/2, cy - cSize/2, 15, 15);
            // Draws a small black dot at the center of each rectangle
            ellipse(cx - cSize/2 ,cy-cSize/2 , 5, 5);


When I thought of wallpaper, my mind initially went to the ugly stuff you’d see on a grandparents wall in a movie or something. For this project, I was aiming for the opposite. My first pass at the code was essentially what I was trying to avoid; ugly wallpaper. Since I had initially had the intersecting circles as one color, i decided it would be interesting if they change depending on their position. After this I decided to accent the center of these circles, giving it a little more character.

// Emmanuel Nwandu
// enwandu@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section D
// Project-05-Wallpaper

cirY = 40; // Initial yposition of circle that start the columns
cirX = 40; // Initial xposition of circles that start the row
cSize = 80; // Diameter fo the circles
spacey = 20; // Controls vertical spacing betwen the circles
spacex = 20; // Controls horizontal spacing between the

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {

    // Draws a series of geometry in relation to each other
    // that fill the canvas
    for (var y = 0; y < height; y+=2.5){
        for(var x = 0; x < width; x+=2.5){
            var cy = cirY + y * spacey;
            var cx = cirX + x * spacex;
            // Controls stroke color based on position of circle
            stroke(cx, cy -100, cx + cy);
            // Draws cirles that intersect with each other
            ellipse(cx - cSize/2, cy - cSize/2, cSize, cSize);
            // Controls the color of the rectangle based on its position; matches the circles
            fill(cx, cy - 100, cx + cy);
            // Draws rectangle at the center of each circle
            rect(cx - cSize/2, cy - cSize/2, 15, 15);
            // Draws a small black dot at the center of each rectangle
            ellipse(cx - cSize/2 ,cy-cSize/2 , 5, 5);


enwandu-Looking Outwards-05

Sanctuary by Akin Adekile (2016)

Sanctuary;  3D Computer Graphics

Akin Adekile is a 3D modeler, texture artist and designer. He graduated from the Gnomon School of Visual Arts in Los Angeles where he specialized in hard surface and environmental modeling for film. I find the project particularly interesting because he essentially remade a painting he had previously done, using 3D modeling tools. The ability to jump between 2D, and 3D representation, in order to understand 3D dimensional space is something I can relate too, as a student of architecture. Something I consider essential, and something I admire greatly.

Adekile used a range of tools: Maya, 3Ds max, Speedtree and Substance Painter – to create this visually stunning image. By recreating his own work in 3D and producing a 2D render, Adekile could both transfer, and refine some of his artistic sensibilities. Looking at both the original painting and the 3D computation, there is a commendable level of precision, with them each evoking similar, but eerily different emotions.

Sanctuary; original painting


‘Unnamed SoundSculpture’

Daniel Franke and Cedric Kiefer

‘Unnamed SoundSculpture’ is a computational design project operating at the intersection of sound, art, and technology. The sound sculpture is the result of recorded motion data of a real person. Laura Keil, a Berlin-based dancer, to interpret a musical piece – Kreukeltape by Machinefabriek – as closely as possible with the movement of her own body. She was recorded by three depth cameras (Kinect). The intersection of the images was later put together to a three-dimensional volume (3d point cloud), which was later put into 3D max for further rendering.  A three-dimensional scene was created including the camera movement controlled by the audio. Through this process, the digital body, consisting of 22,000 points, comes to life.

I couldn’t find much on the code or algorithms used in the creation of this project, but it doesn’t seem any custom-made software was needed for them to achieve their goals. With the sculpture based on the music and movement of the dancer, it captures the artistic sensibility of the performer. And the rendering of the 3D environment, and points making up the human form is truly evocative when in motion. I admire the emotional response of the project, in being able to capture an essence of performance, both with the music and the performer.

enwandu-Project-04-String Art


// Emmanuel Nwandu
// enwandu@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section D
// Project-04-String Art

var distribution = new Array(360);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);
    for(i = 0; i < 275; i++){
        // Controls the properties of the line
        distribution[i] = floor(randomGaussian(350, 200));

function draw() {

// Generates a set of random lines radiating from the center of the canvas
    translate(width/2, height/2);
    for(i = 0; i < 275; i++){
        stroke(200, 0, 0);
        var dist = abs(distribution[i]);
        line(0, 0, dist, 0)

    var xBound = width;
    var yBound = height;
    var x = 0;
    var y2 = 0;

    stroke(0); // Controls the color of the
// Generates lines which form an arc that moves diagonally
// across the canvas to each corner
// Similar geometry to the Mangekyou Sharigan
    for(i = 0; i < xBound; i +=10){
        var y = i * 3/4;
        line(x, y, i, yBound); //Lower left arc
        line(x, yBound -y, i, y2); // Upper Left arc
        line(xBound, y, xBound - i, yBound); // Lower Right arc
        line(i, y2, xBound, y); // Upper Right arc

// Draws pupil
    ellipse(200, 150, 75, 75);

This week, I was a bit unsure how to approach the assignment. I initially began coding random lines, to simply get a feel for what a happened when I manipulated certain parts of the code. This was extremely helpful, and while my code does not reflect all I wanted to achieve with this assignment, I learnt a lot by playing around with it a bit.

I drew inspiration from the Sasuke Uchiha’s Mangekyou Sharigan. It has been cropped, or zoomed in order to simplify it a bit. I had trouble coding the center petals of the floral pattern seen in his eye. It was a cool project though, definitely want to explore this more.

Inspiration. Initial thought.


enwandu-Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing2 (Video Download Attached)

Here is what the code is supposed to look like.


/*  Emmanuel Nwandu
    Section D

// Lower Window Lights Color
var WindowR = noFill();
var WindowG = noFill();
var WindowB = noFill();
//Controls background color and Building color
var bRed = 77;
var bGreen = 125;
var bBlue = 135;
// Controls the color of the Avengers Symbol
var AvengersR = 124;
var AvengersG = 198;
var AvengersB = 218;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {
    background (bRed, bGreen, bBlue);

//Changes Sky and building color as mouseY moves the length of the canvas
    if (mouseY > 0 || mouseY < 640){
        bRed = mouseY * ((77 -75)/640) + 40;
        bGreen = mouseY * ((125 -75)/640) + 40;
        bBlue = mouseY * ((135 -75)/640) + 40;

//Changes "A" symbol color as mouseY moves the length of the canvas
    if(mouseY > 0 || mouseY < 640){
        AvengersR = mouseY * ((124 -75)/640) + 40;
        AvengersG = mouseY * (198/ 640);
        AvengersB = mouseY * (218/640);

//Changes "A" symbol as mouse X moves across canvas if mouseY less than 270
    if(mouseX > 0 & mouseY < 270 || mouseX < 480 && mouseY <270){
        AvengersR = mouseX * ((212-50)/640) + 4;
        AvengersG = mouseX * ((30 -10)/640) + 4;
        AvengersB = mouseX * ((16-5)/640) + 4;

// Window Detailing
// Verticals
    line(105, 271, 105, 640);
    line(143, 143, 143, 521);
    line(181, 271, 181, 405);
    line(219, 271, 219, 345);
    line(257, 271, 257, 305);
// Horizontals
    line(67, 21, 98, 21);
    line(67, 49, 104, 49);
    line(67, 78, 111, 78);
    line(67, 102, 117, 102);
    line(67, 127, 127, 127);
    line(67, 154, 157, 154);
    line(67, 181, 342, 181);
    line(67, 215, 108, 215);

// Lower Window Color
    fill(WindowR, WindowG, WindowB);
    vertex(195, 407);
    vertex(278, 640);
    vertex(132, 640);
    vertex(144, 575);
    vertex(150, 540);
    vertex(161, 500);
    vertex(164, 487);
    vertex(166, 480);
// Lower Window Detailing
    line(185, 432, 202, 432);
    line(174, 462, 211, 462);
    line(164, 492, 223, 492);
    line(156, 522, 234, 522);
    line(150, 552, 244, 552);
    line(144, 582, 254, 582);
    line(138, 612, 265, 612);
    line(138, 600, 138, 640);
    line(147, 554, 147, 640);
    line(156, 518, 156, 640);
    line(165, 484, 164, 640);
    line(174, 459, 174, 640);
    line(183, 434, 183, 640);
    line(192, 410, 192, 640);
    line(201, 425, 201, 640);
    line(210, 434, 210, 640);
    line(219, 459, 219, 640);
    line(228, 484, 228, 640);
    line(237, 518, 237, 640);
    line(246, 530, 246, 640);
    line(255, 554, 255, 640);
    line(264, 582, 264, 640);

// General Building form
    line(67, 0, 67, 640);
    quad(234, 347, 227, 355, 325, 640, 337, 640);
    quad(212, 377, 195, 404, 278, 640, 300, 640);

    bezier(93, 0, 123, 195, 154, 155, 334, 175);
    bezier(121, 640, 158, 408, 203, 325, 319, 269);
    bezier(127, 640, 164, 408, 209, 325, 338, 269);
    bezier(131, 640, 166, 408, 221, 325, 335, 271);

//Dark Glazing behind "A" symbol
    fill(31, 51, 70);
    ellipse(138, 220, 80, 80);
    quad(328, 182, 319, 224, 153, 224, 153, 182);
    quad(279, 231, 265, 257, 153, 257, 153, 231);
    ellipse(138, 220, 68, 68);
    fill(31, 51, 70);
    ellipse(138, 220, 60, 60);

    vertex(275, 266);
    vertex(154, 266);
    vertex(154, 257);
    vertex(265, 257);
    vertex(279, 231);
    vertex(177, 231);
    vertex(179, 224);
    vertex(354, 224);
    vertex(354, 231);
    vertex(295, 231);
    ellipse(354, 227.5, 7, 7);

// Extends landing pad using mouseX within the range of 365 to 448
// and 335 to 418
    var LeftWall = 365;
    var RightWall = 448;
    var LeftWallb = 335;
    var RightWallb = 418;

    var xc = constrain(mouseX + 30, LeftWall, RightWall);
    var xcb = constrain(mouseX, LeftWallb, RightWallb);

    fill(31, 51, 70); // Controls color of landing pad explicitly
    quad(59, 266, xc, 266, xcb, 271, 65, 271);// Draws landing pad

//Lighter Glazing
    fill(89, 116, 135);
    quad(93, 0, 105, 0, 111, 19, 97, 19);
    quad(97, 20, 111, 20, 117, 39, 101, 39);
    quad(101, 40, 117, 40, 123, 59, 105, 59);
    quad(105, 60, 123, 60, 129, 79, 109, 79);
    quad(110, 80, 129, 80, 137, 99, 115, 99);
    quad(115, 100, 137, 100, 147, 119, 124, 119);
    quad(124, 120, 147, 120, 162, 139, 138, 139);
    triangle(139, 140, 162, 140, 175, 159);

//Avengers symbol
    fill(AvengersR, AvengersG, AvengersB);
    vertex(108, 263);
    vertex(97, 263);
    vertex(144, 180);
    vertex(155, 180);
    vertex(155, 226);
    vertex(146, 218);
    vertex(146, 198);
    vertex(132, 223);
    vertex(146, 223);
    vertex(146, 220);
    vertex(157, 228);
    vertex(146, 236);
    vertex(146, 233);
    vertex(127, 233);
    vertex(108, 263);

    vertex(155, 234);
    vertex(155, 249);
    vertex(147, 249);
    vertex(147, 240);
    vertex(155, 234);


function mousePressed(){
    if(mouseX > 0 & mouseY < 270 || mouseX < 480 && mouseY <270){
    WindowR = 194;
    WindowG = 209;
    WindowB = 15;
} else if (true) {
    WindowR = noFill();
    WindowG = noFill();
    WindowB = noFill();



/*  Emmanuel Nwandu
    Section D

// Lower Window Lights Color
var WindowR = 49
var WindowG = 92
var WindowB = 98
//Controls background color and Building color
var bRed = 77;
var bGreen = 125;
var bBlue = 135;
// Controls the color of the Avengers Symbol
var AvengersR = 124;
var AvengersG = 198;
var AvengersB = 218;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {
    background (bRed, bGreen, bBlue);

//Changes Sky and building color as mouseY moves the length of the canvas
    if (mouseY > 0 || mouseY < 640){
        bRed = mouseY * ((77 -75)/640) + 40;
        bGreen = mouseY * ((125 -75)/640) + 40;
        bBlue = mouseY * ((135 -75)/640) + 40;

//Changes "A" symbol color as mouseY moves the length of the canvas
    if(mouseY > 0 || mouseY < 640){
        AvengersR = mouseY * ((124 -75)/640) + 40;
        AvengersG = mouseY * (198/ 640);
        AvengersB = mouseY * (218/640);
        // WindowR = mouseY * ((124 -75)/640) + 40;
        // WindowG = mouseY * (198/ 640);
        // WindowB = mouseY * (218/640);


//Changes "A" symbol as mouse X moves across canvas if mouseY less than 270
    if(mouseX > 0 & mouseY < 270 || mouseX < 480 && mouseY <270){
        AvengersR = mouseX * ((212-50)/640) + 4;
        AvengersG = mouseX * ((30 -10)/640) + 4;
        AvengersB = mouseX * ((16-5)/640) + 4;
        // WindowR = mouseX * ((212-50)/640) + 4;
        // WindowG = mouseX * ((30 -10)/640) + 4;
        // WindowB = mouseX * ((16-5)/640) + 4;


// Window Detailing
// Verticals
    line(105, 271, 105, 640);
    line(143, 143, 143, 521);
    line(181, 271, 181, 405);
    line(219, 271, 219, 345);
    line(257, 271, 257, 305);
// Horizontals
    line(67, 21, 98, 21);
    line(67, 49, 104, 49);
    line(67, 78, 111, 78);
    line(67, 102, 117, 102);
    line(67, 127, 127, 127);
    line(67, 154, 157, 154);
    line(67, 181, 342, 181);
    line(67, 215, 108, 215);

// Lower Window Color
    fill(WindowR, WindowG, WindowB);
    vertex(195, 407);
    vertex(278, 640);
    vertex(132, 640);
    vertex(144, 575);
    vertex(150, 540);
    vertex(161, 500);
    vertex(164, 487);
    vertex(166, 480);
// Lower Window Detailing
    line(185, 432, 202, 432);
    line(174, 462, 211, 462);
    line(164, 492, 223, 492);
    line(156, 522, 234, 522);
    line(150, 552, 244, 552);
    line(144, 582, 254, 582);
    line(138, 612, 265, 612);
    line(138, 600, 138, 640);
    line(147, 554, 147, 640);
    line(156, 518, 156, 640);
    line(165, 484, 164, 640);
    line(174, 459, 174, 640);
    line(183, 434, 183, 640);
    line(192, 410, 192, 640);
    line(201, 425, 201, 640);
    line(210, 434, 210, 640);
    line(219, 459, 219, 640);
    line(228, 484, 228, 640);
    line(237, 518, 237, 640);
    line(246, 530, 246, 640);
    line(255, 554, 255, 640);
    line(264, 582, 264, 640);

// General Building form
    line(67, 0, 67, 640);
    quad(234, 347, 227, 355, 325, 640, 337, 640);
    quad(212, 377, 195, 404, 278, 640, 300, 640);

    bezier(93, 0, 123, 195, 154, 155, 334, 175);
    bezier(121, 640, 158, 408, 203, 325, 319, 269);
    bezier(127, 640, 164, 408, 209, 325, 338, 269);
    bezier(131, 640, 166, 408, 221, 325, 335, 271);

//Dark Glazing behind "A" symbol
    fill(31, 51, 70);
    ellipse(138, 220, 80, 80);
    quad(328, 182, 319, 224, 153, 224, 153, 182);
    quad(279, 231, 265, 257, 153, 257, 153, 231);
    ellipse(138, 220, 68, 68);
    fill(31, 51, 70);
    ellipse(138, 220, 60, 60);

    vertex(275, 266);
    vertex(154, 266);
    vertex(154, 257);
    vertex(265, 257);
    vertex(279, 231);
    vertex(177, 231);
    vertex(179, 224);
    vertex(354, 224);
    vertex(354, 231);
    vertex(295, 231);
    ellipse(354, 227.5, 7, 7);

// Extends landing pad using mouseX within the range of 365 to 448
// and 335 to 418
    var LeftWall = 365;
    var RightWall = 448;
    var LeftWallb = 335;
    var RightWallb = 418;

    var xc = constrain(mouseX + 30, LeftWall, RightWall);
    var xcb = constrain(mouseX, LeftWallb, RightWallb);

    fill(31, 51, 70); // Controls color of landing pad explicitly
    quad(59, 266, xc, 266, xcb, 271, 65, 271);// Draws landing pad

//Lighter Glazing
    fill(89, 116, 135);
    quad(93, 0, 105, 0, 111, 19, 97, 19);
    quad(97, 20, 111, 20, 117, 39, 101, 39);
    quad(101, 40, 117, 40, 123, 59, 105, 59);
    quad(105, 60, 123, 60, 129, 79, 109, 79);
    quad(110, 80, 129, 80, 137, 99, 115, 99);
    quad(115, 100, 137, 100, 147, 119, 124, 119);
    quad(124, 120, 147, 120, 162, 139, 138, 139);
    triangle(139, 140, 162, 140, 175, 159);

//Avengers symbol
    fill(AvengersR, AvengersG, AvengersB);
    vertex(108, 263);
    vertex(97, 263);
    vertex(144, 180);
    vertex(155, 180);
    vertex(155, 226);
    vertex(146, 218);
    vertex(146, 198);
    vertex(132, 223);
    vertex(146, 223);
    vertex(146, 220);
    vertex(157, 228);
    vertex(146, 236);
    vertex(146, 233);
    vertex(127, 233);
    vertex(108, 263);

    vertex(155, 234);
    vertex(155, 249);
    vertex(147, 249);
    vertex(147, 240);
    vertex(155, 234);


function mousePressed(){
    if(mouseX > 0 & mouseY < 270 || mouseX < 480 && mouseY <270){
    WindowR = 194;
    WindowG = 209;
    WindowB = 15;
} else if (true) {
    WindowR = 42;
    WindowG = 92;
    WindowB = 98;

This project took a while. I started by simply drawing the form/design I wanted, defining a few variables along the way. When the initial form was near completion I started to explore the change of color and size, of a few elements in the drawing. I struggled with getting a smooth gradient of color change when the mouse moves, but eventually I found something that worked for me.

I based my drawing and design on this image. It was also my intention to have some avengers flying through the sky, but I broke my code when I tried.

I was inspired by my love of Marvel to code the Avengers Tower, in dedication of the fearless Avengers. Thank you for all you have done, and keep on avenging.

ENwandu-Looking Outwards-03-Silk Pavilion

Silk Pavilion – MIT Media Lab

Director of Project – Neri Oxman

Team Members: Markus Kayser, Jorge Duro-Royo, Jared Lauks

Final View; Combined efforts of digital (CNC MIill) and biological (Silk worms) fabrications.
Silk worms doing there thing; weaving upon the primary structure
Primary structure fabricated by CNC mill, informed by the motion of the silk worms.






The silk pavilion is a very intriguing (slightly disgusting) project, not simply because of its computational fabrication, but its connection to biology. The research carried out by the group focused on the integration of computational form finding techniques with biologically inspired formations. Inspired by the way silk worms weave delicate cocoons, the pavilion was created using a base of robot-woven threads wrapping a steel frame. Ultimately, the structure was completed by unleashing 6500 live silkworms onto the primary structure. Before the primary structure was built, the team involved with the project delved into some painstaking research, into the silkworm’s interaction with their environment, and methods of weaving their cocoons. This involved observing them in a variety of 3D spaces under different ambient conditions to utilizing motion tracking equipment to examine the construction process. The patterns computed by tracking the silk worms directly influenced the path the CNC mill would take when fabricated the primary structure. The pavilion’s overall geometry was created using an algorithm that assigns a single continuous thread across patches, providing various degrees of density

I really admire this project, because of the bio-mimicry involved. The project is one that truly encompasses the ideas of information technology and biology. We see the geometric frames used, alongside a technologically interpreted natural process. Both species involved with the project have a voice, but its intriguing how seamless they are. The researchers’ eve observed that the “blind instinct of the silk worm is sometimes almost machine-like”. I see projects like this becoming influential in a conversation about what art, architecture, and design can become in the future, by considering how natural order, and processes can inform our design decisions.