//Dana Kim
//Section D
//Self Portrait
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
background(170, 200, 192);
function draw() {
//Background grid stroke properties
stroke(244, 205, 44);
//Background grid
line(100, 0, 100, 400);
line(200, 0, 200, 400);
line(300, 0, 300, 400);
line(0, 100, 400, 100);
line(0, 200, 400, 200);
line(0, 300, 400, 300);
fill(33, 23, 12);
ellipse(216, 147, 105, 71);
ellipse(157, 168, 54, 61);
ellipse(146, 250, 47, 212);
ellipse(250, 250, 52, 200);
ellipse(200, 250, 30, 200);
ellipse(190, 250, 35, 200);
ellipse(175, 250, 42, 205);
ellipse(215, 250, 25, 203);
ellipse(225, 250, 30, 206);
fill(228, 195, 173);
ellipse(200, 210, 130, 137);
ellipse(230, 200, 25, 23);
ellipse(168, 200, 25, 23);
fill(114, 67, 6);
ellipse(234, 200, 16, 18);
ellipse(172, 200, 16, 18);
stroke(33, 23, 12);
vertex(217, 172);
vertex(243, 165);
vertex(251, 174);
line(149, 174, 185, 174);
stroke(33, 23, 12);
line(200, 205, 196, 230);
line(196, 230, 200, 230);
fill(227, 157, 143);
triangle(189, 247, 197, 240, 209, 247);
triangle(199, 247, 209, 240, 216, 247);
fill(211, 132, 116);
arc(200, 247, 27, 15, 0, PI, CHORD);
fill(228, 195, 173);
rect(185, 270, 30, 50);
fill(44, 59, 134);
rect(150 ,320, 100, 20);
fill(90, 100, 149);
quad(160, 340, 240, 340, 235, 400, 165, 400);
I can barely draw people by hand let alone coding. However, the coding aspect of the project was not difficult. If anything it was a bit time consuming figuring out coordinates.