Jinhee Lee; Project-04


//Jinhee Lee
//Section C

function setup() {

function draw() {
	background (0);

	//violin strings
	var neckX = 100; //starting position for neck of violin
	var bridgeX = 100; //starting position for bridge of violin
	var stringY = 0;
	var stringX1 = 10; //spacing for string near neck
	var stringX2 = 50; //spacing for string near bridge

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { //draw four strings
		if (i == 0) {
			stroke("#87CEFA"); //sky blue "G" string
		} else if (i == 1) {
			stroke("#ADFF2F"); //light green "D" string
		} else if (i == 2) {
			stroke("#FFFF00"); //yellow "A" string
		} else if (i == 3) {
			stroke("#FFA500"); //orange "E" string
		stringX2 += stringX2; //spacing near bridge grows
		neckX += stringX1; //spacing near neck is constant
		//the difference in spacing creates a "zoom" effect

	//violin bow
	var bowX = width;
	var bowY1 = 240; //y position at right edge
	var bowY2 = 280; //y position at left edge
	var bowY1step = 0.25; //smaller spacing for right edge
	var bowY2step = 0.75; //larger spacing for left edge

	stroke("#D2691E"); //brownish color for bow

	for (i = 0; i < 50; i += 1) { //relatively small spacing makes "solid" object
		bowY1 += bowY1step; //difference in spacing makes "zoom" effect
		bowY2 += bowY2step;

	//violin bow hairs
	//same as bow, on slightly smaller scale
	var hairX = width; 
	var hairY1 = 265; 
	var hairY2 = 350; 
	var hairY1step = 0.15; 
	var hairY2step = 0.5; 

	stroke("#FFEBCD"); //almond color for bow hairs

	for (i = 0; i < 50; i += 1) {
		hairY1 += hairY1step;
		hairY2 += hairY2step;

Originally I had planned to make two branching clusters of branching lines to simulate puppeteer strings, but felt that it lacked variety.

In the end, I opted to create a violin (which I played from elementary to high school) using the same technique I had in mind, but varying the spacing and positions of the “curves” to: a) draw the individual strings and overall bow and b) create a slanted perspective using an artificial “zoom” effect.

Brian Bizier-Looking Outwards-04

This is a project called Tilt Brush that takes place within virtual reality. Essentially, it’s like a 3D drawing program that you can edit in VR. Google recently added “Audio Brushes,” which allows the drawing to detect sound and then procedurally produce or alter paintings based on that sound. I think this is really cool technology, the way it combines the four areas of virtual reality, sound, visual art, and procedural creation. I’m sure that for most this form of creation is prohibitively expensive, as it requires a computer capable of running VR, a headset of some sort, and decent recording equipment. A shame, because one of the great things about digital art is the way it can make art available to a wide variety of people, both powerful tools of creation and the art itself for consumption.

Sarita Chen – Project 04 – String Art


function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
	 background(0); // black.

	 var sizeV = 20; //Variable for the increment.

	 stroke(180,180,255); //Blue
	 for(var b = 0; b < 50; b++)
	 	line(b*sizeV,height,20,b); // Blue lines 

	 stroke(100,255,255); // Teal
	 for(var r = 5; r < 20; r++)
	 	line(r*sizeV,1,640,r*20); // Teal lines 

	 stroke(200,140,255); //Pink
	  for(var g = 0; g < 40; g++)
	 	line(g*sizeV,480,1,g*10); // Pink lines 

	 stroke(255,180,180); //Purple
	  for(var y = 0; y < 50; y+=2)
	 	line(y*sizeV,height,480,y*2); // Purple lines 

	  stroke(255,180,255); //Lavender
	  for(var y = 0; y < 50; y+=2)
	 	line(y*sizeV,height,300,-y*2); // Lavender lines


	 // Just for added effect.
	 if (mouseIsPressed) {

(Please click.)

At first I wanted to have the strings coming out from the four corners of the canvas, but to me it was kind of boring so I just randomly placed them instead. I had some difficulty figuring out how to get the strings to curve in the beginning. My goal was to make the circle look like it was in a room of string.

Brian Bizier-Project 04-String Art


function setup() {

function draw() {
	for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
		line(i*5, 0, 0, 480);
		line(i*5, 480, 640, 0);
		line(i*5, 240, 0, 480);
		line(i*5, 240, 640, 0);	

I ended up liking the starkness of the black and white. I like how the use of simple lines ended up creating patterns in the corners of the drawing.

Jess Medenbach-Looking Outwards 4

Earthworks is a multimedia installation by the artists Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt, using the natural sounds of the earth to create computer generated visuals to go along with it.

For the festival Sonarplanta, the artists put the 5 channel video installation inside of a huge round vaulted space that encompasses the viewer.

The artists take seismic data from the earth’s tectonic movements and then use that data to create sounds. It becomes an almost timelapse of the earth moving. They then use those sounds to generate psychedelic visuals that encompass the viewer.

What I think is inspiring about this piece is that they took something they were interested in, the tectonic movements of the earth and then turned that into numbers, they then took the numbers and turned that into moving data that then influenced sounds that then trigger visuals…or create a whole new slew of data. I think this kind of process is really inspiring, and the breakdown and buildup of information to create a piece of art is really interesting! It puts visuals to something that you know about but you don’t necessarily get to see or hear and brings your awareness to this whole other process that is constantly happening around you.


Jess Medenbach – String Drawing


//Jessica Medenbach
//Section C (1:30PM)

function setup() {

function draw() {
  for (var i = 20; i < 480; i += 5){

  line( i + 100, 400, i / 20,QUARTER_PI*i);
  line( i - 150, 150, i ,QUARTER_PI*i);
  line( i+150, i, i ,QUARTER_PI);
  line(height-i+200, i, i ,QUARTER_PI*i);
  ellipse(i+100, height/2, i/20, QUARTER_PI*i);






Experimenting with different curves and colors, using both lines and ellipse with quarter_pi.



* Rachel Griswold
* rgriswol@andrew.cmu.edu
* Section B
* Project 04

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
	background(140, 205, 255);

	for (var i = 0; i < 320; i ++) {
		var n = (i * 100);
		stroke(252, 258, 192);
    	line(width/2, height/2, 0 - n/2, n);
    	// ^ bottom right hand yellow lines
    	line(width/2, height/2, 640 + n/2, n);
    	// ^ bottom left hand yellow lines
    	line(width/2, 0, 0 - n/2, n);
    	// ^ top right hand yellow lines
    	line(width/2, 0, 640 + n/2, n);
    	// ^ top left hand yellow lines
    for (var i = 0; i < 240; i = i + 10) {
    	stroke(252, 89, 83);
    	line(width/2, i, width/2 + i, height/2);
    	// upper right hand red-ish curve
    	line(width/2, height - i, width/2 + i, height/2);
    	// bottom right hand red-ish curve
    	line(width/2, i, width/2 - i, height/2);
    	// upper left hand red-ish curve
    	line(width/2, height - i, width/2 - i, height/2);
    	// bottom left hand red-ish curve

    	line(width, 0, width/2 + i, height/2);
    	// upper right hand red-ish "triangle"
    	line(width, height, width/2 + i, height/2);
    	// bottom right hand red-ish "triangle"
    	line(0, 0, width/2 - i, height/2);
    	// upper left hand red-ish "triangle"
    	line(0, height, width/2 - i, height/2);
    	// bottom left hand red-ish "triangle"

Although I feel like I learned a lot more about lines and loops, I still felt quite frustrated during this process and I feel like I still need to practice much more to be fully comfortable. The almost halo-like effect from the yellow lines wasn’t intentional at first, but after I figured out how to do it I actually ended up liking it.

String Art-04-sehenry

While working on this project, I became very comfortable with the for() function in p5.js. I started off just writing random for() functions but then saw how easy it was to manipulate the distances and lengths and positions of my shapes and variables. I spent a little too long on this because I wanted to make an eye in the middle of the frame but it was fun!



//Seth Henry

//Section B 10:30 Tuesday


//Assignment-String Art

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
    text("p5.js vers 0.5.2 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
	fill('violet blue'); //randomcolors
	rect(0, 0, width, height); //background rectangle
	if (mouseIsPressed) {
	ellipse(width/2, height/2, 250, 250); //eyeball
	ellipse(width/2, height/2, 100, 100); //pupil
	ellipse(width/2+20, height/2-30, 10, 10);//whiteball
	line(width/2-75, height/2-100, width/2+75, height/2-100); //top eyelid
	line(width/2-75, height/2+100, width/2+73, height/2+100); //bottom eyelid
	line(width/2-40, height/2-100, width/2-40, height/2-120); //eyelashes
	line(width/2, height/2-100, width/2, height/2-125);
	line(width/2+40, height/2-100, width/2+40, height/2-120);
 	else {
	ellipse(width/2, height/2, 250, 250); //eyeball
	line(195, 240, 444, 240); //eyelid
	line(220, 240, 180, 260); //eyelashes
	line(260, 240, 230, 280);
	line(380, 240, 410, 280);
	line(420, 240, 460, 260);
	for (var ln = 280; ln < 380 ; ln+=40){ //middle eyelashes
		line(ln, height/2, ln, height/2 + 50);
	stroke(random(255), random(255), random(255));
	// for(var i = 1; i<640; i+=10){ //Makes a sequence of straight lines from the top left to the bottom right
	// line(i,50,50,i);	
	// }
	for(var e = 1; e < 640; e += 5){ //Makes a curve arching to the top left of the screen
	line(width-e, 50, 50, e);
	for(var a = 1; a < 640; a += 10){ //Makes a curve arching to the top right 
	line(a, 50, width - 50, a);
	for(var o = 1; o < 640; o += 10){ //Makes a curve arching to bottom right
	line(width-o, height -50, width - 50, o);
	for(var p = 1; p < 640; p += 10){ //Makes a curve arching to the bottom left. 
	line(p, height - 50, 50, p);

	//Previous curves that I decided to exclude

// 	for(var y = 1; y<640; y+=10){
// 		line(y,height-y, width-50,y);
// 	}
// 	for(var x = 1; x < 640; x+=5){
// 		line(width-x, height-x, 50, x);
// }




Video of how jacket responds to motion with sound

Machina’s MIDI Jacket (2013)

Machina’s MIDI jacket first caught my attention because it is ultimately a marriage of three things – sound, motion and art. I consider the art to be created through the dancing, as well as the sound that is created through motion. The MIDI jacket is essentially a piece of apparel that creates sounds based off your movements with the aids of an altimeter (measures the distance between your hand and the ground), a magnetometer (compass-like sensor), a gyroscope and an accelerometer (change pitch frequencies based on speed). I admire this project because the wearer is able to seamlessly create a multimedia art form simply through wearing a jacket. I also admire this project because it allows anyone to be an artist – whether they can dance or not, the wearer is able to make art. In the jacket there is an electronic board and a Bluetooth module. The electronic board handles data sensing and passes the data to the Bluetooth module, which then is passed on to a companion app. In the app the data is converted to MIDI. The algorithms that created this work are available through the website as a software development kit. The artistic sensibilities of creators Stephany Jeanaina and Antonio Machina were to “design a clothing brand people could buy, but feel as if they’re buying an electronic gadget.”  and to answer the question, “What sound do your moves create?”.



Wheel of Primes – Mario Klingemann

Wheel of Prime

This project was created to demonstrate a new type of visualization involving Prime Numbers and their positioning on linear rays when the natural numbers are aligned along a Fermat spiral. I thought that this was inspirational through its demonstration of how a key mathematic principle can be boiled down to something so orderly and beautiful at such a large scale even if it’s hard to comprehend at a molecular level. I think the author was able to convey his artistic sensibilities through this display as he mentioned that he did not come across anything like it before, showing not only his creativity in finding this pattern, but also in expressing it. The artist actually included part of the algorithm in the blog and explained the process he went about to create it. But for the ret of the algorithm, I believe he took the numbers generated from the initial algorithm and just formatted them alongside the circle.