
eCLOUD (2007); Dan Goods

The eCLOUD is a permanent installation between gates 22 and 23 at the San Jose International Airport. It is a dynamic sculpture that mimics the volume and behavior of a cloud. The sculpture is made of polycarbonate tiles that change its transparency levels according to real time weather from around the world. A dynamic display shows which city the eCLOUD is displaying and it’s current weather data in real time.The eCLOUD was designed by Dan Goods, Nik Hafermaas and Aaron Koblin.

I admire the project’s sensitivity to it’s environment. The designers did a nice job of finding the right balance between simplicity and complexity to make sure that the installation relates back to its surrounding environment and is not obnoxious. I admire that the installation itself is informative and has a function within the space.

eCLOUD; Dan Goods
eCLOUD; Dan Goods


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