enwandu-Project 12-Proposal

For the final project, I will be working with Ryu Kondrup to create a program which animates the drawings of famous 20th century buildings by Mies van der Rohe. The generative graphics will be used to draw building plans, as well as a perspective or axonometric view of a few of his buildings. In addition to this, we are thinking of incorporating some interactive elements: possibly using the mouse to complete the drawings, color them in or reveal an underlying image of the building that matches the linework. We will also be including a directory for the user to pick which image they would like to see generated next. We will be using Turtle Graphics to complete this project.

Sketch of Directory to navigate the program

mmirho – Final Project – Mini Role-Playing-Game

I hope to create a very simple room, like the image below, where the player is a pixelated individual, with the capability to move around and interact with the environment, the furniture in the room, and anything on the walls.

The hope is that I create a code infrastructure that can be re-used for different rooms and further improvements, maybe to create a more full-scale game later.

My inspiration is Undertale, which I mentioned in a prior blog post.


For my project I would like to create an animation which draws iconic 20th century buildings by Mies Van Der Rohe such as the Barcelona Pavilion, the Brick Country House, and the IIT Crown Hall. The canvas would start blank and the user would click or push a button to initiate the drawing animation, which gradually draws the outlines of a chosen building and when the user interacts with the canvas after the drawing completes, possibly by dragging the mouse, an underlying perspective photograph of the building reveals and matches the linework of the building already on top. After the full colored image is revealed the user would be redirected to a rendering of another building in the Mies buildings list. The drawings may possibly be done using turtle graphics.
This project will be in collaboration with Emmanuel Nwandu.

yunzhous- Final-Project-Proposal

My inspiration for the final project comes from my favorite music game, Deemo, by Rayark company. I’ve always interested in game design and this time I want something that involves with sound. In this game, a background music will be played since the start. Bubbles will randomly appear from the top of the screen and move downward, each representing a node. The sound of the node will be played if bubbles are clicked. Players are expected to click on the bubble only when its center is roughly at the finish line, so the node played will correspond to the background music. If the bubble is clicked at the correct time, it will shine and the player gets one point. If the player continuously getting the bubble at the right time, the combo number will be displayed at the top right corner.

The speed of the bubbles are constant. I will manually count and arrange when the bubble should appear and be clicked, to correspond to the background music. Sounds for different nodes will be loaded to p5js, and the bubbles will shine when certain conditions are met (clicked at the right time, using if statement). The time will probably be counted using millis() function.

If time allows I will try to add some background story to this game, making it more appealing.

Project 12 Proposal – nahyunk1

For this final project, I will be working with Yugyeong Lee in section B. We are going to design and generate a reactor that will respond to sound ranging from simple noises to music pieces that embody numerous pitches and noise amplitude. We will assign limitations by mapping each of these levels to provide different animations reacting to different set of ranges. Through this project, we will explore the mechanism of sound reactors and how they can be visually represented to the eye. We will possibly attempt to provide an interactive version of the product once we accomplish the creation of the reactor to general preloaded sound files so that once the built-in microphone hears and understands music coming out from another device, it will present according images / animations that we have assigned for that certain range of value. Additionally, here’s a link that provides a small emblem that responds to the assigned music given in the video.


Project 12 – Yugyeong Lee

I will be collaborating with Nahyun Kim for the final project.

For this project, we are planning to create an interactive program that reacts to sound. With possibility to include audio in-put from built in microphone, the program will detect frequency, amplitude, etc. to generate different graphical animation. Through using p5.sound functions, we’ll load sound, get sound from input source, get the current volume, analyze the frequency, and utilize these variables to control size, color, location of graphical representations. The interesting aspect of this project is exploring different sound related functions that we haven’t really worked with with past projects. If we end up loading different music to display the program (instead of incorporating built-in microphone), we will incorporate mouse-press to change to the next song either by clicking different regions of the canvas or different icons. Once we have the basic reactor program set up, we will explore variety of expression in displaying different variables of sound and hope to include more interactive aspects to the project.


So for my Final Project, I would like to create a website where the users can draw and write their thoughts about a particular word or a phrase on a blank canvas using a cursor. Once they are done they will be automatically be uploaded to a page where there is a collection of these drawings and writings so they can see what other people have drawn or wrote about the topic.

For the topics on the first page, I will select a topic that is broad enough so there could be different interpretations and opinions but I would also like to post something that is politically charged. People who participate will be anonymous so we can have an honest and open discussion board for the people to participate.

This work could be interpreted as a political artifact, but I would want to explore this prompt as a way for my self to see what people think about the world that is around them.

elizabew – project – 12 – Proposal – Choose your adventure

Inspired by many rpg and choose your adventure games that I’ve played throughout the years, I wanted to create one of my own (granted, it’ll be much simpler than the ones I was inspired by).

The story for this project is still up in the air to potentially change, but I want to create an escape horror story. It starts out with your character (possibly a narrator instead) inside a pitch-black building, trying to figure a way out. Most of the endings will be considered “bad endings” with one “neutral ending” and one “true ending”. Instead of focusing on graphics, I thought it would be more tense if the user is placed in a situation where they can’t see where they are, but they can hear the sounds around them. The only thing they can “see” is just the text options that they can choose to allow them to continue along the story.

Choose your adventure idea

The interactive part of the game will be the choices the user makes. I considered randomizing some of the story branches – but i felt it would complicate the story more and potentially confuse the player.

hyt-Project-12: Final Proposal

For the final project, my initial idea is to create an interactive, animation-like game that aims to raise awareness for those affected by ALS. In the game that I am envisioning, I want to create a set of actions the users can interact with the “person” — cleaning, patting, hugging, etc. Since the person will be automatically set to blue-ish color, signifying his coldness as ice cracks climbs up to his feet, these set of actions will activate warmness to take away his pale blue colors and turn his body into warmer hues, signifying his rise of vitality. The source of warmness will come from his animated heart, and the users would have to occasionally interact with the “person” for a better mood and vitality.

Even though at this point I am not yet sure about how to execute it, I hope to learn more about creating animation in P5.JS, as well as different mouse functions that could optimally turn the mouse shape into customized patterns. Below is a visualized sketch for what I am thinking right now.


For my final project I am interested in making a twitter bot that either randomly generates abstract art by having the code run through a series of conditionals to represent different choices an artist would make, or takes tweets or images chosen by the user, and rearranges the pixels/words of the input and rearranges them to form abstract art/poetry. I did a bit of research and once you make an account for your twitter bot you can create an application that links to a url, or in my case, an index.html file. I think that twitter bots are interesting because a lot of times what seems to be randomly generated content turns out to be thoughtfully done to produce a comprehensible (or humorously uncomprehensible) outcome. I think the most difficult aspect of this project would be breaking down art and language down to its most basic parts, so that when reassembled according to how the code dictates, it is not completely nonsensical.
While it’s difficult for me to provide a sketch without actually writing the code, here are some inspirations that I expand upon in my looking outwards post