Looking Outward 3


The Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart construct a research pavilion every year since 2010. The one that I admire the most, however, is not the latest and most complicated one, but the 2012 one. In November 2012 ICD and ITKE have completed a research pavilion that is entirely robotically fabricated from carbon and glass fibre composites. What I admire is that “the research focused on the material and morphological principles of arthropods’ exoskeletons as a source of exploration for a new composite construction paradigm in architecture”. When I was watching the Vimeo video that records the procedure of the model making. I feel that robots and computing really take a big part in the future architecture. I am an architecture major student, so I am really curious about the future trend of buildings. This pavilion makes me feel very excited because using robots are actually helping architects to build a bigger dream. When using robots, your models can be in a much larger scale in a higher level of precision and elaboration. It can reduce the amount of labor and improve the efficiency. Also, it can human’s thoughts into In the video, they also show that they are using Grasshopper, a plug-in, in Rhino to control the robots. I am now taking the Grasshopper course which makes me more excited about this. We also need to learn about coding, python, in grasshopper to write programs to make a model. I think this project really gives me the direction, inspiring me what grasshopper and robots can do to achieve your dream, and guides me to go further and further with technology. .

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