hyt-Project-06: Clock Works


// helen tsui
// 15-104 section d
// hyt@andrew.cmu.edu
// project-06-clock

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 300);

function draw() {

    // current time
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();
    // color palette
    var transparency = 170; // alpha value
    var red = color(255, 0, 0, 170);
    var orange = color(255, 100, 0, 170);
    var green = color(7, 150, 70, 170);
    var yellow = color(255, 250, 55, transparency);
    var blue = color(0, 155, 250, 170);
    var purple = color(142, 78, 201, 170);

    // draw rainbows
    var hDiff = 30;// height difference each time
    var initialHL = 190; // initial height on the left
    var initialHR = 20; // initial height on the right

    background(200 - H, 255 - M * 0.5, 210 - S * 0.7); // bg color randomizes as time goes by

    strokeWeight(25); // line thickness
    line(0, initialHL, width, initialHR);
    line(0, initialHL + hDiff, width, initialHR + hDiff);
    line(0, initialHL + hDiff * 2, width, initialHR + hDiff * 2);
    line(0, initialHL + hDiff * 3, width, initialHR + hDiff * 3);
    line(0, initialHL + hDiff * 4, width, initialHR + hDiff * 4);


    // HOURS dots
    for (var dotH = 1; dotH <= 24; dotH++) {
        rect(20 * H, initialHL + 30 - 7.1 * H, 3, 3); 
        // pacman shape
        var angle1 = 20; 
        var angle2 = 310;
        arc(20 * H - 20, initialHL + 40 - 7.1 * H, 20, 20, angle1, angle2);

    // MINUTES dots
    for (var dotM = 1; dotM <= 60; dotM++) {
        rect(7.9 * M, initialHL + 60 - 2.8 * M, 3, 3); 
        // pacman shape
        var angle1 = 20; 
        var angle2 = 310;
        arc(7.9 * M - 20, initialHL + 70 - 2.8 * M, 20, 20, angle1, angle2);

    // SECONDS dots
    for (var dotS = 1; dotS <= 60; dotS++) {
        rect(7.9 * S, initialHL + 90 - 2.8 * S, 3, 3); 
        // pacman shape
        var angle1 = 20; 
        var angle2 = 310;
        arc(7.9 * S - 20, initialHL + 100 - 2.8 * S, 20, 20, angle1, angle2);

    // clock time shown on the left top side
    fill(0, 100);
    textFont("Courier New", [60]);
    time = H + ":" + M + ":" + S; 
    text(time, -10, 163); 


For this project, I had several ideas in mind, and somehow thought of the viral Nyan cats looped video on Youtube. Inspired by that, I decided to make a rainbow background with each Pacman moving as a way of representing the clock’s hour, minute, and seconds.

(A really rough sketch for ideation phase)

However, later I realized the extreme difficulty of drawing an arc movement for the Pacman, and resorted to a simpler version of straight lines of rainbow. Some of the variations within the projects are play with colors, transparency, movements and the background color gradient throughout time. I like how the final results turned out, and also enjoyed the process of making.

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