
creyes1 Project-06 (Abstract Clock)

//Christopher Reyes
//Section D
//Project-06 (Abstract Clock)

var prevSec;
var millisRolloverTime;

var moonX = 280;
var moonY = 160;
var moonSize = 260;
var moonShadowSize = moonSize*.9

var bgColor = [192, 214, 180];

var jewelHue;
var bgColorH;

var cx = moonX;
var cy = moonY;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    millisRolloverTime = 0;

function draw() {
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();

    if (prevSec != S) {
        millisRolloverTime = millis();
    prevSec = S;
    var mils = floor(millis() - millisRolloverTime);

    var secondsWithFraction   = S + (mils / 1000.0);
    var secondsWithNoFraction = S;

    //Converts current time to a number between 0 and 24
    var currentTime = H + (M/60) + (secondsWithFraction/3600);

    //Changes background color every minute, lighter in AM, darker in PM
    var bgColorH = map(currentTime%6, 0, 6, 0, 360);
    var bgColorS = map(currentTime, 0, 24, 30, 60);
    var bgColorL = map(currentTime, 0, 24, 80, 20);

    background(bgColorH, bgColorS, bgColorL);

    //Lighter background ellipse towards bottom
    fill(bgColorH, bgColorS-5, bgColorL+5);
    ellipse(width/2, height, 500, 315);

    fill(0, 0, 90, 1);
    ellipse(moonX, moonY, moonSize);

    fill(0, 100, 100, 1);
    ellipse(moonX, moonY, moonSize*.95);

    fill(0, 0, 90, 1);
    moonDetail(moonX, moonY);

    //Moves shadow throughout the day, creating an eclipse at noon
    var moonShadowX = map(currentTime, 0, 24,

    //Moon Shadow, changes color along with background
    fill(bgColorH, bgColorS, bgColorL, 1);
    ellipse(moonShadowX, moonY, moonShadowSize);

    //Clockwise spinnning ring based on current secondsWithFraction
    stroke(0, 100, 100, 1);

    translate(moonX, moonY);
    rotate(map(secondsWithFraction, 0, 60, 0, 360));
    arc(0, 0, moonSize*1.75, moonSize*1.75, 10, 110);
    arc(0, 0, moonSize*1.75, moonSize*1.75, 130, 230);
    arc(0, 0, moonSize*1.75, moonSize*1.75, 250, 350);

    //Counter-clockwise spinning ring, also based on current secondsWithFraction

    translate(moonX, moonY);
    rotate(map(secondsWithFraction, 0, 60, 360, 0));
    arc(0, 0, moonSize*1.7, moonSize*1.7, 10, 110);
    arc(0, 0, moonSize*1.7, moonSize*1.7, 130, 230);
    arc(0, 0, moonSize*1.7, moonSize*1.7, 250, 350);


    //Creates clouds that float across the screen every minute
    var cloudX = map(secondsWithFraction, 0, 60, -100, width+140);

    fill(0, 0, 95, .8);
    cloud((cloudX-40)*1.05, 250+35, 1);
    cloud((cloudX-30)*.9, 250-20, 1);
    cloud(cloudX, 250, 1);
    cloud((cloudX+20)*.95, 250-30, 1);
    cloud((cloudX+30)*1.1, 250+30, 1);
    cloud(cloudX+50, 250-25, 1);

    //Jewel color is 180 degrees less the background's hue, including wraparound
    var jewelHue = bgColorH - 180;

    if (bgColorH < 180) {
        jewelHue = 360 - (180-bgColorH);
    } else {
        var jewelHue = bgColorH - 180;

    //Static jewels
    jewel(115, 275, 1, jewelHue);
    jewel(160, 350, .6, jewelHue);
    jewel(65, 375, .8, jewelHue);

    //Rotates 3 jewels around moon in a clock-like fashion according to time
    var handOffset = 270; //Readjusts hands to start at 0 mark of the clock
    var handPlace = moonSize;

    //Second hand
    var handAngleS = map(secondsWithFraction, 0, 60,
                         handOffset, 360+handOffset);
    jewel(computeX(handPlace, handAngleS), computeY(handPlace, handAngleS),
          .2, jewelHue);

    //Minute hand
    var handAngleM = map(M+(secondsWithFraction/60), 0, 60,
                         handOffset, 360+handOffset);
    jewel(computeX(handPlace, handAngleM), computeY(handPlace, handAngleM),
          .2, jewelHue);

    //Hour hand
    var handAngleH = map(currentTime%12, 0, 12, handOffset, 360+handOffset);
    jewel(computeX(handPlace, handAngleH), computeY(handPlace, handAngleH),
          .2, jewelHue);


function cloud(x, y, SCALE) {
    quad(x, y+(20*SCALE), x+(40*SCALE), y, x, y-(20*SCALE), x-(40*SCALE), y);

function moonDetail(x, y) {
    var moonDetailX = [x+55, x-25, x+20, x, x+70, x+103, x-70, x-55];
    var moonDetailY = [y-15, y-45, y-78, y+30, y+30, y-10, y, y+55];
    var moonDetailScale = [1.8, 1.2, .65, .8, .9, .5, .5, .3];

    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        translate(moonDetailX[i], moonDetailY[i]);
        cloud(0, 0, moonDetailScale[i]);

function jewel(x, y, SCALE, col) {

    //I || Base shape
    fill(col, 54, 71);
    quad(x+(35*SCALE), y+(10*SCALE),
         x, y-(83*SCALE),
         x-(35*SCALE), y+(10*SCALE),
         x, y+(83*SCALE));

    fill(col, 68, 80);
    triangle(x-(35*SCALE), y+(10*SCALE),
             x-(10*SCALE), y+(20*SCALE),
             x, y-(83*SCALE));
    fill(col, 75, 75);
    triangle(x-(35*SCALE), y+(10*SCALE),
             x-(10*SCALE), y+(20*SCALE),
             x, y+(83*SCALE));

    fill(col, 46, 64);
    triangle(x+(35*SCALE), y+(10*SCALE),
             x-(10*SCALE), y+(20*SCALE),
             x, y+(83*SCALE));


//Computes the X position of a point on a circle according to given parameters
function computeX(handRadius, angle) {
return cx + handRadius*cos(angle);

//Computes the Y position of a point on a circle according to given parameters
function computeY(handRadius, angle) {
return cy + handRadius*sin(angle);

For this project I wanted to loosely base it off of the eclipse mechanic I included in my Dynamic Drawing assignment, but still create a unique stand-alone image.

The shadow of the moon displays the time on a 24-hour cycle, eclipsing at noon every day, and all the colors of the image change throughout the course of the day in hue, saturation, and lightness. A lot of my process regarding this project simply came from experimenting and adding layers of elements to see what was effective.

Through the creation of this, I enjoyed being able to play around with the timing of my elements and seeing the little interactions between them as their cycles played out.

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