//Heidi Chung
//Section A
var baseImage;
function preload() {
var myImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/FLTyc1P.jpg?1"; // a picture of myself
baseImage = loadImage(myImageURL); //loading the image
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 480);
baseImage.loadPixels(); //loading the image's pixels
function draw() {
image(baseImage, 0, height, baseImage.width/2, baseImage/height/2);
var px = random(width); //random assembly of circles being drawn in regards to x
var py = random(height);//random assembly of circles being drawn in regards to y
var ix = constrain(floor(px), 0, width-1);
var iy = constrain(floor(py), 0, height-1);
var theColorAtLocationXY = baseImage.get(ix, iy); //extracting the colors of the image
fill(theColorAtLocationXY); //colors of circles match the image's colors at the appropriate positions
var circleWidth = random(5, 30); //variable set so the circles have the same random width and height
ellipse(px, py, circleWidth, circleWidth); //instead of making ellipses
var theColorAtTheMouse = baseImage.get(mouseX, mouseY);
fill(theColorAtTheMouse); //drawing with the mouse using the image's colors at the pixels
var whatsUpTextX = pmouseX-25; //the position of the text relative to the mouse
var whatsUpTextY = pmouseY-20;
textSize(15); //the text says "what's up" in japanese
text("どうしたの?", whatsUpTextX, whatsUpTextY); //what's up is dragged along by the mouse
function mousePressed() {
var theColorAtTheMouse = baseImage.get(mouseX, mouseY); //extracting the colors of the image again
strokeWeight(3); //white stroke around the text to see it better
stroke(255); //the text says "are you okay?" in korean
textSize(30); //when you click, a big "are you okay?" is drawn
text("괜찮아?", pmouseX - 45, pmouseY);
I really enjoy post-impressionism, especially Van Gogh’s art. I love that he painted scenery and people with purposeful strokes and artistic, imprecise interpretation, especially in a time where people did not appreciate his art because it wasn’t “accurate” or exact to real life images. I love the smudges and smears he made in his works. So I thought it’d be fun to make a self-portrait that feels impressionistic. When you drag the mouse across the canvas, it “paints” words that say “what’s wrong” or “what’s up” in Japanese. When you click the mouse, it “paints” a word that says “are you okay” in Korean. I can read/speak both Japanese and Korean, and I thought it’d be interesting to have both languages in my project- to say that even if you can’t understand something, you can still visually appreciate it, like you can with Van Gogh’s works.