
Scott Snibbe’s Gravilux (1997) and Memo Akten’s My Secret Heart (2008) and ofxMSAFluid (2009) are two interactive works that I find interesting for my final project. Snibbe’s project is a lot older so it doesn’t have as much fancy coded graphic work, but I like the way the particles/objects move once triggered by the pen/mouse. It doesn’t just directly follow the pen through the shortest path possible, but also scatters and moves around. It’s not a simplistic, super straightforward movement based on the distance formula.

I also like Akten’s work because of the different ways he shows movement of particles: different sized circles, different thicknesses of lines, different colours of lines as well as something that looks almost like iron filings within a magnetic field. His work focuses not only on the movements of the particles/objects but also of the aesthetics and what art is formed after the particles/objects are triggered to move.


Below is Scott Snibbe’s Gravilux (1997)

Below is Memo Akten’s My Secret Heart (2008)

Below is Memo Akten’s ofxMSAFluid (2009)

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