Eyeo 2015 – Deray Mckesson and Samuel Sinyangwe from Eyeo Festival // INSTINT on Vimeo.
Work of Deray McKesson and Samuel Sinyangwe link: https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/
Deray and Samuel are both American civil rights activist and supporter/ member of Black lives matter. Interesting fact of Deray is that he has launched the Campaign Zero, which is a policy platform to end police violence. It is a website with ten proposals that are aimed to reduce police violence.
Samuel was also part of the launching Campaign Zero platform. Since the Protests emerged in the wake of 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Samuel worked with Deray since then to work and develop solution to address police violence in America.
I admire their work particularly because of addressing such a crucial and controversial problem that occurs often in America. I personally had close relationship with African-Americans back in California. I was there when my fellow friends were scared of police violence. In order for the information to spread and let people know of the matters, what they are doing such as protests, creating map of police violence and creating visualization of the data are best way to provide awareness to people who have access to digital medias. Their works are straightforward and logically laid out, allowing people and me to understand their challenge, solution and main issue to address.