A.I. Duet by Yotam Mann

Yotam Mann created this experiment for letting people play a duet with a computer. When the user presses some keys on the keyboard, the computer will respond to your melody. I like how this experiment showed a potential of letting human beings interact with computers to create artistic works. One thing surprised Yotam Mann a lot was that some people didn’t wait for the response but tried to play music at the same time with the computer, which was really like a real-time duet with another person.
In this project, Yotam Mann used machine learning to let the computer “learn” how to compose. He used neural networks and gave the computer tons of examples of melody. The computer analyzed the notes and timings and gradually built a map for the relationships between them. So that when the melody was given to the computer, it can give a response to people based on the map.
Here is the video of A.I. Duet
If you want to know more, please go to : https://experiments.withgoogle.com/ai/ai-duet