Angela Lee — Looking Outwards —03

“The Arabesque Wall” in relation to viewers, photo from Benjamin Dillenburger’s website.
Details of “The Arabesque Wall” by Benjamin Dillenburger, sourced from his website.

“The Arabesque Wall,” created by Benjamin Dillenburger in collaboration with Michael Hansmeyer, is an ornate, 3D printed wall generated with algorithmic geometry. This piece was particularly interesting to me because of how it pays homage to elaborate, arabesque historical architectural trends while also appealing to modern users. I think that modern design trends are often associated with simplicity and efficiency, yet this wall breaks those assumptions with its delicate curves and excessive details. In his website, Dillenburger explains how the algorithm used to create this piece was geometric, mathematical, but iterative; these qualities allow for a sense of cohesiveness throughout the piece but also completely unique tiles, which add to the richness and wonder elicited by the wall. What excites me about this piece also is how 3D printing was used to create such a physically complex design. “The Arabesque Wall” not only transcends modern paradigms surrounding aesthetics and designs but also opens my eyes to the possibilities of what can be created using 3D printing

Joseph Zhang – Looking Outwards – 03

Image result for rottlace mit
Rottlace Mask – MIT Media Lab

Rottlace is a 3D fabrication project built in MIT’s Media Lab by The Mediated Matter. Rottlace is a family of masks designed for Icelandic musician called Björk. The project’s form and texture pulls much of its inspiration from the human body’s various muscle-to-muscle and muscle-to-bone relationships, and in many ways, attempts to merge them together. The masks were printed by Stratasys using multi-material 3D printing, which allows complex combinations of various properties to be implemented in the construction of a single object.

Singer/Songwriter Björk wearing the mask

I chose this piece because of its mesmerizing flowing nature, and ultimately began reading more on it after realizing how complex the architectural forms of the mask truely were. To be able to design and build something so intricate yet natural is amazing. Coming from a sector of the MIT that focuses on using nature as design inspiration, I’d assume that Rottlace was built on algorithms representative of biological muscle tissue. The visionaries who built this mask have fabricated it in a way that has extracted the beautiful curves and lines found in the internal workings of nature, and replicated them through 3D form-building.

Jamie Park – Looking Outwards – 03

Kitted Garments the Researchers Created,

Knitting Skeletons (2019) is a project by Alexandre Kasper, Liane Makatura, and Wojciech Matusik at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This project combines coding with CAD software to allow anyone to design customized kitted garments. Using the software, people can create socks, scarves, gloves, and more that fit perfectly to their bodies.

Based on the video that the researchers have posted on their website (video above), it seems like they have created a software that would specifically serve to create kitting garments. The delicate software allows the user to explore with multiple pattern settings and width / length  of the garment.

I admire this project because it uses coding to bring something into life. I especially like the fact that this project, unlike other projects that create 3D artwork-looking objects, creates something that can be used in daily life. It will allow people to express their artistic sensibilities, as the final product will vary significantly depending on the person. Additionally, this project seems to have potential in helping people who need customized garments.

Caroline Song – Looking Outward 03

In response to the creation of GLASS II, which is a large-scale manufacturing technology that can 3D print transparent glass structures at architectural dimensions, an installation as part of Milan Design Week was made in 2017 by the Mediated Matter group.

These three columns of glass shown in the picture below have a constantly changing surface, being able to disperse and concentrate light from the inside and outside of the structure.

GLASS II Milan Design Week installation by the Mediated Matter group

I admire this project because of its use of glass, which is a beautiful but difficult medium to work with because of its fragility. 3D printing is such a commonality at this point, and bringing in a new medium for it to be able to print: glass, is interesting and very admirable.

I do not know much about the algorithms that produced this work, however I believe that the algorithm must have taken into account the constraints of the medium that it is working with. Because of the constantly changing shapes of the structure, the algorithm must have also been aware of that ever-changing surface area, and worked accordingly.

The artists’ creative tendencies manifest itself throughout the exhibit as the delicate fractals that create different shapes throughout the space, and the shifting forms of glass must have had to be precisely arranged and purposefully done in order to achieve some mood by the audience who is watching this exhibit.


Keyboard Frequency Sculpture by Michael Knuepfel, 2011

This is “Keyboard Frequency Sculpture” designed by a NYU design student Mie Knuenfel. This work caught my attention because it is simple, but a very straightforward computational digital fabrication showing a simple set of data. Although there are many other sophisticated works with abstract or complex data, as well, this work was inspiring for me because I could easily relate to and it seemed approachable to look into. This is a 3D visualization of the frequency of which keys on the keyboard are used. The frequencies are spatialized onto a QWERTY keyboard, represented in blocks of different heights. I think the artist was sensible in the way he created a rather straightforward representation with the Apple keyboard that most people are familiar with. I believe that creating computational digital fabrication with complex algorithms and high technology is important and appreciable, but it is also important to keep in mind how the work would appeal to its audience. This work spoke to me with its directness and clarity.


Looking Outwards 02

One artist I’m inspired by is Joan Truckenbrod. Their work is really simplistic and is mostly line drawings that usually has no color. I really enjoy it because it seems like something that would be created in illustrator and may be duplicated in photoshop but it’s just algorithmic lines and im very intrigued by their work. I also like that it doesn’t seem complicated at all but the bridge or foundation of the art could be really complex. The output is beautiful but I wouldn’t really know how to replicate something like that and I find it inspiring.

Zee Salman-Project-02-Various Faces


//Zee Salman

// Simple beginning template for variable face.

//color for backgroung and earrings
var color1 = 100;
var color2 = 10;
var color3 = 30;
var eyeSize = 20;

//starter face
var faceWidth = 280;
var faceHeight = 340;
var eyecolor1 = 150;
var eyecolor2= 200;
var eyecolor3= 20;
var faceColor1 = 168
var faceColor2 = 84
var faceColor3 = 29
var nose = 30

//skin color variation
var skin1 = [141, 85, 36];
var skin2 = [198, 134, 66];
var skin3 = [224, 172, 105];
var skin4 = [241, 194, 125];
var skin5 = [255, 219, 172];
var skin6 = [255, 237, 209];
let skinPicks = [skin1, skin2, skin3, skin4,skin5, skin6]

//nose color 

var noseColor1 = [92, 44, 22];
var noseColor2 = [173, 122, 83];
var noseColor3 = [196, 152, 84];
let noseColorPicks = [noseColor1, noseColor2, noseColor3]
var skinColor = skin3
var noseColor = noseColor1

//neck shadow color
var neckShadow1 = [87, 47, 21];
var neckShadow2 = [92, 44, 22];
var neckShadowPicks = [neckShadow1, neckShadow2]
var neckShadowColor = neckShadow1

//smile variation
var smile1 = faceWidth/2.1 
var smile2 = faceWidth/2.8 
var smile3 = faceWidth/3.2 
var smilePick = smile3
let smiles = [smile1, smile2, smile3]
var smileColor1 = [140,25,69];
var smileColor2 = [201,125,154];
let smileColorPicks = [smileColor1, smileColor2]
var smileColor = smileColor1
var eyebrowsize = 7

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
function draw() {

    background(color1, color2, color3)
    ellipse(width / 2.6, height / 2, faceWidth, faceHeight / 1);
    ellipse(width / 1.6, height / 2, faceWidth, faceHeight / 1);

    rect(width / 2.6, height / 2, faceWidth / 2, faceHeight / 1.6);

//Neck Shadow
    ellipse(width / 2, height * .65, faceWidth / 1.7, faceHeight / 1.6);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth,  faceHeight);
//Ball on top of the Head   
    arc(width/2, height/4.5, faceWidth / 2,faceHeight/4,180, PI, OPEN);
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;

    var earLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.5;
    var earRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.5;

    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize * 2, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize * 2, eyeSize);

    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);

    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize * .35, eyeSize * .35);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize * .35, eyeSize * .35);


    curveVertex(190, 350);
    curveVertex(260, 266);
    curveVertex(210, 296);
    curveVertex(330, 350);
    curveVertex(400, 266);
    curveVertex(350, 296);

    stroke(color2, color3, color1)
    ellipse(earLX, height / 1.7, eyeSize * .5, eyeSize * 1.3);
    ellipse(earRX, height / 1.7, eyeSize * .5, eyeSize * 1.3);
    ellipse(earLX, height / 1.9, eyeSize * .75, eyeSize * .9);
    ellipse(earRX, height / 1.9, eyeSize * .75, eyeSize * .9);


    arc(width/2, height/1.6, smilePick,faceHeight/5,0, PI, CHORD);
function mousePressed() {

	faceWidth = random(260, 300);
	faceHeight = random(320, 400);
	eyeSize = random(20, 50);
	eyecolor1 = random(100,200);
    eyecolor2 = random(90,150);
    eyecolor3 = random(10,50);
    nose= random(10,60)
    skinColor = random(skinPicks);
    neckShadowColor = random(neckShadowPicks);

    noseColor = random(noseColorPicks);
    smilePick = random(smiles);
    smileColor = random(smileColorPicks);
//background/earring color
    color1 = random(1,200);
    color2 = random(1,150);
    color3 = random(1, 200);
    eyebrowsize = random(3,8);

In doing this project, I wanted to make the faces look sort of like mt self portrait but with more details. It took a while to get what I wanted but Im really happy with what came out. I also got really comfortable with using lists and Im really excited to advance it even more.

Yoshi Torralva-LookingOutwards-02

Title: Nervous System for New Balance Data-Driven Midsoles
Date of Creation: 2015

Peoples running forms are often none two alike. For this reason, there are hundreds of shoe brands and types designed for specific running styles. New Balance asked nervous System to develop a shoe that had personalized sole designs that were auto-generated from an algorithm by pressure point data. In terms of data collection, points of pressure and impact strikes would be taken into account. The overall design of the shoe generates into an organic design that represents natural structures. Nervous System approaches designs that look like cell structures, plant leaves, or spider webs to evenly distribute the impact of the runner. What I enjoy about this project is how Nervous System develops structures that are both visually pleasing and extremely effective to the specific user. It’s interesting to see how New Balance saw an opportunity to build custom shoes just like other sports have for gear. By partnering with a company like Nervous System, they were able to develop a shoe that’s inclusive of all running forms based on a generative algorithm.

William Su-LookingOutwards-02

Fluctus by LIA

LIA is an Australian artist whose primary working material is code.

The piece, “Fluctus” especially appeals to my aesthetic sense. I like the fluidity and vision behind it. The funny part about it for me is, is that it reminds me of the painful times where i’ve had to deal with computers crashing or some of my own coding projects not working as it should.

While it evokes some negative memories, it is absolutely cool to look at.

As far as how it works, it looks like the “artboard” is probably not redrawing at all like you would for a smooth, singular animation. Instead, the algorithm just leaves behind what it draws as it goes and keeps drawing on top. This creates a smooth, repeated pattern that gives it a 3d “noodle” look. There also seems to be some “mirroring” going on where the drawer starts splitting in certain areas. It certainly adds to the complex but simple nature of the artwork.

Another interesting thing as I was watching this is that the way the drawer moves makes it look like it was a “performance”. The movement looks like its choreographed in a way that makes it look purposefully artistic rather than the random generation of computer.

Margot Gersing – Project 02 – Variable Face

I enjoyed taking my self portrait and adapting it for this project. I did make some changes but I tried to keep the same style. It was also super helpful to learn how to use the curveVector(). It took me a while to figure it out but now that I know how to use it, I know it will come in really handy.


// Margot Gersing - Project 02 - - Section E
var eyeWidth = 30;
var eyeHeight = 30;
var faceWidth = 300;
var faceHeight = 300;
var noseHeight = 200;
var faceColor = 162;
var noseColor = 178;
var eyeColor = 66;
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);
function draw() {
    background(202, 211, 227);

    // face
    fill(246, faceColor, 136);
    ellipse(240, 300, faceWidth,  faceHeight);

    // eyes
    // lids
    stroke(243, 103, 71);
    curveVertex(130, 270);
    curveVertex(130, 270);
    curveVertex(150, 250);
    curveVertex(180, 250);
    curveVertex(200, 270);
    curveVertex(200, 270);

    curveVertex(280, 270);
    curveVertex(280, 270);
    curveVertex(300, 250);
    curveVertex(330, 250);
    curveVertex(350, 270);
    curveVertex(350, 270);

    // eyelash
    line(130, 270, 123, 267);
    line(135, 260, 128, 256);
    line(350, 270, 357, 267);
    line(345, 260, 352, 256);

    // iris
    fill(29, eyeColor, 163);
    ellipse(165, 265, eyeWidth, eyeHeight);
    ellipse(315, 265, eyeWidth, eyeHeight);

    // nose
    fill(255, noseColor, 55);
    triangle(240, noseHeight, 220, 330, 260, 330);

    // mouth
    stroke(243, 103, 71);
    line(210, 390, 270, 390);
    curveVertex(210, 390);
    curveVertex(210, 390);
    curveVertex(230, 375);
    curveVertex(250, 375);
    curveVertex(270, 390);
    curveVertex(270, 390);
function mousePressed() {
    faceWidth = random(270, 450);
    faceHeight = random(250, 450);
    eyeWidth = random(20, 40);
    eyeHeight = random(20, 40);
    noseHeight = random(200, 300);
    faceColor = random(120, 200);
    noseColor = random(160, 200);
    eyeColor = random(30, 110);