

/*Rachel Park
Section B @ 10:30AM
Project 09: Pointilism Portrait*/

//initializing global variables
var img;
var Psmall;
var Plarge;
var x;

function setup() {
  img = loadImage("");//loading image uploaded onto imgur
  Psmall = 4;//ellipse size; small
  Plarge = 20;//ellipse size; large
  frameRate(50);//speed at which ellipses are drawn

function draw() {
  var pointy = map(x, 0, width, Psmall, Plarge);//remapping different sizes of ellipses
  x = int(random(img.width));//setting random values gained from width of image as integer to use as location of ellipses drawn
  y = int(random(img.height));

  Pcolor = color(img.get(x,y));//initializing new variable where color of ellipses follows color of image being drawn
  fill(Pcolor, 255);
  ellipse(x, y, pointy, pointy);//drawing each ellipses

I decided to go with a selfie for this project. I chose to use a pose which engages the whole canvas and shows the features of the face. I really enjoyed the concept of this project because it is so abstract, and at the same time fun to see actual images of yourself emerge from a conglomerate of shapes.

final version of portrait

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