Looking Outwards

One of my favorite installation art pieces is one by the name of “Having Fun/Good Life, Symptoms” by Bruce Nauman. The work is actually located in the Carnegie Museum of Art, and having grown up in Pittsburgh I have seen this particular display several times in the past couple of years. Each time I go to the CMOA, I’ve been drawn in by the flashing neon lights of this piece. The sign itself alternates sayings, so that not all words are illuminated at once, causing the visitor to stay and look for a while.. I never really thought about this piece deeply until this assignment, but given this assignment, I’ve come to realize the technological influence and pieces this work has, which, coincidentally, are reasons I admire this piece. The flashing lights of different sayings that go on and off at different times are what draws attention, and attached is a video that shows just that.

Lab thingy Practice Post(?)


Hi, my name is not Bob or John. It’s Isadora


function setup() {
  //create canvas
  createCanvas(600, 600);

  //draw is executed every frame 60 times per second
function draw() {
  fill (255,255,255)
  //if the mouse is on bottom
    rect(300, 250, 55, 55);
  else {
   ellipse(300, 250, 55, 55);
