mjeong1-Looking Outwards-02-SectionA

An algorithm generates numerous interlocking objects

Computer-generated interlocking 3D joinery, inspired by Japanese joinery by a researcher at University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Aryan Shahabian.

Japanese wood joinery is widely known for its complexity and delicacy. Japanese carpenters have been making this beautiful wood joinery, known as Daiku, from generation to generation. Their exceptionally advanced joinery skill makes not only a wonderful decorative feature, but also a functional piece of design.

Even though this Japanese joinery has long been admired by people, it was almost impossible for normal people to make their own joinery design since it requires a impressive artistic craft. However, the algorithm that Aryan Shahabian created made possible for people without those skills to design their own Daiku. The algorithm handles complex geometry of joinery and organic form of the final object through software.

Furthermore, it might be more interesting if the algorithm could generate curvilinear shape instead of rectangular joinery. It might require additional geometrical solution.



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